They had those in WoD and they weren’t hidden, and they still couldn’t balance them.
difference between this frost and 2h frost is the damage spread is a lot better (not great) and I actually get use out of all my stats as opposed to 2h frost completely shutting mastery out the window.
anyway I would much rather they look into fixing some of frosts issues as opposed to adding more
While I’d wildly prefer it being an actual subspec, I’d 100% settle for cosmetic. Especially if it came with a Frostmourne appearance.
i really dont see an issue with that but it took blizzard many xpacs just to let us t-mog a sword into an axe. idk if they really want to add it
They already did. Holy paladins can transmog their one hander and shield into their two handed mace.
thats a little different since for some reason they decided to give holy pally a completely different weapon type. Same is true for guardians and ferals
How’s it different? The technology is there, in game, being used right now.
ya it is but im saying they dont seem to keen on using it. I never said they couldn’t i just said they wouldn’t
and i said it was different because their artifact wep they worked on all of legion was going to be taken away so they lifted all the restrictions just for the artifacts. This is true for casters aswell since they can mog a staff over 1h offhand
I getcha. Yeah, they need to change that at the barest minimum.
This isn’t some indie company, if they’ve got the resources and noggins in their building to pump out these skinner-box systems year after year, i think they can add 2% to a 2H frost dk passive buff once a week til it spreads out the damage a bit and works reasonably well.
I see where you’re coming from but now i think it’s just a disagreement in, not what Blizz is capable of, but where players should and should not make excuses for them. This is where I say that it’s very disheartening as a player/consumer to see players ask for certain changes and just never get them, even after alphas and betas, massive forum threads spread out over months, nothing changes.
Again, I’d settle for transmog even if it meant them not combining the two oblit numbers from DW into a single number for 2H (Which is what i initially meant by big oblit crits, not bigger like i had unintentionally implied, just made into one.) I know there’s issues with this too, but we are arguing two different points here. You don’t want 2H because you think its going to detract from DW and has only worked well a few times (Wrath, cata PVP, MoP PVP, SoO up until mythic ilvl, Highmaul, WoD PVP to name the ones off the top of my head). I personally want the appearance of a 2H frost DK. I’d love it if it felt like i was using a two-hander as well, and i don’t think that this would be nearly as difficult for Blizz as players seem to love to suggest.
I would have absolutely 0 issues, none what so ever if they wanted to add 2h > 1h transmogrifying for classes (2h sub rogue? okay that is super cliche ninja) but I get the feeling they want to make each spec as visually distinct as they can. HOWEVER with them adding more cross spec spells (lol death coil on frost why?) it might happen someday.
I don’t think it should be for everyone. DKs use two handers. Warriors use one handers. So, if fury warriors don’t get Single Minded Fury back, they could do the next best thing and just mog one handed weapons.
Yeah death coil is a weird one. They removed it only in what, Legion? I guess they want us to have a ranged runic spender, but unless they change up how it works i can’t imagine really using it. /shrug I didn’t get to play the demo, if the change would even be in it.
i think i came across wrong with the sub rogue thing i was actually thinking that might be kinda funny but anyway i totally agree with it being just for some specs. if it ever happened
RIGHT id rather have death siphon back and baseline dark sim
Then advocate for transmog. They can go from DW to 2h in terms of transmog but not the other way. They can’t, at least not yet, make a DW transmog over a 2h weapon due to attack animations being only on the main hand when you do it.
Going from DW to 2h however just makes a faster attack animation.
Yes they can because they already have. The same technology that was put into the holy paladin’s hammer was put into Frost Death Knight’s Blades of the Fallen Prince.
Edit: Proof:
As you can see in the image, my offhand is not transmogged in the manager. However, the game treats it as though it already is, being the mirror copy of my main hand Frost Challenge Mode Skin.
They’re kind of right. You can mog a 2h into a DW, but the off-hand will never swing.
Sure it will, because the game will think you have an offhand. It will treat your empty offhand as though it has the swing speed of your artifact.
That isn’t what I was talking about at all. You are just talking about 1 transmog overwriting 2 weapons, I’m talking about that if you brought back 2h and it was the weapon you got, but you liked say blades of the fallen prince you would only attack with your main hand and as slow as the 2h weapon.
The difference between the holy artifact and what holy paladins use for the most part is they still only have one weapon so the attack animation is fine.
To make the animation going from 2h to DW they would have to figure out a way to change the animation so that the DW option would attack with both hands and not just the main hand weapon.