That right there is the best…when you need gear above the content to do the content…hahaha. How bad are theese people that they need every tiny advantage to clear content.
NAh why whould people that outgear want to run with someone that can’t keep up. It’s why when I do Kara badge farms I inspect gear, and unless your full BT/Hyjal you don’t get to come, same thing for alot of H MgT, no T6 no invite. The point is if you want to be carried then get them to put in RDF, cause otherwise the slow levelers wont be doing heroics because you won’t have gear, you will forever be stuck in your ilvl 187 blues.
Didn’t we already establish you’re a sociopath who just hates other players? You love thenew UI cause it lets you troll. WE GET IT.
Crazy how I have gear and am somehow able to clear content without excluding good players base don their gear. Someone who can’t do that is probably not as good as they think they are. LOL, BT gear for a Kara badge grind…you are part of the problem.
Actually I don’t like the new UI, id rather have RDF, but since this is what we get, I can at least ensure no one gets a free carry. I mean sure if im full Bis Ulduar and your 187 freash lvl 80, you can join my heroic, but you’d better be paying for that carry your getting, its only fair since your not contriuting anything of value.
The diffrence between a group of T6 players and a group of half freash 70’s is about 3 hours in clear time for Kara, T6 guys can do it in an hour or less, freash 70’s its a 3 hour slog, why the hell would I want to spend 3 hours in Kara for badges. I’m not running it for gear, im running it for badges, and someone thats undergeared slows down the group, its simple really.
Someone in one/two raid tier gear below you clearing one/two raid tiers below you…isn’t a free carry. That’s an odd statment at best.
So if I come as a 187 fresh 60 healer and no one dies, I got carried? LOL.
Yes you did, but the odds are no one is going to take a freash healer, because they couldn’t keep up with the pace of a geared group, nothing more annoying than having to stop constantly cause the healer doesn’t have enough healing power to sip mana but still do good healing, once your at the level a healer your level could do 5-6 pulls before needing a drink.
Its all about laziness. Minimal effort for maximum profits.
You have to stop playing with bad players. Any of the healing classes could easily keep up with any dungeon group without needing to drink. The amount of healer mana used going out is based on two things. Tank’s gear and the intelligence of the dps.
Now, if you’re saying you want to be able to stand in stuff an continue to dps…granted. a new healer won’t necessarily be able to make up for your bad play.
Seems to be the absolute truth.
your right, i only have to put in the effort required to do what i want to do, i don’t need to, nor should i have to put in extra effort so a group can carry a random DPS or healer. It’s ok your gonna see it first hand when the tool goes live, within the first 2 weeks they are going to be requiring lvl 187 ilvl for heroics, after the first 2 months expect to see min preraid bis to do heroics, mid ulduar expect to see minimum of Nax geared, and by ICC, well if your not wearing at least full T9 bis your not comming.
It must be sad to live that kind of life. You ever volunteer at a shelter to help people? Ever serve in a military or in a capacity that helps others at the expense of your time? Where does this odd sense of anti-community come from? After just a week of communicating with you, I think I know the answer. I won’t be talking to you anymore in comments my friend, I don’t think its good for you.
I will say there are resources for Antisocial Personality Disorders out there. People can help.
Yup, I have been looking forward to it for a couple years now. Leveled my main in TBC and played some SL to kill the time. I resubbed a couple months ago to get Max flying and Max professions. Can’t believe it went from WotLK classic to WotLk SOM. Now my account has 3 days left and I’m in search of a different game, such a major disappointment.
Yup and I hate it. The “Gatekeeping” even for a M+1 is ridiculous not to mention the time wasted NOT playing the game and just looking for a group. Plus this is for WotLK Dungeons, not end-game content. M+ is end-game content for retail considering the item level of gear is on par to the best raiding gear.
But this is because of how good the community is. It’s worth not having LFD to preserve the community.
You are joking right? I hope. The Classic “Community” with its toxic attitude, gatekeeping, GDKP, gold buying, and boosting is not worth trying to preserve. Its FAR worse than retail in every way.
Well yes, that was what the sarcasm tag (/s) was for. I didn’t think the actual text was obvious enough.
There are some people that actually believe it though.
It’s a blessing in disguise. I’m looking forward to excluding certain specs that I’d otherwise get stuck with using the random dungeon finder.
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