Blizzard's consistent failures, stop defending them

Anybody get the feeling OP is addicted to WoW and resents it so much he lashes at everyone and everything ?


Stop presuming to dictate people’s right to their opinions.

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LMAO the damage control blizard fanpeople go to when they cant even imagine that Blizzard has become the worst gaming company even lower than EA

he clearly hasn’t been paying attention if he thinks im a rabid Blizzard fanboy lmao

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lol off with this pandas head. What a blasphemy. Blizzard and EA are both an embarrassment lol.

encouraging rampant alchoholism is now a valid opinion? My, how times have changed.

yeah your right huggy this guy is clearly unstable youve seen some of his comments on this thread he shouldn’t be experimenting with alcohol

Amen to this.

oh look hes done run off and started a new I hates Blizzard thread calling them worse than EA

I can actually imagine it if EA actually does turn it around

But 1 or 2 good games doesn’t balance everything out when you still have crappy maniulative and lacking in innovation sports games, sub-par/overhyped flops like Anthem, Battlefield 5, Simcity Reboot, or games that failed to grab a good impression until much later like The Sims 4, and games they ruined with injection of monetization crap like Dead Space. Oh and Battlefront 2 (2017)'s lootboxes getting politics involved, Dungeon Keeper Mobile, Rebranding of Lootboxes, buying up and killing studios, Shady Advertising, The SecuROM thing with Spore
 etc etc. This is all in a span of 10+ years.

They even have their own Wikipedia page about them.

I don’t like Blizzard and right now they are terrible, but they are not worse then EA by 10 country miles.

However, you know who Blizzard is worse then?

Bethesda. Cause at least those guys has somewhat of an excuse of being utterly incompetent, Blizzard does not. At least Bethesda doesn’t cannibalized it’s older games to sell a remaster, and even though i hate the creation club, AT LEAST
 at least they credit whoever made a mod and put it on the Creation Club. Blizzard doesn’t with their custom maps, as soon you make a custom map on there, their EULA says “Oh yea, Blizzard made this, not this rando player who loves custom map making, WE, Blizzard, our level designers and such, made it.”.

You know who else Blizzard is worse then? Ubisoft.

Ubisoft, despite certain titles, at least gives a darn about their games to a degree, making them look nice and play competency, and heck, some of them even learn their lesson, i mean look at The Division 1 and 2, despite looking like the same game, theirs some stark differences between them. Far Cry 5; despite losing quite a bit of the elements that makes it good, and not being better then Far Cry 4 and 3, the open freedom of the game it offers and it’s so much fun, plus their Map Editor is just awesome in-general. Plus, they always manage to make Far Cry good
 well for the most. I can’t say for Far Cry New Dawn, it doesn’t look that interesting, since it just looks like it’s going to be Far Cry 5 with Double Jump.

Wait really? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

looks at the activity :expressionless:

Oh yikes lol. Dislikes wow so bad but pre-purchased the next expansion.

It is just another way to reveal how blind and delusional some blizzard fan people are, hell there was someone who was saying pvp and classes in BfA are fine xD

It is a great example that I can point out on blind blizzdrone to the outside and point out why blizzard wont ever improve since people are this blind they ll worship blizzard no matter how trash their games are

Because you are literally lying about this, nobody said they were fine lol
People disagreed with you on pvp not being horrible in WoW and they were pretty honest about wanting classes to not be so pruned anymore

You might want to read the replies in my threads, there’s always someone trying to pretend WoW is just fine

Where did I say it’s “just fine?”

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That isn’t him saying WoW is fine you dolt
You made a false claim about skill being needed in SWTOR, it literally does not
As for classes, they aren’t on MoP level either, closer to WoD if anything.

Nobody is saying WoW is fantastic. It simply isn’t a dumpster fire lol

It does not because you ugh? Dont want to believe it?
Almost all swtor classes have strong broken CDs that can save them from dying 2-3 times and can be rotated, swtor classes have resources which they can fail if misused and make your character useless for a long time, swtor classes have a ton of utility and all of that being outside of the GCD.

That is equivalent to MoP pvp based on people that were doing competitive pvp back in MoP, by saying that BfA is equivalent to that you prove that you dont want to admit that BfA classes and pvp are T R A S H

WoW has lost most of its subs because classes have been trash, anyone who says otherwise is hoepleess

Umm, I didn’t say Bfa was trash actually.

All MMOs have lost subs, not just WoW

And now pretending how WoW did not cause a massive sub loss from trash classes and instead it was just something that happened to all MMOs xD
While also refusing to admit bfa classes are trash

yeah blizz defender detected

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