Blizzard "would like to do" 2H Frost

I am indifferent as to whether Frost is 2-hander or DW. However, I want Blizzard to definitively pick one or the other. I don’t want them to try and preserve both options because it will inevitably mean one will be stronger than the other and it may well yo-yo from patch to patch. Being forced to re-gear every patch to accommodate whichever one is best atm is frustrating and annoying.


I love the “guess you want to hold your raid back” comments. If you arent last in dps who gives a crap. Yall likely arent pushing world first, and if you are, don’t take that DK its pretty simple. Again things can be balanced on the tooltip in regards to 1h v 2h skill damage, like they use to do with rogues and dagger v 1h skills. And optimal =/= viable.


Every other Melee HAD this option in the past, we want it back. Not to be special.

Why don’t you get this? It’s not about it being OP, its not about trying to make frost better, some people just preferred this playstyle and want it back.


It’s not about the numbers. PVP exists you know, and 2H was better for PVP far more than DW was. You can say everything below you in the game is “irrelevant”, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have things exist that aren’t the 100% optimal choice. To say that people wanting 2H are irrelevant and only do irrelevant content is a joke.

Again just a matter of doing hard content or not.

There are arcane mages killing mythic Azshara, you don’t need to be the most optimal to play the game at your level, you just think you do.

Even so, why should an entire section of a player base not receive a change they desire just because it wouldn’t be up to your standard of damage, and only potentially?

Some people just want to play 2H and don’t care if they’re a “liability” for doing 2% less damage than dual wield. You can clear heroic with a blindfold on in a PUG, as is demonstrated week after week, so who cares?

If you want to min-max, you can stay DW, but people wanting the option to come back which has existed for years has no effect on your gameplay as you’ve described it.


This point seems to be hard to drive home to these pro 2H Frost people. They want to run around doing WQs as Frost and have no idea that 2H was never as viable (mainly) since Frost DKs have been around. Blizzard has never been able to balance this.

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You’re the one who doesn’t understand. Viability does NOT equal optimal. Viability means if you even take it into a raid you’re just gonna drop dead from AoE while you do your meager gray parse damage. It was never that far behind. Just because its a few percent behind doesn’t mean anything, people are clearing the hardest content in the game on specs which are easily out-performed by their same-class counterparts but 3-4%, even 5%. It doesn’t matter, you can post over and over and over again saying DW was always better, and it almost always was, but it doesn’t matter. People will do a few % less damage to actually enjoy their spec more. Again, just continue to dual-wield, no one is trying to tell you how to play your game.


Why did Blizzard make Frost DW in the first place?

Because it was during a time where the game had multiple options for some specs. An option that a lot of people want back.

You’re trolling in the other thread too, insulting people and calling them unintelligent while missing the point entirely.


Where is your main DK?

These threads are a cancer at this point. Just like the cursed “alliance should get high elves” threads.

It’s the same 5 posts and then circular trolling over and over again.

Either ban 2H frost threads or make one big containment thread.


Fury Warrior, WW Monk, and Enhancement Shaman could DW or 2H prior to Legion. For completeness, Hunters could also DW or 2H prior to the removal of the minimum range for ranged weapons.


what unique? all 3 rogue specs are DW, shamans are DW, monks are DW, Demon hunters are DW

right now, only Arms warrior, Ret paladins, Surv hunters, Unholy and blood dks use 2H

The spec just feels wrong as DW, DW never combined with DKs


My feedback:

Please bring Two Handed Frost back.



Sweet, I would love 2h frost back. Really sad with when I found out about Frost DK’s artifact in Legion.


It’s because they couldn’t balance them within the same spec. They tried it for 3 expansions and it failed. DW was always ahead of 2h aside from a very few times, like 2. Logs and sims during those times, even in wrath when there wasn’t a distinction in gameplay and they just left 2h to be behind, shows that DW was ahead.

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I’ve admitted that, but it wasn’t that far behind. It also was almost always AHEAD in PVP. Can’t forget about the other half of the game. On-top of that, it’s always been a choice, people elected to do a few percent less damage to enjoy their class more.

No one has denied what you’re saying, it’s just no the whole picture.


I hope the game, as a whole, opens up. Whoever decided to close up options removed those options. I am sure that someone was using those options, with some being more used and some being less used. Now they cannot have fun the way they had been, and had to find their fun elsewhere (another class/game/hobby).

I enjoyed the open range of choices we were presented with in past versions of the game. DK’s in particular were quite open in how they worked, even if some things were not as good as others. But other classes also have had parts of their kit removed.

Here’s to hoping everyone gets what they want in Shadowlands. :beer:


Agreed. More choices and customization would help this game grow again.


Except people keep bringing it up and want both to exist and it’s not going to happen. The only way it could even happen is transmog.

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I would accept transmog over nothing.

Both options have existed in the past for years, in some cases over a decade. It was never a problem until they were silently removed in Legion never to be brought back.

It’s not about the distinction in game play, its about the burst in PVP and the aesthetics of a 2H frost dk.