Blizzard will never admit that Survival rework is a failure

He was saying how common they are and all evidence proves the opposite, an yep they do change the game and how they seen things, people kept asking for classic and boom we have classic, so I for one plan to keep asking for my favorite thing in the game back.

Man’s opening with Hunter’s Mark during combat. Beast DPS right here.

I’ll say it again for the people in the back. All aspects of old survival are tied into marks. If you miss old survival go marks. The only thing marks doesn’t have is black arrow.

Marks has SS, LnL, Explosive shot. And if you want to use traps in your dps rotation use SFE or NTA. Its all there. Next patch you get wailing arrow too which could sub for black arrow.

Marks is pretty much old survival with aimed shot. The only difference is the name.

I mean you might be convincing yourself with this but you surely have to know no one else is buying this. Current MM plays nothing like ranged SV.


Only person in history as wrong as you was Neville Chamberlain.

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Current MM by the meta build?

Thought we were disregarding the meta here.

MSV was a brand new spec. And RSV was mushed with marks.

Nope, looks like he just flagged my post. Nice!

I’ve come to the conclusion over the last few expansions that the dev team has developed an incredibly strong and possibly subconscious defensive response when it comes to players. Perhaps it’s simply being jaded, but over the last few expansions, any time they release a new feature, one of two things happens:

  • Players like it, everyone wins.
  • Players don’t like it. The devs decide that players are wrong and just hate everything period, and double-down on the feature just to try to prove it’s good. This continues for most of the expansion, then Ion posts his every-2-years “we hear you, we learned a lot from this expansion, we’re going to keep improving, and we value your feedback” video/post/etc, and then they entirely fail to do any of those things and simply repeat the same cycle.

Survival is caught in the middle of this. It isn’t unique, it’s no different than Azerite armor or Essences or Covenants or Soulbinds or the Maw or Island Expeditions or the mission table or Legion legendaries or Torghast or any of that. The devs have decided that any negative feedback from players means they need to double-down on said feature to prove it worthwhile, rather than doing what sane developers do and rethink their strategy. Ego rules the day at Blizzard.


For all the people claiming they miss old survival and would play it regardless of the dps or if its Meta. Nothing is stopping you from playing that exact build as marks. Spec SS, Explosive shot, Lock and Load, call your pet, and use the SFE Legendary. Just because the title was given to a new spec doesn’t mean they scrapped everything about RSV.

If people truly do not care about the meta and miss the play style its right there.

You understand that Explosive Shot and Lock and Load are entirely different abilities for MM than they were for SV, right? Just because they have the same name doesn’t make them the same ability. That’s like arguing that MSV = RSV because they’re both called “Survival”. Yeesh.

Edit: or for that matter, that BM’s current edition of Cobra Shot is identical to the one RSV and BM had in WoD…


They don’t need to address SV. In pvp it will always beat MM and BM

I would reconsider that, honestly. For all of the reasons I mention about the precedent that was set in Legion, I don’t think continuing that cycle and keeping that precedent is healthy for the game or the community quite frankly.

I understand some posters do try to rile people up or antagonize, but I don’t think letting them get to you or being spiteful will do much to help convince people. I think the more people we get on board with the idea of a 4th spec, the more likely we are to actually bridge the damages to the community started in Legion and get back what many of us would enjoy.

So, I mentioned earlier I wasn’t attacking you or anyone else in this or other threads. I think having the conversation is important because it’s clearly a point of contention within the community. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying the current spec.

I also don’t believe most people are trolling however. I think people want what they want, and we’re going on five years of a highly controversial change within the class. People just want to have fun and enjoy their characters. I don’t think expanding class themes and choice is a bad thing. Others feel defensive over current SV because of the precedent I mentioned earlier and community perception (both the wider view from the player base and most other hunters).

We’re in a situation where a lot of older players are upset because a playstyle they loved is gone, and the new fans are left having to defend the spec constantly and feel the need to argue against its removal, because it’s a possibility that Blizzard set.

I don’t believe that is fair to the old players. I also don’t believe that is fair to the current players. The blame lies solely at Blizz’s feet for creating an utterly predictable predicament for the players. I think a 4th spec resolves that for everyone while causing the least overall harm.

I actively avoid hurling insults or attacking others usually, because I don’t blame them and because I don’t think it’s particularly useful to the conversation.

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It is currently being beaten by BM and MM in PvP lmao

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It’s really not though.

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You understand that Arcane shot and Explosive trap are entirely different abilities for Hunters 2021 than they were for Hunters classic, right? Just because they have the same name doesn’t make them the same ability. Yeesh.

Dozens of abilities have had their changes over the expansions. Also Read my post buddy I said MSV was a completely new spec and Marks =/ RSV

Hi. I’m all grown up too. Now that you know that, I hope you consider what I say, one serious person to another.
Me, I think there’s just one type of person on the forums, as regarding actual posts. Readers are different, but posters, all of them want to be heard. They all want to achieve something. All of them.
RSV people want their spec back. Easy to understand. So, in the Surv. posts, they comment and reply, mentioning and alluding to that very thing. Is that not how it should be done?
Most of WOW inhabitants are NOT trolls, just regular people, and people usually give what they get. It’s hard though, not to assume that when someone posts something inane, that it may have been due to ignorance rather than malice.
I protect my Spec, and guard it jealously. Those that suggest changes for it’s core design, I have no use for. Changes such as that is why I couldn’t play the Class during most of legion. It was people posting, complaining, desiring, that brought it back to recognizability.
RSV hopes for the same. There’s no fault to be found in that.

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Arcane Shot worked differently in Legion, but in SL it works in essence the exact same as it always has, a spammable consumer filler. Explosive Trap is a PvP-only talent, and thus irrelevant as far as I’m concerned.

Lemme break this down for you:

  • RSV’s Explosive Shot: 6s cooldown primary single target nuke, regular resets and extra casts via LnL, on average cast every 3-4s.
  • MM’s Explosive Shot: 30s CD fire-and-forget AoE with no interaction with any other ability.

Are you also going to argue that Rapid Fire of current MM (channeled damage ability with focus regen) is identical to Rapid Fire of pre-Legion (2m haste cooldown)? I mean, they have the same name, so clearly they’re the same ability, right?


It is. It’s just not the meta build.