Blizzard will never admit that Survival rework is a failure

Structure of my guild I’m in it’s different. We are serious adult people who don’t care to much about progression to much. We are having fun and good time. And that one SV hunter it’s me actually.

Most of the guild members in there can be your grandparents at least. So a little bit more experience and gameplay it’s on our side. Not to mention gameplay for fun not to be best of the best.

Odd I had fun on my Ranged survival before it was deleted from the game and it didn’t stop it from happening, and as far as experience is concerned I started with MMO’s with EQ (Bristlebane) around a month after it was launched.

I would have been fine at one time with the 4th spec idea but this forum and people like you have made me rethink that stand.


Rethink what you want.

There is 3 types people on forums right now.

  1. People who are meta , play current meta class and don’t complain about class that is not meta
  2. People who play some class and just think it needs a buff
  3. Trolls

So find yourself.

At that’s all what it takes. People are
Trolls and toxic in this game, sadly majority of them. Sv hunter was in same demand like it was when it was ranged. MM and BM where always better. It had its situation uses where it shines like today and that’s it. Even if they would buff SV to be meta people would be like “Oh ItS NoT RaNgeD sPec aNd tHaTs WhY itS BaD”

The fact you think that those are the only three means you are strictly in the last option. there are those of us that played it and love playing it even when it was not FOTM . you were the easy one to find in your own list.

Fact that you’re being a jerk to one of the few people above that thinks the 4th spec is the best route and MSV should stay kinda proves the point you fall into #3.


I loved ranged SV hunter , if they would add it as 4th spec i wouldn’t be able to play hunter due the fact that i couldn’t decide what to play. Ranged or MSV

I love current SV as much I loved ranged SV

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so you want to screw everyone else over because you can’t make up your mind…

*and it’s not just RSV people, Ive seen a number of MM that would like to get that poorly implemented garage out of their spec choices too that blizzards godawe-fully attempted to say we put SV into MM choices.


No it’s my opinion, but the fact they will not bring ranged SV due artifact weapons it answers you question.

If they bring something it maybe be dark ranger but as well I doubt it. Ion states they are happy with SV hunter right now and I’m happy with him.

That’s because no matter what blizzard does there is always people who will complain about it. People have nothing better to do instead of complaining. I swear American forums are just WoW

if that’s the case, with any luck with all the changes in people we’ve seen recently at blizzard his name will be on the list soon too then.

crazy thought sometimes when people complain they are not always wrong…

As long he brings them money , you stuck with him honey

Unlike you, im not just looking at one guild and think it would be a proportionate picture of the whole situation. SV is the least played spec in the game (maybe aside from sub when its badly tuned) even when it is strong. I have played SV on some bosses in Mythic Uldir and on a few reclears. I have reached 2,1k as SV, i know the specc and i dare say, i know it a lot better than you do.

Cool story, bro.

There is the delusion again. I dont think you know what meta means. SV doesnt require “devotion”. It is also just a normal class and for the longest time in bfa literally required only 3 buttons cause you had infinite aspect and just dropped SS off your rota. There is nothing magical or hard about the rota as some people might like to think. I guess people are in such need for validation that they take playing a bad spec in a video game to “devote” themselfes to, to make them feel better than everyone else.

Right, and none of the other that left brought in the money huh (last one was the lead for OW and OW2 right?

Are you sure they didn’t mean how it’s possible to put out so little dps as SV hunter?

EDIT: After this post, Mavalio privated his logs and armory and reported all my posts. Seems it got to him :\


Not me buddy srry , my hunter is Zandalari troll

Wanna provide the name for entertainment purposes? I mean, youre insanely good as you said.


Yet the fact that you went, looked up his guild and had to post there is only 1 SV Hunter, which surprise, is the poster says what about your crusade to disdain anyone not seeing your point of view ?

These changes were made 5 1/2 years ago. Yet here we are. I played Anarchy Online from Beta till wow came out. I was a Meta. As many problems that class had…hell we had a in game protest called “BLACK SUNDAY” where the devs actually blacked out the sun during our march for change, and NOTHING was done.

The dev’s develop and change they way they see the game. Certain things can change because of the players voice. Others not so much. So yes why it is interesting to speak of a fourth spec, it is a tiresome point when every thread you read is about how the current players who enjoy the spec are committing some great blasphemy, and everyone else who is against it feels the need to beat the subject into you.

I would guarantee, Bloody O I would put my entire account up on it, that if a 4th spec was made, and it was not the meta spec, few would bother with it. It would be right were we are now, complaining Blizzard are fools, the few who play it are not good players, and more toxic threads of how it was a bad ideal and XXX version was better.

Really? So when you said earlier in the thread that you were an ilvl 210 SV Hunter and you were the only SV Hunter in your guild you were lying? And Jinday just happens to have the same achievement points as you? What a crazy coincidence.


so it’s not a MSV you said your hunter was in that list and that’s the only SV hunter in that list.

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Yikes, it is you! :smiley:

Check the pet collection.
Oh, damn. Oh boy. They must have been so surprised when they saw your dps.


Dam beat me too it lol…


In before people try to call exposing a liar toxic.