So you know that you can get a choice, I mean again it just sounds like people getting bad RNG and whining.
Agree! I love it.
Get off my nuts, weirdo. Keep comparing golf to WOW, dumbazz.
Let me ask you this, you have 2 people one is average and one is highly skilled. The person who is average gets an item that is a 20% upgrade after running 1 Mythic dungeon. The person who is highly skilled gets an item that is a 5% upgrade to a slot after doing 6 dungeon runs. Does that sound ideal to you if both are the same ilevel?
I think most of us could consolidate into “Bring Valor back” (though not all of us since Tupac is against it) vs arguing about whether or not bosses should drop more loot.
I am 100% for adding valor (or badges whatever) to mitigate extremely bad runs of rng, but I think the drops, in themselves, are fine.
I agree with the removal of forging we wouldn’t outgear things just get upgrades that are at a set ilevel for the current season that help smooth the curve. Imo it could be a nice bonus if anything for alts.
Valor tokens are a good compromise. Getting no loot after doing 3+ dungeons in a row in demoralizing.
I hated forging with the heat of a thousand suns, lol.
I think gearing slower will be better for the health of the game, but yeah getting nothing and nothing and nothing is problematic for some. I don’t mind personally, as I only run with a guild so regardless who gets loot it benefits me in some way, but I do know some people are pugging all of it.
I think its ideal that the average player will be reaching max ilvl near the end of the tier; not 2 weeks in.
IMO, No one should be full clearing a raid until the end of the raid tier. (I’d propose 100% drops on the last boss of a tier tho). If people are getting into their designated content, [Normal, Heroic, Mythic] and clearing it 3 weeks into the tier — it’s a failed raid tier.
Gear is a tool to push more difficult content; if everyone loads up early in a tier – you spend months with no path towards progression; you’ve no more cards to be dealt to improve… Logarithmic gearing is partly responsible for the “mad dash” at the start of every content patch, the continual “oh noes! I’m behind” mentality in the players, and the cesspool of “git gud” seen after week 2.
The point, with RNG drops, is after X runs you’re gonna get it. You might get it slightly before, or slightly after, but you’re gonna get. Could Blizzard just put a counter on each boss so they’ll drop your gear after X runs? Sure… but you’d all do the content and quit… complain how “time gated” it was, and then complain the game is too easy, and then say there isn’t anything to do.
I know it’s difficult to imagine, (given past design in game), but part of the reason you should play … is the game content itself. If you don’t like running mythic+ for the challenge, its not content for you. If you don’t like raiding for the challenge, it’s not content for you. If you don’t like PVP for the challenge, it’s not content for you.
If you’re only purpose to running any of this content is to get xyz drop… why? I mean, that gear is there to help you do the content, you don’t seem to like doing?
This is whatt i’ve been trying to say, people whining about RNG should quit if they don’t like it.
You think Golf isnt a game? You said game, you realize that right? Something that is played generally as a hobby? AKA Golf would fit? Yeah, you dont just win every game. In this game called WoW, which is an MMO, the game is getting loot and defeating monsters. Its more akin to a game of Poker as it is RNG based. This doesn’t mean if you dont get 2 Aces every hand that Poker sucks. If thats the case, you have no understanding of Poker and you should leave the game immediately. This is the same for WoW. You clearly have no understanding of RNG or how it works. Period.
Very well said and one of the few coherent posts here. They get off on a dopamine rush essentially. They get a few pieces of gear, then they dont for a day or two, and they come to complain because their fix isn’t being hit. Much like a gamblers addiction. These people will also be the first to call foul when that gear runs dry if the Devs did decide to give it to us easily. Its probably the most ignorable group in the game because they will forever complain as they are incoherent, irrational people.
Im not sure this group even enjoys the content or the game at this point. They are basically junkies looking for a high.
I both enjoy the content and also feel that gearing is a nice way to enjoy seeing your character increase in power in relation to the challenging content you do. Personally I’m someone who likes getting more powerful and it feeling rewarding because I did the hard content (and seeing bigger numbers is fun). I don’t always need a reward however from that difficult boss as I’ve played Souls games, Sekiro, etc and enjoy the challenge in and of itself. The issue your discussing seems however in my mind conflicting with the inherent design of MMO end game content gearing and its necessity however. At some point you really do need that gear to progress.
No one is asking for ALL the gear in week one my guy. Their saying the amount of work required does not match the chance at the reward given.
Which it doesn’t, 20 people only getting a chance at 3 pieces of gear per boss they can’t even pass around equally is not fun for the people who do equal work and get nothing. Hell, they may get something and it may be absolutely worthless unless your saying Ilvl is king which is a horrendous stamen.
If you don’t like the grind or the reward, why still play the game?
LOL I’m pretty sure that Cata, WoD, and BFA were far worse but it’s your opinion, so I’m not going to try and convince you otherwise.
SL isn’t really all that bad for me so far except for the horrible movement speed restriction in the Maw of course
I think the problem with Badges is that Mythic dungeons and LFR gear took the place of that concept. Badges were put in place so you could get into raiding. Now you can get into raiding with very little gear from LFR. We didn’t used to have Mythic dungeons or Mythic+, so you ran heroic dungeons forever for badges. Now we run more difficult content for gear.
The current system would also make it fairly difficult to determine what gear Emblem gear should be giving. If you want Emblems for a Mythic+4 reward you would have to specifically run tons of Mythic+4 which would cause a host of progression problems as you would feel stuck in that difficulty.
Its also hard to determine what Emblem gear should give you. Considering Mythic-0 and LFR took its place as a gear filler concept, I would imagine Emblem gear would give you rewards on par with this as a best case scenario which would mean the guys wanting Emblem gear would complain they aren’t getting good enough gear without realizing Emblem gear never gave you top of the line drops. It was simply catchup gear, which again, World Quests, LFR and Mythic Dungeons took the place of.
Because there’s more to a game than loot? Seriously man
I agree you need the gear to progress. The discussion about the rate at which that gear presents itself though, is a question of being “fully” powered in 2 weeks or 2 months; It’s simply a question of pacing.
I think it’s detrimental to the game for players to over power the content too early. It has negative consequences for the “community” and ultimately shuts more people out of content by drastically reducing it’s relevance over time.
We’re only on week 3, and everyone had blown past regulars, heroics, and are pushing m+ to the gates. If you fail to keep up with those players you’ve got limited opportunities the rest of the tier; Blizzard will institute catch up mechanics, and negate the content come 9.1… But, with slower gear pacing, many of those players who’ve blown through the content will hit a soft wall, keeping them in the 3-8+ range for longer. Having more people pushing a variety of ranges in m+, (based on skill not gear), provides continual ladder for players to climb throughout the tier and expansion.