Blizzard, you NEED stop allowing premade battleground groups to play against PUGs

It’s just straight-up not fair. Your algorithm just groups us soloquers into battleground groups without thought, and pits us against highly-coordinated hand-picked premade groups of 10/10 (for WSG) or 15/10 (for AB/EOTS). I’ve seen your algorithm put me into a WSG group with literally 0 healers* (not even a feral druid or enhancement shaman, like actually 0 classes even capable of casting a heal).

It’s like pitting a professional MLB team against a little league team of 11-year-olds. Us soloquers don’t stand a chance.

I’m not saying prevent people from playing premades; by all means let them. Just only pit them against other premades to keep the game even remotely fair.


I have very rarely been pitted against a premade since the changes weeks ago. What might be confounding the situation is that such a large percent of alliance players are from Benediction. I think there are lots of alliance pugs from Benediction that are being confused as being a premade.

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If this is still happening frequently (and honestly I haven’t been doing TBCC BGs for like a month because IMO they are not fun due to all the players who have no interest in playing objectives or even really playing them at all) it’s because of the queue times. When the most important part is getting people into the games as fast as possible and a premade queues and 15 randoms queue and oh within that two minutes no other premade queues guess what’s going to happen? Yeah, the premade is going against the randoms. Blizzards priority for BGs over all else is catering to the impatient.

There is some truth to the ally allies being on Bene thing but what I saw the last time I did do BGs is that quite a few from “dead servers” are still queueing BGs. Plus you’ve got all the PVE servers with over 20k raiding allies and then you’ve got Grobbulus with 7k raiding allies. So what’s the chance of no allies from other servers and only 15 from Bene if it’s not a premade? Pretty low. That doesn’t mean the premade is good though. That premade could suck so much that it looks like a pug.

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I had back to back Horde premades last night. It didn’t change the outcome at all from a typical pathetic alliance perspective; just got me the token faster.

But I agree with the OP; the teams should have to wait as long as it takes.


There were some threads a few months back where premades were complaining about having to wait 20+ mins for a game. I’m pretty sure that was Blizzard doing something with the algorithm for matching. Since those few threads it’s been quiet so I’m guessing it was put back to the “Nobody should ever wait more than a few mins to do a BG” thing. If Blizzard is serious about the premade vs premade thing there should be more of a wait, 5 mins at least, so proper queue matching can happen. Hell, it even sounds like they’re doing something with arena matching now and who knows if that’s good. We’ll figure that out based on the S3 threads. They really do seem to have their primary motivation being to cater to the impatient.

I can say for certain that the last time I pugged I was getting put against quite a few premades.

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We have a premade vs premade priority queue, have you ever tried to play as a full 10/15 man premade? You have to wait in queue for 15+ mins until you are matched against another premade.

Which means that if you queue as a premade your honor/hr is in the bin, even if you are good at the game and win every game, the queue times alone will screw you over.

At that point you are better off doing cross server premades with small groups of 5 people and that’s what most people have been doing.

I’ve been into an alliance vs alliance game where a 5 man group was in one team and another 5 man group from the same guild was in another team. Guess what happened? One of the 5 man teams was intentionally throwing the game.

When you have to grind 100+ hrs worth of BGs to gear your character, fun is out the window, people will do whatever they can to get as much honor/hr as possible.

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Maybe this is still a thing then. Good to know. That’s good to know about the 5 man queue sync too, ty.

Yeah sadly people in TBCC don’t seem to like playing BGs much from my experience. I’ve heard some people are still actually having fun so that’s good.

Just fought a full Feralina horde premade. It’s happening more and more often now. They were absolutely trash and barely won so it was actually entertaining.

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It’s perfectly fair - you have the opportunity to form a premade yourself. The point of a premade is to put in the effort to destroy a disorganized group, and they achieve that by putting the effort in.

Be the solution to your problem, not whining about it and hoping someone takes pity.

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A lot of groups that people think are premades are just a bunch of players from the same server (since we have megaservers now). When my friends and I premade it takes WAYYYY longer to queue and puts us against a premade most of the time. It seems to queue us vs whoever after about 10~ mins of queue.

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solo queuing as alliance is like 10% or lower winrate outside of AV

thats why they premade so often, because otherwise theyre just suffering for hours to even get 30 marks for 1 piece of gear, where horde are 4tower pulling van in AV to try to squeak out a win because they dominate every other BG so hard they are capped on marks and are just trying to do ‘for great honor’ turnins

since season 2 has ended on Tuesday, literally 50% of the BGs I’ve played (and I’ve been playing basically all day straight Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Fri) have been premade BGs.


If you’re playing horde, odds are that 90% of the players you play against are from benediction, you can’t know for sure if it’s a premade or not, unless if everyone is from the same guild.

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OK, so the 30,000+ raiding alliance on Grobbulus, Pagle, Atiesh, Westfall, Whitemane (prob not many but still there atm) and those on the smaller servers or those on the “dead servers” that still have people doing BGs don’t exist?

I know people on PVE servers don’t PVP as often but they still PVP. I used to do BGs with people from Pagle etc all the time. They just didn’t like the world stuff.

I also know that Benediction has absorbed most of the PVP server pop and is now a nobody knows each other on the Retail clone, soulless “everyone is just an NPC”, trash quality for an MMO mega server but it still only has about 43% of the population. What are the chances of a 15 person BG having 100% from one server when only 43% of that side plays on that server? Possible but not likely. EdIt: Sorry for getting passionate about Bene, I don’t like the server after researching it for my ally and IMO it killed a lot of other servers. So you can ignore that. My point is really that it’s only 43% of the ally pop.

Anyway, I wasn’t aware of what was being done because I’m totally out of the loop but I know you guys on Benediction premade for a fact. You mentioned 5 man queue syncing so thanks and it could be cross-server sure. If that’s the case (and you said this does exist) then cool, It’s still considered a premade… and if you’re on there and 90% of THOSE people are from Bene there you go. That explains a lot.

Most people in premades are not from the same guild and never have been.

I’ve actually defended premading a lot in the past.

There is a benediction premade discord, you can open that discord at any given time and it’s very unlikely to find more than 2 premade groups going at the same time, if you consider that you have 15+ BGs opened at the same time I find it very unlikely that every game you play against is against a premade, it feels like this is a huge confirmation bias.

I’ve been solo queuing WSG a lot lately, and I’d say that 1 every 5 games I played, my whole team is from Benediction even though it’s not a premade.


I have yet to face a single premade when solo que’ing and to be honest, I have won most of my BGs in the past weeks.

Actually felt like Alliance were starting to be decent lately


when you play a battleground which is Benediction’s daily, you likely will face a lot of ‘premade’, which is actually pug.

It just seems weird that this would be the case with 43% of the ally population making up 100% of the ally BG numbers frequently. That also doesn’t fit what I saw when I was playing my ally a few months ago when people said the same exact thing you are now but fine. I haven’t been playing BGs for a couple of months so you may be correct now.

unless it is Benediction’s daily, i saw a lot of 10/15 all from Bene in my team.

The answer to that is simple math: 0.43 ^ 15 = 3.17*10^-6.

Which means that, only 3 in every 1 MILLION battlegrounds should have 15/15 Benediction people PURELY BY CHANCE. In other words, if you see 15/15 Benediction, there’s only a 1 in 300,000 chance that it’s NOT a premade. Or, in other words, if you see 15/15 Benediction in a battleground, there’s a 99.9997% chance it IS a premade. Your assertion is wildly incorrect, and provably false.

And seeing as, I played about 20 battlegrounds each day, and about half are 15/15 Benediction while I was solo-queueing Horde, this is a tremendous problem.

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