BLIZZARD, would you please do your job?

For the last few months, I’ve been reading the Blizzard forums (General and Shadowlands) in hopes that my main and favorite class will be FUN to play comes SL.

Every day I get disappointed, and week after week I see changes to other classes that make them feel closer to a finished product with a smooth rotation, fluidity, fun gameplay, great looking spells, powerful cooldowns, and cohesiveness. Meanwhile, Hunters just feel… weird and unfinished.

After thousands of pleas, we finally got the HM’s 5% revert. Thank you Blizzard… but what about the hundreds of ideas, suggestions, feedback, stats, charts, spreadsheets, videos, tests??? You basically are getting FREE testing and re-work solutions from your own player base. And these players are as dedicated and passionate as they come. I mean what else can you ask for?

During Pre-Patch I’ve been leveling some alts while we wait for SL release. And these are some of my observations:

Warrior (Arms). What a blast. So fun to play, strong damage, utility, class identity, and most importantly fluidity. Abilities are cohesive and fun to press. Overall, it feels AWESOME to be a warrior.

Mage (Arcane/Frost/Fire): Mages are so much FUN. I mean, talk about mobility, cool spells, powerful cooldowns, a steep learning curve, and a rewarding feeling as you improve upon the class. Great CC, strong DPS, FUN gameplay. The class flows and feels amazing.

Rogue (Assassination/Subtlety/Outlaw): Anyone who hasn’t played a Rogue should do it at least once. The identity of this class is SUPERB. Everything about it just feels like a stealthy assassin, ninja, outlaw, thief, master of shadows who when played correctly can control the pacing and outcome of any fight. It flows so well, and it feels super FUN.

Warlock (Affliction/Destruction): The theme and identity of this class are so on point. Everything about it feels great and even better when your whole kit interacts very well and when the rotation feels smooth and rewarding. And let’s not forget how awesome those spells look. Really makes you want to press all those buttons.

Shaman (Elemental/Restoration): Trying this class for the first time and I have to say that I’m so impressed by how fun the gameplay is. Too early for me to speak on how strong is or not but from a FUN gameplay perspective I give it two thumbs up. The spells look so freaking cool, rotation is pretty smooth. The class identity is amazing and it’s so much FUN to play. Even made me try a healer for the first time since I’ve been playing WoW.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I still miss playing my Hunter every time I play my alts for fun. BUT as I’m playing my Hunter I can’t stop thinking to myself.

Why are we not mobile enough? (MM)
Why is our rotation so clunky? (all specs)
Why despite doing so much dmg in Pre-Patch something feels terribly wrong? (MM)
Why do my spells feel like auto-shots? (MM)
Was that an arcane shot or an aimed shot? (MM)
Why does Rapid Fire go against everything that is supposed to feel like a “Sniper” class?
Why does RF look so bad as a spell?
Why is our major cd “Trueshot” so boring? (MM)
Do any of the devs actually play Hunter?
Do they even read these forums?
Why after 4 years of pleas do we still not have RSV back?
Why was the pet rez time increased to 4 seconds?
Why can’t MM setup their own traps?
Why do SV and BM get a stun (“Intimidation”) while MM doesn’t?
Why do we still have a melee spec when the large majority of players play Hunter for the RANGED fantasy aspect?
Why has MSurv received no relevant changes since its creation in Legion?
Why does MSurv feels so confusing and without identity?
Why is BM literally the same spec we got in BFA?
Why after so many months and forum posts do we still have to BEG devs to listen to us and fix these issues?

These are the questions that make enjoying the game very difficult… GAMES ARE MADE TO BE FUN AND REWARDING.

BLIZZARD we pay you every month, we provide the feedback, we provide the testing, we communicate, we report bugs, we express what we like/dislike about our classes/specs. Would you please do your job?

Make Hunters FUN to play. Thank you!


Try eating a snickers. You’re not you when you’re hungry.


Make Scatter Shot baseline for MM, and a stun. No more DR with traps. One problem solved! You’re welcome, Blizzard.


Alot of your “issues” are not my issues… Hunter is in a much better state than other classes. (Druid for example…)

You say you want more mobility from MM yet complain its not more like a “Sniper” class. I guess bad feedback is still feedback.

I’ll be happily maining a Hunter for SL in its current state…

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Reading this post after maining feral and enhancement :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Glad to hear that, my friend. You might be content with the current state of Hunter but that doesn’t mean the class is well designed or that its current iteration for all of the three specs feels cohesive, new, balanced, fun, and satisfying to play. I understand we are in better shape than other classes, but I’m here fighting for what we deserve. In Supatese words:
“If as much attention went into shadow priest into every spec I think wow would explode in popularity.”

I think is fair to say, that all the classes deserve the Shadow Priest treatment. Also, why do you stand against improvements to your own class? Makes me wonder…

I do want more mobility. If you take melee classes, for example, they don’t have to stop and cast to continue doing their damage rotation. They have gap closers and even some very effective ranged abilities, as well as stuns.

As for the sniper class comment, that goes to tell you that the core identity of MM is contradicting itself. Therefore, I as a MM Hunter player contradict myself and struggle to find my identity between a “Sniper” with abilities like Sniper Shot, and Aimed Shot (our main damage dealer and what our entire class is designed around) or a semi-mobile ranged damage dealer using RF and trying to be an old iteration of RSurv who wants to be a Lone Wolf but still needs its pets to provide lust and Mortal Wounds to the group.

[quote=“Fredfelstone-proudmoore, post:4, topic:698418”]
I’ll be happily maining a Hunter for SL in its current state…
[/quote] Most likely it will remain my main too as it has for many years… But I’m still fighting the good fight, asking for a well-designed class.


You are the exact type of person that Blizzard will never make happy… Lets see how many people come to your defense? :popcorn:

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I find it difficult to take anyone’s critiques seriously when they through around terms like “Clunky”. Like ew :persevere:

I mean … I have been enjoying melee surv quite a lot - and if we’re being honest having a melee hunter that fights side by side with their pet is really cool spin on the hunter class fantasy. I don’t see the problem with it considering there are literally two other hunter specs that are both distinct from one another.


Sounds like you need a break from the game, they are fun, I love survival.

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Griping about your own class’s issues in a Hunter thread is really petty. Druid and Shaman still have their own issues for sure! That shouldn’t be ignored! So do Holy Priests, Demo Lock and many other specs.

That doesn’t mean MSurv isn’t a trainwreck, BM is hurt bad by the new pet rez time, MM feels really… awkward and will probably be absolute dog poop if it gets nerfed (and see those numbers? It’s getting a nerf…), we have all these gorgeous new pets to tame yet can’t really use them because they backtracked on individual pet specs, and so on.

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This is so NOT the huge issue people make it out to be…

I wish the Hunter community will unite and agree on changes that will improve the class, instead of attacking, insulting, or mocking each other trying to prove one player knows better than the other.

Sorry but I’m not interested in any of that. All I want is for the Hunter class to be the best it can be for Shadowlands. For all 3 specs to feel cohesive, fun, and competitive. Here are some ideas based on what I keep seeing everywhere:

  1. Pet rez time revert to 2s
  2. Scatter Shot on Disorient and off Ice Trap DR.
  3. More Survival talents/abilities baseline. Less dependency on pet for damage. (not asking for pet to be removed)
  4. 4th spec RANGED SURVIVAL from MoP or WoD.
  5. Make Serpent Sting baseline for MM
  6. Buff Barrage and Explosive Shot to compete with Careful Aim.
  7. Buff AMOC to compete with MaMa.
  8. Rework DeadEye
  9. Make Volley baseline and have a talent to buff its damage, duration or reduce its cooldown
  10. Bring back Aspects.
  11. Bring back Trueshot Aura. Will be very useful to have something to bring to Raids and Mythic+. Most classes do, why not Hunters like they used to?
  12. Allow for Survival to use all of their abilities from Ranged or Melee via talent specialization.

These are just some ideas. Hoping the devs see this or any of the great suggestions out there.

Thank you for reading :v:


The OP opened that door by gushing about how great other classes have it. Not that I don’t agree that the Hunter class doesn’t need some help but if anyone thinks other classes are so great why are they bothering playing a class that they feel is basically broken.

SL and the patch has been so full of bugs it’d make an Orkin guy queasy.

All of the Hunter specs are kinda bleh at the moment. Comparing a class to a spec if unfair when other SPECS of those classes are more than viable. At least, it SEEMS that way. I weep for Enh Sham even though I don’t play one. I like the fantasy of it.

Although, I do not agree with many of the issues that you pointed out, I definitely do not agree with this statement.

I don’t think that the Hunter community is as you have depicted it, and actually I always got plenty of advices and constructive comments.

Again, I do not agree with plenty of your opinions, but yeah, MM is a bit lackluster at some areas where other classes excel… but it is not so terrible as you have depicted.

For instance, MM still has plenty of mobility compared with other classes - but ofc, it will have a lower one compared to BM. I don’t see why that would be an issue.

May be the best would be to give it a better chance, and try to get the grip of it’s gameplay, and if you still feel uncomfortable, probably chosing a different main will help you feel better.

Huh? It absolutely is…especially for PvP.

Those who don’t see that don’t do much with their hunters.


Yea PvP means nothing to me… I’m one of those people that get annoyed when they ruin my PvE because of the PvP whiners.

I agree that every class has their own problems and shouldn’t be bashed. No one should feel gutted. No one should feel stuck relying on temporary borrowed power roids to feel functional.

We’re all on this wild, buggy, broken ride together.

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It is. Especially in PVP and in high keys. This is a GARBAGE change they did not need to do.

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