Blizzard's consistent failures, stop defending them

Blizzard has consistently proven themselves to be quite factually terrible, they ve kept choosing to be terrible with no interest in making some good game, instead choices are based on profit and ignorance.
(In b4 blind blizzard fanpeople start defending the indefensible)

Let’s see a few latest examples.

-Abandoning Heroes of the Storm while previously saying to competitors “yeah it ll keep going” proving they dont care about their players.
-Dont you have phones guys? Aka blizzcon 2018 disaster proving they only care about profit
-BfA being such a huge disaster with their “let us beta test azerite in the last week before launch” proving they are not given enough time to fix things and just focus on deadlines for quarterly profits
-firing 800 employees including people in the QA department on “record profit” year proving short term profit is their only concern.
-Then trying to hire people for the same position but for multiple duties and less pay showing how utterly disgustingly greedy they are and how they ll abuse their workers
-Overwatch going from a big success to irrelevance because the people higher up desperately try to make overwatch a football/handegg sport like competition because they are old brain dead boomers who dont understand how esports and digital games work.
-Banning Blitzchung for daring to fight against an oppressive government proving they ll bend over any country or place with money
-Blizzcon 2019 and Blizzard president’s “Tough hearthstone moment accompanied with a complete fake apology since they have not done anything about it” proving THEY ARE JUST FAKE SPEECHES with no substance.
-Blizzcon 2019, so desperate to save themselves from last blizzcon that they showcase games like diablo 4 which is so early in development it ll take 4 years to be released and were simply trying to get some good PR rather than show good games.
-Completely abandoning Sc2 wcs tournaments when SC2 is the main rts king showing they have 0 idea of what makes a game good or profitable unless they get huge cash injections when they do something.
-Shadowlands shown in blizzcon with very limited information proving the game is very early in development and considering Activision’s obsession with deadlines it wont be delayed which makes shadowlands a confirmed full of bugs, rushed mess of an expansion
-Repeated reports of terrible climate in blizzard company with managers abusing worker’s passion for their game so they work more and for less money while clueless Ceos repeatedly push for more short term profit
-warcraft 3 refunded, 0.5 score on metacritic, literally the lowest scored game ever proving that blizzard just wanted a quick cash grab from those blind emotional fans who ll buy anything they sell and defend them blindly.

Blizzard has consistently proven themselves to be utter trash, yet that is not enough for some people to stop defending them.

This is a great example of humanity’s major weakness, logic and facts are irrelevant, if they want to believe in something they will believe it and ignore all evidence to the contrary and find excuses like “It is just outrage culture” in order to defend their belief that blizzard games arent trash.

Blizzard is dead and gone.


and people think im far too harsh in my opinions yes its no secret im quite critical of the company a bit but this is borderline whackadoo guy I mean you putting Blizzards name in the thread title can be enough cause for them to 404 this topic


If all you do is complain about the game you do realize you can simply stop playing, uninstall and play something else right ? The amount of complaining in GD is astounding. Nobody is forcing you to play this game at all.


This expansion is not the best but I’ve had enough fun to be subbed for most of it.
Blizzard may have made mistakes but ultimately if any of them were that bad, none of us would still be playing.

I’m not loyal to a company. I’m loyal to myself.
If I stop having fun then I’ll stop playing. Until then I’m good.


I havent been playing the game since before 8.3 lul, been playing swtor since then, but yeah, clearly if someone posts on the forums they must be rigorously playing the game xD

Blizzards dead but yet you stay to spread negativity how noble of you I will patiently await the next thread!

  • HoTS everyone with 2 brain cells knew that was gonna collapse
  • BFA sucks we get it
  • They succeeded at firing those 800 people I’m pretty sure they got all of them out of the building
  • They did fail at rehiring for some of those same positions though after they realized it was a mistake
  • Overwatchs fall more or less echos most games no game stays on top for ever with stuff like overwatch gets for updates
  • No one actually cares about Blitzchung and Hong Kong, I sympathize with Hong Kong but I vote keep politics out of gaming tournaments
  • Diablo 3 was anounced years in advance why would Diablo 4 be any different
  • StarCraft 3 needs to happen this is a failure for blizzard
  • Shadowlands has limited info like every other expansion so wasn’t really surprising to me
  • Warcraft 3s Metacritic is being review bombed so that 0.5 isn’t really a good metric outside of outrage culture

I guess this is bye then. Most of those things aren’t even about WoW so I have no idea what you think is going to be done with your ‘feedback’.


is Felicia no longer the name used when people say good bye now its Marla? lol

You do know you can be critical of the business people in Blizzard while enjoying the non business employees yeah?

Heck even my borderline personality butt is going “Dude that’s wicked black and white thinking you got there”

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These is something someone says when their argument is so weak, they’re unable to defend it.

Disagreeing doesn’t make you a fanboy.


Called it.


Its a fact though the bandwagon of hate is a hell of a thing, people love to hate things.


You know that everyone has different thoughts and opinions about things. If you dislike the way WoW has become, good for you. Just because you dislike how things are, doesn’t mean everyone has to follow you and dislike how things are too.


Oh yeah I am sure all the above listed failures of WoW can be excused from a mind that wants to defend blizzard, since defending blizzard is the emotional point since accepting the reality of the situation doesnt benefit such beliefs.

Just an opinion yo, there’s no facts or realities, just whatever you want to believe, doesnt matter if it is utterly wrong, it is just another opinion we should totes respect even though it is factually wrong because who cares about right or wrong and analyzing when everyone just has opinions yo xD

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That is not how opinions work.

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No happiness allowed.
Only rage and righteous indignation

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Im not sure what you hope to gain by staying on the forums for a game you actively go out of your way to be pissed about. You post these every few days.


This doesn’t seem to make sense. Of course your post would be in before reactions to it.


literally nothing in your post is about wow.


Some of us are able to make deeper and more complicated connections than others

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