Blizzard will never admit that Survival rework is a failure

Still is. /10chars

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How do i report a public execution my god.


Oh yeah, for people who missed it, the guy set his armory and warcraftlogs to private after this.

Before this post gets flagged and removed for irrelevance (one of them was removed from this thread already, suspiciously shortly after this incident): when you bluff about your performance just to make your spec look better and you get called out on it, that is still relevant to the discussion about Survival’s performance.


I mean. Let’s call it what it was. He lied. Stuff like that just makes it look bad for the people who genuinely have done nothing wrong and just enjoy the spec.

It’s a disservice.


I mean, isn’t bluff just a fancy word for lie?


Essentially, yes. Though I think being blunt about what they did is important.

I think what they did deserves to be called out more harshly than that though. You are correct, however. Maybe I’m just nitpicky :man_shrugging:


This is a bit of a semantics-dome battle, but iirc, the primary difference between a bluff and a lie is that a bluff, which can be but isn’t necessarily an explicit falsehood, is misrepresenting one’s strength, abilities, or identity in order to convinced another/others to do something, either out of respect or fear or believed authority. A lie is a broader category that really just includes any intentional falsehood (and sometimes unintentional ones too).

In that sense, what Mavallo did was a “bluff”, in that he was misrepresenting his capabilities in order to demonstrate the strength of the spec, essentially implying that people doing poorly on the spec were simply really bad at it and needed to L2P. It was a bluff attempting to shift the narrative away from how poorly designed and tuned SV is.

However, I too share Lazyguide’s sentiment here. A bluff, in most cases, is also a lie, and “bluff” functions, to an extent, as a euphemism for “lie”, in that it doesn’t quite have as negative of connotations to it and doesn’t feel as harsh or “bad”. So ya, call it a lie, imo.


I really only do mythic + content and main SV and I’m going to be honest.

If they made SV a ranged spec again I’d be happier. Or if they even made it a ranged or melee spec based on talent choice of play it as a ranged spec again.

Honestly, they had a golden opportunity there in SL and didn’t take it. It absolutely would not have been a return of old RSV, and to that extent I’m glad they didn’t go this route, but they returned both Steady Shot and Arcane Shot as baseline abilities in SL. Every single talent tier except the 6th (level 45) has 1-2 options that work just fine at range (Alpha Predator, Guerilla Tactics and Hydra’s Bite, Steel Trap and Murder of Crows, and Wildfire Infusion and Chakrams). Literally all they needed to do was tune the coefficient on Arcane Shot slightly higher, give it a focus cost reduction (which is only needed because they bumped it from 30 focus to 40 focus baseline, to combat BM using it over Cobra Shot), and give Multi-Shot as a baseline ability as well, and a ranged option on the level 45 talent row. And maybe Counter-Shot for interrupts.

It wouldn’t be perfect. Half of the talents wouldn’t even work with it (though it really wouldn’t be that hard to add Arcane Shot to all of the ones that trigger off of Raptor Strike), and the spec is still fairly clearly designed around melee. But it’d be functional and something peeps could do if they preferred it.

I think they didn’t go that route because 1) it would be “caving” a bit to give players a ranged option back for SV, even if it’s about as different from old RSV as Outlaw is from Combat, and 2) their stats would almost certainly show that a huge percentage of players that chose to play SV did so at range, which would further cement how stupid it was for them to convert it to melee in the first place.

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Honestly, I think all they had to do was start with making Aspect of the Eagle an actual aspect instead of a DPS CD. Start with the idea like “extend the range of all abilities by 30 yards,” then start tacking on the restrictions like “but reduce the damage of all abilities by 20%.”

Then add on an old favorite, like Aspect of the Dragonhawk: “add 30% dodge, increase the damage of all abilities by 25%, and increase passive focus generation by 50%.”

And that would introduce our annoying aspect switch macros, just like the good ol’ days!

Or maybe that’s just too simplistic? I dunno.

OK I will say this before I put my thoughts down, because I know I will get hammered for it, but meh, I’ll say it anyway.

I been playing my SV Hunter now, getting gear, doing pvp, and basically enjoying the spec. I fully understand the melee aspec, but I always wondered…why did they give us two of the range abilities baseline ? So I decided to test a few things in RT.

I first picked up a pvp bow so I would have a weapon at lv 158. I then set a few extra bars that allowed me to equip the bow during the fight and it also has arcane shot and steady on the bar. In pvp, I was able to fire at range using steady and arcane, but I also could use all of the range SV talents. ST, Traps, KC, and the Flayed. As opponents tried to close the distance, I would swap using my setup and go melee. This of gives me all of my melee abilities and I think a added surprise as I would harpoon into them. Now using melee, I could finish off using KS and stacking the different bombs effects.

Now I know it seems crazy, but timing the swap, using the global CD, and being able to get off range shots using arcane and steady does work. Remember KC is our focus. So I can still use KC at range. if I need to slow, I use my crock pet, and I still have the pet stun. With some practice, I have found this method has worked well. I now have a 200ilv XBow which I picked up in a WC.

For PVE, I have found on bosses that melee can be harmed, I have stepped back, used the bow, and use arcane and steady, plus the other range abilities. I also can use AoE beforehand and then switch to bow if need be. As I stated playing this way, I began to wonder…is this what blizzard wanted ? Is this how the envision the spec ? Many will blast me, I know. I can already read the replies. But honestly I think that this may be what the dev thought of. Yes SV is melee. To get most of your techniques and heavy hitters, you need to be in melee range. But in some scenarios, it is possible to be at range and still do damage. When said threat to melee is over, you have the tools to get right back to melee distance quickly. So think on at. You can get to range by using disengage, then you can get to melee by using harpoon.

I think players see Melee in SV and think that is all you should do. But we have two range abilities…which are the CORE range abilities each spec of hunter has. So while those are not our bread n butter, they are UTILITIES to the spec. So like any good hunter, you need to use ALL the tools in your kit. Is this the best way to go about it ? Hmmm clunky, but it can work with practice and setup. Does it fit what the devs thought this version of SV could be ? Maybe yes maybe no but thought is there.

For you SV hunters who have not consider this I would implore you to consider it. The range abilities we have are part of our tool kit. If the time comes when you need to use a screwdriver instead of the flat end of a knife, would you you keep using the knife simply because you do want to go get the screwdriver ??

Just a thought. Continue on.

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I think you could say this about the entirety of Blizzard. “You all have phones don’t you?”


It caught my interest and I love it, just cant raid with it since it numerically cant do what I need to do for my guild. Mongoose bite and Wildfire infusion need to be baseline parts of the spec and it needs to focus on a reactive damage ramp sort of playstyle imo for ST play.

What sort of DPS were you getting at range with the bow?

Honestly I do not have all the logs from the fights. I will get some numbers and take a look. These are from doing mythics+ I have not yet raided. In the mythic + I did, I was either 1st or second in dps using this method. Again in fights where melee was not ideal, I would step out then back in.

I will start to put together information on this, because I do feel it can be a way to approach certain encounters playing as SV.

It makes sense honestly. Surv’s biggest weakness imo is consistent damage for a melee doesn’t mesh well with movement heavy out of range fights. This is crazy, but I am intrigued.

I get what you’re trying to tell other MSV players about. :slightly_smiling_face:

I just wanted to warn you, though, to not to use Auto Attack/Auto Shoot while you have a ranged weapon equipped.


There is an aura that gives a 50% DPS penalty on Auto Shoot while you’re using a ranged weapon.

This aura only exists in MSV, in order to discourage MSV players from running a ranged weapon 100% of the time.

So I would recommend looking at your auto attacks closely! You don’t want to accidentally lose out on DPS if you “waste” your auto attacks via ranged attacks.

It’s a headache. :confused:

To add, I am like, 90% certain SV’s killshot also requires a melee weapon for… reasons.

Agreed. I honestly did no know there was a penalty installed. I have used it and have always punched out arcane shots or steady. I would not use auto attacks, but I am sure some would slip through. Very interesting. Thanks for this info, I will put it in my testing.

To add, I am like, 90% certain SV’s killshot also requires a melee weapon for… reasons.

@ Lazyguide : Yes, killshot is not available using a range weapon. As I stated earlier, you would need to get back in melee to use that ability. Remember I am not advocating to be 100% range. Its more a 80/20 at best. It is to use range when melee is a detriment to our dps or life :slight_smile:

According to Bicmex and Dilly, there aren’t any realistic situations where it’s better to equip a ranged weapon as Survival.