CATA is the only expansion more boring than DF. That’s the only achievement it will ever hold.


I’ll never understand why people actually think wrath was good, maybe because it wraps up the origional warcraft story? It was when Blizzard started getting lazy and that trend only continued expansion after expansion from then on. TBC was originally planned to be part of the base game but it was so much content they just turned it into its own expansion.


It has nothing to do with objectively better or worse. It has everything to do with personal taste, which you cannot debate in this way. And as everybody loves them different things it is way better to give ud Era servers and stop the discussions.

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I don’t hate Cata. I just greatly dislike it and refuse to play. And this Classic version is more like retail WoW now and is nothing like the original. This is not Cata as it was.


As Classic went along, so did the player base. Most of the people who originally asked for Classic Vanilla are long gone. You’re gonna get some trolls, but as soon as the next classic xpac is announced, the fans of that will flood the forums and the ones who don’t want to play will quit.

So it’s not that everyone thought that Wrath was good. It’s just that the ones that thought Wrath was good are left lol.

I think one reason for many, is that it had BY FAR the greatest villian in Warcraft.

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Cata is retail, Classic players originally came for the Classic experience but if you enjoy Cata you probably enjoy retail as well which is also why you may dislike Wrath and previous versions of the game.


For me, the answer is yes. After playing the rts games it was epic going up against the fallen prince with a great build up. But the key word for me here is was. Was good.
Original playthrough not the Wrath Reforged that was served up as Classic.

But I still believe that there is enough interest in that expac as well as TBC that Blizzard should offer Eras for each even if I’d never touch them.

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We all hate OP, don’t bother listening to him