Blizzard's answer to congestion is really tiring

Like 20+ realms did?

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Ah, yes. For some reason, that felt like it just happened.

Don’t transfer. Don’t even chance it. If you plan to raid, you will regret it.


That’s reductive.

Not being able to log in = not raiding.

What? Classic Andy’s obsession with inaccessibility and no quality of life is biting them in the booty? Oh, geez. Wow. That’s really unfortunate. Gosh. I’m going to lose sleep over this. Mmn… Oh… God… so delicious…

Simple fact is you don’t have to play on fresh start realms. Reroll, transfer, etc.

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who is andy

Just go to arcanite reaper bro.

Transfers are poison for the game and never should have been implemented in the first place.

you can solo it with 3 people

Tranfers are poison for the game and never should have been implemented in the first place.

BRO did you just post RACISM bro?

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how about if you transfer off they give us 500,000 honor points.

At this point it feels like the blues just need to keep their mouths shut. Every time they say something it’s just…awful.

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Solo what. Arcanite Reaper was a server that was added at Vanilla launch to deal with congestion and it died immediately. It doesn’t actually exist anymore. It was just a joke.

This is the reason people don’t transfer, its the reason Blizzard doesn’t fix this for the players. Why should they? They make added money above your subsription for this.

Instead of listening to the trolls and wumao angrily telling people its their fault they can’t play a game they paid for, maybe consider why this is actually a problem in the first place.

Instead you get a lot of nonsense threads created about how good things are on sulfuras. Like you have any knowledge what the population there will look like in a few months, but hey, thanks for letting us know it looks great now!


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