Blizzard won't tell me why I was silenced

You are intentionally misconstruing.

EDIT - I should also point out that Blizzard can see Bnet accounts, IP addresses, and alts.


The CS forum isn’t a place to debate weather or not something is X, Y or Z. More to the point, trying to debate the rules being apply to something is meaningless as they’re not to change to fit someone’s likes.


Many are. CAN you do it, yes.

Is it a good idea to do it - I wouldn’t recommend it.


How so? I’m saying by their logic, guild invites with whispers are just spam in general.

They’re not being brushed off.

Also, we don’t know the history of account action the player has had. They might have received warnings in the past. Each penalty tends to increase the duration of the account action.

Not much of a deterrent.


That is not what was said. What was said was that spamming many people with invites to advertise a non wow youtube - is not ok.

Given some of the removed content in this thread, I can see why the adverts were not acceptable for game.

Again, Blizz can see alts…


Same guild, must be same person? :woozy_face:

Coming from the same location - does look a bit suspicious.


The Youtube video is related to our Guild, making it WoW related. If we’re not allowed to ginvite with a whisper, then I don’t see why others should be allowed. We’re not the same person, not that that’s at all relevant or any of your business.

I rest my case


Wow, talk about creepy.

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That’s fine, Rabbit - but I suggest you keep it within the guild.

One does NOT need to mass invite to form a guild. In fact, it is arguably one of the worst ways to do that. At least, if you want a guild that actually functions, instead of just having a body count. A real guild is far more than just having a shared tag over your head.


You are posting on private forums where you agreed to all monitoring. I told you they can see all that.

Blizzard shall have the right to monitor and/or record your communications when you use the Platform, and you acknowledge and agree that when you use the Platform, you have no expectation that your communications will be private. Blizzard shall have the right to disclose your communications for any reason, including: (a) to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; (b) to enforce the terms of this Agreement or any other Blizzard policy; (c) to protect Blizzard’s legal rights and remedies; (d) to protect the health or safety of anyone that Blizzard believes may be threatened; or (e) to report a crime or other offensive behavior.


If you’re worried about being Silenced in game, I’d be careful trolling this forum.


Let’s just tell the whole world we’re roommates then.

Jfc, this is crazy unprofessional.

Question still remains unanswered, but who cares at this point.

Peace out.


Pray tell, what question has remained unanswered?

I get that you don’t like the answer - that’s your prerogative, but your questions have been answered.


That was a huge breech of privacy. We’re not even the same person, we just live together. Can’t you see we’re on diff computers too?

Y’all are gross. Goodbye.


No, they’re doing their job and letting you know they can see a lot more detail than you think.

Not even close.

No private information was revealed. Ie - you name, address, phone numbers, email address.


No one’s business that we live together. That was definitely wrong, and you fanboys defending their lack of professionalism is why this game is dying. No one can trust this company anymore.


To be frank, thought you two was leaving the thread. I guess it isn’t that much of an issue.