Blizzard will never admit that Survival rework is a failure



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I think we’re misunderstanding each other here. I don’t see a difference when aesthetics are involved I just said it at the end there. I was saying aesthetically it can feel totally different casting a spell based character animations, spell effects, or transmogs. Some people think I keep saying explosive shot is the same function as it was before and I’m not, functionally its something like living bomb transmogged into explosive shot. However similar to transmogging a sword onto an axe you feel like you’re using an attack called explosive shot similar to how it feels like you’re swinging a sword.

Mechanically something like flayed shot is a transmogged black arrow. For the purpose of something like lock and load procs Aimed shot is a transmogged rsv explosive shot (with out the dot the damge is all upfront)

I’m not :sweat: You’re telling me you wanna go the grocery store to pick up a spaghetti sandwich and having leather seats would get you there differently than fabric seats.

hey hey hey I’m a nerd I don’t know cars

You know what would be really interesting? Pressing a button like your finisher to pull the drawstring on the bow back and while you’re charging the bow you are magically enchanting the arrow. The effects would look sweet too like an aura or chi buff.

So like you hold 1 to charge and while holding 1 press 4 4 5 3 2 then release 1.

there’s no way blizzard would ever be able to balance something like that though :laughing:

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Now thats a fact haha

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Flayed Shot does carry most of the mechanical feel of Black Arrow, you’re correct. I’m unconvinced that we should include borrowed power in this debate, since it is by definition this-expansion-only, and the things that carry over are the exception rather than the rule. But you’re at least correct in that assertion.

Explosive Shot and Aimed Shot are very much not the same though, and the cast time on AiS is a huge part of that. An instacast ability feels very different than a ~2 GCD cast time ability. Even LnL is questionable, as while it does grant an instant Aimed Shot, it doesn’t have nearly any of the gameplay that went with old LnL + Explosive Shot (especially before they made it roll, so you wanted to ES ES <something other than Arcane Shot> ES to give it time to tick).

Right, see, that’s the key. A car to you is simply a means to get from A to B. For some people, myself included, driving is a hobby in and of itself. It’s not just a means of conveyance, and there are substantial differences involved in the feel of that ride. Some people prefer the luxury of things like leather seats and heated steering wheels (my aunt is that way).

Some people prefer the differences in handling and performance that come with things like high-performance tires and sport-tuned suspensions.

To you, none of these make a difference, but that doesn’t mean others seeing a difference there is invalid or unworthy of notice. There’s a reason car manufacturers have different types of seats available for order, despite most people (I’d wager, I have no data to back this up) likely not really caring about the difference between leather and fabric seats.

I mean, I’m a software engineer with a dual-major in physics, I’m pretty darn nerdy. People aren’t restricted to being just one thing, though. I’m a geek, and I’m also an avid car enthusiast.

Actually sounds a bit like the spellcasting system in Magicka. You had a spell “rack”, and you filled it by pressing a sequence of elements (8 of them, iirc). In the correct sequence, the elements combined to have secondary effects. The spell changed wildly in function based on the exact sequence of elements and the button you used to cast it. You could make everything from mines to an explosion of healing energy to a beam of disintegration to a giant ball of fire to an cloud of steam (which would then make the enemies take more damage from lightning due to being wet).

It worked really well in Magicka. It would NOT work in a client/server game like WoW. Spell sequences in Magicka typically had you pressing on the order of 8-15 buttons, in a specific sequence, within the span of a second.

Edit: an example of gameplay. This is actually from the second one, but they played relatively similarly in that regard:

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Wouldn’t you agree though that the aimed shot and the arcane shot procs have the same style as the ES procs?

So for a lnl proc now you go Aimed shot Arcane shot filler arcane shot.
Previously it was ES ES filler ES. The flow is similar.

Maybe I’m just terrible at analogies I understand why someone would want comfort, ease and aesthetics. I don’t intend to invalidate their preferences… The style of the seats doesn’t affect the way the car works does it?

Buddy that was a joke. You’re looking at what I’m saying under a negative light and interpreting like I’m attacking you.

It probably won’t work in wow. I wouldn’t know I just play the game, it was just a random concept I was throwing around from the top of my head I wasn’t being serious at all.

Not really, because Precise Shots is guaranteed, at least the first charge. It’s a purely formulaic sequence. LnL procs for ES were at least random.

And that random element is really the only part that existing LnL shares with it. It helps liven up the MM rotation for sure (which is critical, because aside from LnL, the only RNG in MM’s rotation is Precise Shots, and frankly that’s basically nil because you invariably have to cast more than an average of 2 Arcane Shots per Aimed Shot recharge interval anyway). But again, the current version of MM’s LnL isn’t really markedly different than the Master Marksman passive in Cata and MoP, which was already a fairly central mechanism for MM.

Actually, unless you’re just really low on focus, it’s Aimed Arcane Arcane, without the filler. LnL in particular, since it adds additional AiS charges to the rotation, you need to spend it and the Precise charges ASAP, because otherwise it can munch the proc and/or cause you to cap on AiS charges.

I mean, for some it does in fact have a non-zero impact on the comfort of the drive, the enjoyment of the drive. Same as the tires, most people wouldn’t notice the difference between all-weather radials and my Pilots, except maybe to note that the Pilots are actually pretty noticeably worse in wet weather. But I sure notice the performance difference.

You mis-interpret. I understood it was tongue-in-cheek. My point was more that people too often let labels define them.

Ya, and frankly, it’s a good idea. That’s why I pointed out Magicka, because that type of thing has been done, and it worked really well. Just…not in a WoW-like game, unfortunately. It’s like skill-shots (ex. how Explosive Shot used to work): really effective in things like ARPGs (ex. D3, PoE), MOBAs (HotS, LoL), and FPSes (Overwatch, Warframe). Really not effective in more traditional RPGs like WoW.

Unfortunately, not all game mechanics, even the really good ones, transition well between genres. Take the legendaries system in Legion. That was basically lifted straight from D3. It works exceptionally well in D3, and in similar games (ex. Unique items in PoE). It only sorta worked in WoW, and a lot of that is because WoW throws like 100 times less loot at you than ARPGs tend to (but unlike ARPGs, that gear is usually always good unless you already have higher itemlevel gear, while in ARPGs, like 80% of the gear that drops is junk).

Yes bm but without having to maintain stacks.

Ah, so Legion BM. I’m still super cross that they didn’t retain the zookeeper build. I adored my critter army in Legion.

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I was critical of it back during Legion, but that was in part because I was still adjusting to the changes at the time and felt like there wasn’t a build that I could focus on one pet if I really wanted to. At best, I had two which felt a bit forced.

It grew on me over time though, and I actually like the dire command legendary for that reason.

I’m the same way when it comes to Legion MM. It didn’t really click with me, but I actually do miss 7.3 MM. I think it hit the MM “fantasy” far better than what we have now, and it was actually quite fun. And we have the option of the Sidewinders build for spread AoE/cleave, which is something really only Balance is truly capable of right now.

Edit: I still miss MoP/WoD MM more, I think, but it’s a close thing.

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I don’t need to full quote your delusional posts because they are just utter rubbish.

Imagine thinking RSV is similar to current MM let alone any other spec in the game right now :rofl:

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considering gameplay between the two can you point out the major differences with any sort of evidence?

If you are unable to differentiate RSV and current MM (hence your question), then you are clearly unable and unwilling to comprehend any form of “evidence” may it be provided to you on these forums.


i pulled ALL of the information regarding spec representation i could find. worldoflogs doesn’t do a great job of showing information across a tier and personally, i couldn’t find another way to compile it any better than i did :slight_smile:

you’re not supporting any sort of evidence what so ever though. “if you can’t see the differences you’re an idiot” isn’t an argument.

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It most definitely is a valid argument, you are an idiot and your posts reek of it.

You’re an MSV zealot, no matter what anyone posts you’ll say the same garbage as the other 12 of you.

Back to the bench with you.

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