Blizzard "would like to do" 2H Frost

you guys do know this is pr speak for “no”



As I have said before Let frost keep dw and also gain 2h. There is no reason both can not be done. The fact that it changed for legion and we got a depressing artifact weapon.

Frost DK’s looked at our kind that was unholy and blood and we just hung our head looking at our two small swords compared to the 2h weapons they had.


Never a problem other than all the problems it caused right?

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Like which problems? You said it almost always performed worse, i can’t imagine it was exactly breaking the game.


does no one remember how every ability for 2h frost hit like a flaccid wiener apart from oblit? atleast with dw your other spells actually felt useful

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How hard it is to balance. But let’s just they they brought it back, how hard do you think obliterate would hit for exactly? Right now it’s [60% of attack power + 60% of attack power] which unless the tooltip has information missing it’s not going to hit hard with 2h.

From what I recall they went to attack power instead of weapon damage long ago. Look at strikes in the game now. Frostscythe is 14% of attack power, raging blow is 50%+50%. Crusader strike is 76.5% attack power and goes on and on. So if that’s the case how exactly are you going to see these massive 2h crits when how the system calculates damage (unless information is left out of the tool tips) isn’t based on weapon damage like it was.


We already know there’s a lot of hidden information, hidden tuners and scaling and hidden interactions between stats. What you say about AP and oblit may very well be true, but for that to be the end of the discussion is kind of silly with the tech they have implemented since Legion.

They’ve made it so they can fine-tune and adjust damage just as well as they can broadly, and to a fairly specific degree. There’s absolutely no doubt that it’s easier for the devs to balance the game when specs are locked into armor/weapons, but with all the people trying to make this happen, it seems ridiculous just to leave it dead in the water like this because it used to be difficult.


Not if you separate them like it was in WoD. What you do to one has an impact with the other and you can’t always just tune might of the frozen wastes or threat of Thassarian. It just doesn’t work like with the the 2 playstyles using the exact same abilities. Say it wasn’t frost strike or obliterate that needed tuning, say howling blast. If you had to nerf that for DW then it’s getting nerfed in 2h. Anything in DW could be buffed or nerfed at any given time and it will be the same for 2h. Or what if obliterate needed buffed for DW because it doesn’t scale with the rest of the kit, so you buff it, then you have to nerf 2h to compensate and it just gets to the point of being an absolute mess.

There won’t be a different playstyle if it even came back as a weapon choice. It would just be transmog which most people aren’t against or going back to how it was in wrath with 2h being a back burner type of thing. DW was also hitting just as hard with obliterate as 2h specs like blood death strike for example.

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I say let us use two handers and get bolvars mace as a weapon… as the lich king he seems more like he would be frist than blood or unholy


More threads. we already have 60% of the front page, but lets make that number 90%!.. or at least 75%?


For what its worth, I do not care if 2h frost is bleeding edge, the most viable spec out there. I’d just want to play it again. As others pointed out, it was behind DW for most of its existence. And thats fine for me if it remained that way. I’d be perfectly content playing 2H if its not the optimal setup. I play my DK as an alt. Anyone who mains one and cares about min-maxing doesn’t really give a damn if frost is 2h and or DW, and if it stays that way fine.


It was because weapon damage and speed was a thing. It isnt anymore. Obliterate would still hit the same with an 2 hander or DW.

You can be damn sure those arcane mages are using the most optimal build setup for their talents traits and gear not some suboptimal build just for kicks.

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look lets be honest all u 2h stans really care about is them phatty oblits right? dont answer i know im right. Heres an idea play arms warrior, arms warriors have a phatty strike called mortal strike and their entire shtick is to make that phatty even phattier. You’re welcome.

now leave my frozen flurry of strikes alone


I don’t think anyone is truly campaigning to get DW removed, we just want our big swords back.

but using your same logic, you could always just go play a rogue if you want a flurry of strikes. They even have an ability named Blade Flurry for you.


What would be the problem if it was just brought back cosmetically??


Wtf that has to do with anything read what i said properly. You literaly know nothing about dks and how itemization works.

You… you sure about that?

You maybe wanna read the ability in that link champ?