BLIZZARD, would you please do your job?

Except it absolutely is a pve issue too. Maybe not in your world quests or mythic 2 keys LOL

Yeah, BMs are so reliant on their pet that the mixture of squishiness and hi rez time without even bandaids (like the return of the insta-rez Aspect of the Phoenix) decimates them in PvP and really hurts their prospects in high M+. As for raids, idk, but considering Pet AI is brainless when it comes to mechanics it’s probably a death sentence there too. Either way, it’s not good and just because it doesn’t affect you doesn’t matter.

It’s a MMO, remember? I play MM so it doesn’t affect ME that much, but I’m not going to poo-pooh BM hunters.

I get annoyed when my PvP gets changed because of the pve whiners.

And the revive pet change is a huge issue. If you mained a hunter you’d know.

Who cares if it’s in a better state than druids? If both classes are in s***ty places then they should both be worked on so they aren’t in an awful spot.

Meh, idc about mobility. I’m fine being a turret class so long as I have the damage output and survivability output to make up for no mobility.

I’ll be maining mine too, but not happily because this class can be in such a better spot if blizz put even the slightest bit of effort into this class. It feels like they just give us new pet skins and families instead of addressing the issues we have.

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No its not…

Yes, it is.

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Nope… Sorry, it really isn’t

Yup… sorry, it really is.

Lol… Ok you can have the last word son.

Thank you. Have fun with your WQs and mythic 4s.

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Imagine thinking the revive pet change is the problem.

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Lol trying to put me down doesn’t make you look any better…

I don’t come here to look good.

Maybe you need to step back and do something else. Maybe see a therapist. Not kidding.


I’m ok buddy, but thanks for your concern. I’ll admit that was a bit much. It’s just a game after all. Let’s just focus on whatever changes we can ask and get before SL drops.

Way too many people in these forums trying to discredit, offend, mock, one another for the sake of it.

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Ya survival got no changes. I mean people wouldn’t complain as much if our conduits and legendaries where unique but grinding up for the same stuff we have now is no bueno

Pets die in pve too.

Especially in some high keys.

The issue is two fold: pets are squishy + res pet is too long at 4 seconds.

I agree that SV can be confusing. The way the abilities and talents weave together is not obvious. Even experienced content creators miss things like bloodseeker applying to all bleeds, not just YOUR bleeds. That said, I think of you gave SV some time and a little bit of study, you might find you really like it. I say this because you have positive opinions about arms warrior and rogue playstyles so you obviously aren’t opposed to melee.

You lost me at Mage… Mage literally hasn’t had real class design changes in 4 years, doesn’t matter if they are strong or not they are hilariously stale beyond belief. Feral is basically the same spec it’s been for 6 years. Demo is still a clunky mess, Enhancement even after it’s rework is still all over the place. Just because you’ve never played a spec before doesn’t mean it’s a blast or fresh.