Blizzard will never admit that Survival rework is a failure

The echo chamber is strong for hunter.

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We have plenty of disagreement in this very thread. Honestly, I’m more than happy to chat with people who disagree with my views, which is why I also post not just here but on the general forums.

Sorry I guess??

Sure, it ends when Blizz makes good on its pre-legion promise to keep the ranged survival playstyle.


Sure, when they bring RSV back as the excuses they gave for why it was justified to remove it evidently were just that, excuses…


No need to apologize, is there always a thread going on about this subject?

Pretty much. It’s a daily conversation that is important to the Hunter community. There’s a smattering views on how to resolve the issue (or if it is one that needs resolving), etc.

It’s a really contentious topic within the community that really, I think only Blizz can solve and I’m sure they are aware of the community discontent at this point tbh.


I wish the hunter community luck in getting the class they want to play. Do you think blizzard will continue to tinker with msv, and basically take the stance of, if you want rsv, play bc and the older content when it comes out, or is there some sign they’ll fully go back to rsv?

I honestly don’t know.

The thing is, when Blizzard removed RSV in the Legion pre-patch, that set the precedent that they can and will delete ANY spec at their whim.

Previously, I would’ve said there’s zero chance of this happening. But post-Legion? I honestly don’t know what they would do.

It’s totally possible that they would remain with MSV, no chances of RSV coming back… but it’s also equally likely that they’d delete MSV in favor of RSV. It’s just as likely that they’d bring back RSV as a fourth spec.

Honestly, what they did to RSV in Legion was entirely unprecedented. That proved that specs are not off limits when it comes to Blizzard.



If by the hunter community you mean the 6 or so people that have drowned these forums out for the past almost 6 years, sure.

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For me, peak SV gameplay was in Cataclysm. Having two hard CCs and an interrupt along with unparalleled kiting ability meant that a good SV Hunter truly shined, and even a novice SV Hunter was an asset worth cultivating.

Of course, since the only thing people really care about is how closely to simmed perfection they can push the damage meters it’s not like anything as pedestrian as utility means anything anymore.

In any case, melee huntards have been a thing since Vanilla. It just became official in Legion, and it’s not like they’ll do away with it now.

I have no idea what I’m saying or what it is like here.

They really weren’t a thing. It was meme status right on game launch (by a deliberate result of the philosophy behind Hunter design, by the way) and the melee aspects only became more and more relegated as the game went on. A Hunter spec sticking to melee and lacking a ranged weapon has no pre-Legion precedent whatsoever.


Meaning a good idea that’s properly supported via class mechanics and numbers tuning? True. But that didn’t stop the most determined Drizz’t wannabes. Sure, most hunters were considerate enough to slap on a bow or gun when they got in a group. Some were not.

This made me lol. So true!

Hunter community is like 5 veterans and a few alts that rotate in every few months to ask for a hunter tank spec :joy::rofl:

So because some people memed around and stuck to melee in classic they should force an entire Hunter spec to lose the ranged weapon over a decade later? That’s a hell of a take.

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No, they should never change a single class away from the state it launched in no matter how much time has passed… Hell of a take indeed.

They changed Survival plenty of times leading up to Legion. No one’s saying they should never make any changes and no one’s declaring that change is automatically bad. The point is change is not automatically good either and they shouldn’t be abandoning over a decade of iterative design to turn a spec into something totally different; especially in order to chase a totally different audience to the original.


Funnily enough, opinions vary and are neither right nor wrong. Yours is no more correct or valid than those who like MSV.

It’s not just over here but okay.

At any rate, I don’t think there is anything wrong with discussing what I think would be better going forward with the class. I don’t want MSV to go away, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong discussing what happened.

I just assume those people are largely made up of trolls who suggest stuff to rile up the forums to be frank.

But wouldn’t that leave us with an even more half-as*ed, bastardized spec?

You’ll probably remember that I want to see the Ranged weapon slot returned and would prefer Survival to be a true hybrid, able to use ranged as a default state (and not merely via a wimpy hand-crossbow) with talent choices much like you mention, but I feel like if it’s going to build towards that, it needs to build in that direction from the ground up, without merely borrowing haphazardly from MM and BM with a sprinkling of talents that won’t necessarily (or likely) be integral to it.

:: As one small but hopefully illustrative example… to me, Aspect of the Eagle shouldn’t be a cooldown, but merely a (queueable, and likely reduced-GCD) weapon-swap. If we really need to forgo a melee burst phase (or hopefully just a melee sustain phase), then we should just acknowledge that we’re hunters and swap to the damn bow.

Personally, I like the idea of the hand-crossbow (perhaps glyphable to a throwing axe, throwing knife, or pistol), but I think it should be used more sparingly (e.g. via 3 or so charges). In place of, say, Serpent Sting, we would have Lacerate, which would be melee but, if used from outside of melee range, would fire off a ranged shot to inflict its bleed, at cost to one such charge. The same would be seen with Raptor Strike / Mongoose Bite, having a charge-consuming ranged option used automatically if performed on a tartget outside of melee range (which, given that we’re using polearms, I’d extend by a couple yards). Ideally, this would also have its counterpoint in the melee domain (off-handing a push-dagger, hatchet, etc.).