Blizzard "would like to do" 2H Frost

I did and still, thats old passive while me and the otehr dude are talking about how thing works currently read what i said again, and again, and again. Apparently youre slow like that.

You are the best pupperfreund.


We’re all slow here, we’re DKs. That’s just how we are.

Apparently some more than others though, since you don’t seem to understand why that link is relevant to your “Oblit would hit the same with 2H as it does DW.” Especially since for some reason you think that was about how it currently is, when 2H Frost isn’t even a thing currently.

Ya’know, let me try and walk you through it, you’ve got this buddy.
If two-handed Frost were to be brought back without removing dual-wield Frost, Might of the Frozen Wastes would have to be brought back or something similar would have to be added.
Still following? Hopefully you aren’t too confused yet.
So if 2H returned, MotFW returning as well would mean Obliterate would then do more damage when used while wielding a two-handed weapon.

Do you get it now?


This is obscenely rude. :triangular_flag_on_post:


Did you forget what you quoted?
Here’s part of it.

Do you skim everything people post or something?


having choices matters a lot more than balance, i remember there were still a bunch of 2h Dks even if DW was the best and TG warriors even if SMF was the best, it was 5.4 i think.
and if they really care about balancing the game they would have not done azerite armor.


Both you and Kalliste are arguing that Obliterate is not going to hit hard with 2H because it operates the same with both 2H and DW. Might of the Frozen Wastes increases Obliterate damage beyond what the ability itself provides if you use a 2H but has no effect on Obliterate if you DW.

Bringing back Might of the Frozen Wastes and using it as an equalizing capstone (in other words, adjusting it’s numbers to equalize the damage between 2H and DW after everything else has been balanced as much as it can be) is what will allow 2H and DW to work together.


So you want an old passive back that caused the problems that led to it getting removed. If you want obliterate to hit harder which it doesn’t matter if 2h or DW you want it to hit harder, just buff obliterate. Even if you take the best frost dk right now from logs they have 9.9k str that is 11k hit (if there isn’t hidden information and there is weapon damage calculated somewhere). For an end game dk that is pretty low for a 2 rune spell that doesn’t scale with mastery and other classes are seeing like 21k hits. A core spell shouldn’t be hitting for so little. It was doing more damage in wrath as DW more regularly since people were getting 25k crits with 0 buff Lich King kills.


Or you just make obliterate hit harder and you take power away from BoS. Affliction is seeing this same thing with death bolt or whatever it’s called. The other 2 choices just don’t compair one being a negative dps gain.

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  1. Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Removed.
  2. Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.0 (2015-06-23): Now increases Frost Strike’s damage by 100% (up from 50%) while dual-wielding.
  3. Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Effects from [Threat of Thassarian] added. Now increases the damage of Obliterate by 50% (up from 40%) and melee damage by 35% (up from 30%) while wielding a two-handed weapon, and increases the damage of Frost Strike by 50% (up from 35%) while dual-wielding.

“D-dual w-w-w-wield was out dpsing two handers naturally, r-r-right g-guys?”


The whole point of me bringing up arcane at all is because they ARE a sub-optimal build. Every other mage spec out performs them on that fight BY FAR. Just like would happen for 2H Frost in your scenario, so why should that be used as a metric for what should and should not be allowed?

There’s no difference between 2 sub-optimal specs, just 1 that’s convenient for your argument and one that isn’t. Also, my whole point was to prove that you can’t gate keep “Hard content” as you put it in 2019, since all of the content is being cleared by so-called “worst” specs. So calling them a liability is wrong if people are willingly bringing mage specs to the raid that are out performed by other mage specs by easily 8-10% yet still killing the boss with no problem.

Edit: I feel the need to point out again that I’m not on some campaign to get DW removed, just that I’d like a 2H optional as well. Even if only cosmetic, but I’d personally like a return to form. Just because i want 2H added back doesn’t mean I’m gonna face-roll my way through LFR with all the wrong talents and stats. I just want the option back to mess around with. Just because it wasn’t “optimal” to some people is such a ridiculous argument to try and get rid of this option.


You’re citing a single passive as indicative of all balance. You’re also looking at the one time we’ve already pointed that 2H Frost was ahead in Highmaul due to the beta nerfs, and the subsequent buff to bring it back up. You couldn’t confirm your bias anymore even if you actually tried to make any kind of actual argument.


Man, Frost Strike’s patch notes are a trip. “Dual wield is so balanced and supreme!”

  1. Hotfix (2016-09-23): “Frost Strike damage increased by 12%.”

  2. Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Now deals 500% of weapon damage, up from 88%.

  3. Hotfix (2016-03-03): “Now deals 10% less damage against another player.”

  4. Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.3 (2015-11-17): Damage has been increased by 10%.

  5. Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.0 (2015-06-23): Now deals 20% more damage.

  6. Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14):

  7. Now replaces [Death Coil] for Frost death knights.

  8. Damage has been increased by 100%, but its Runic Power cost has been increased by 5 (up to 25 Runic Power in Frost Presence, and 40 Runic Power in other Presences).

  9. Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Now deals 115% weapons damage (up from 105% weapon damage).

  10. Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now replaces Blood Strike. Weapon damage reduced from 130% to 105%, and bonus damage removed. Runic Power cost reduced from 40 to 35.

  11. Cataclysm Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26): Now deals 130% of weapon damage, up from 110%.

  12. Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Changed to a Frost Specialization.

  13. Wrath of the Lich King Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): This ability can now be dodged, parried, or blocked. Weapon damage bonus reduced to 55%, down from 60%.


Still looking at one thing at a time and not the whole picture? Yikes.

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No, I specifically looked at the whole picture. Dual wield is, as I already knew from maining Death Knight every expansion since wotlk, a pale imitation of Two Hand.


Go find some logs or sims.


Because balancing arcane doesn’t have an impact on anything other than arcane.

Back that up with logs and sims. A lot of that balance probably wasn’t due to 2h vs DW but frost vs other specs and classes. You are just looking for confirmation wherever you can find it without actual logs.


Yeah, the spec was originally designed for big hits, which thematically and functionally fits two handed weapons much better. If there was some burning desire of Bliz to force a dual wield spec in the DK specs, Blood (to be the sole parry-based tank) or Unholy (for quick plague spreading attacks/bursting sores), are the specs that should of been forced to dual wield. Bliz literally picked the worst spec for force dual wield upon and has since been trying to create a dual wield spec designed around a skill which is suppose to splash huge single crit numbers (obliterate)…


“Find evidence.”
::Dreadmoore supplies direct evidence that dual wield is repeatedly terribly behind. So much so that in the dual-wield only expansion of Legion, it must be buffed FIVE HUNDRED PERCENT.::
“Find logs.”

yeah nah, you’re wrong.

Yep. I’ve been a long time wpvper. I used to rely pretty heavily on obliterate crits to ruin folks. I miss those days. Nowadays, Obliterate only barely beats out Frostscythe.