Wrath was made extremely easy, to where everybody cleared any content immediately.

Cataclysm significantly increased difficulty, causing all the Wrath babies to jump ship.

I dont like any of the “expansions”, but people who claim to like TBC/Wrath but hate on Cataclysm just cant be serious.

Yes. Because going against GDKPs in MMORPGs equals being poor. Perfectly reasonable take.

Good job, adult man playing as a night elf girl. I could make some statements about that too, except those are true.

So we’re going to just leave out everything else, then, right? It wasn’t only the increased difficulty of heroics, it was also the destruction of the old world, all of the absolutely tiresome references in quests, poor and terrible design structures and to top it all off an extremely unrewarding and boring end raid.

It’s not the game’s fault you’re poor.

This is absolutely hilarious. My husband an I are cracking up at 6:20AM.

Poor people really do project, haha.


Just because raiding is your game, it does not mean that it is so for all of us. I liked Vanilla (still do, still play), TBC and Wrath and I do not like Cata onwards because of what happened to the world, to open world leveling, immersion, Question, Hunter pets, …


Its not. Raiding for me is an excuse to smack talk with the boys, do Peggle duels and collect loot for open world PvP.

I just dont understand making a case FOR TBC/Wrath but against Cataclysm, in regards to the open world. Open world gameplay died with TBC and was never restored after. I honestly think its people ignoring the root problem.

To me the game ends the moment TBC releases.

People who like TBC or Wrath however should absolutely not be hating Cataclysm. Because compared to those two abominations its not so bad. Again, i wouldnt play any of these.

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According to you. I was leveling with pleasure all through TBC and Wath, I am an altholic and I just like to level.

Well I disagree. “my” wold was broken with Cata, my talents predetermined, I had a slavering pet from level ONE and so on and so forth.
I do not like Cata, and I do not intend to play it and have my world ruined once again.

And while I love Era, I still sometimes would like to level a Draenei or even a Blood Elf. I would not like doing so now in Cata when I know that upon leaving my isles, the tuined world awaits me.

This is why I ask to 2 Era servers per region for TBC and Wrath both.


Thats fine we just disagree then and some of your points are sound. I totally think the leveling experience is important. If WoW to you is mostly just leveling alts, i think thats a much healthier approach to the game than the mentally insane parsing.

I also think Cata shouldve provided a way to access the old zones. And they often did do a terrible job altering them. Its just that as an “idea” i think Cataclysm was way more exciting than TBC or Wrath. And if i compare endgame content of the three, i would probably consider Cataclysm the best.

But as i said, to me nothing after TBC release matters because to me TBC ended the franchise. I make a cut there. Everything after is a grey mass and just about the same. I think the differences between TBC/WotLK/Cata are absolutely minimal compared to the difference of Classic and TBC.

Where you say Cata broke your leveling, i say TBC broke my ret paladin class by giving it stupid wings, making it meta and allowing the horde to pick it. TBC broke my factions with these races/class options and by forcing them into a neutral hub. And when the factions lose their identity, WoW is over.

There’s one point were we totally agree here. Paladins are Alliance, and Shamans are Horde. Period! I solved this for myself by never rolling the “wrong” ones.

But I still think the levelling experience changed more from Wrath to Cata than between Vanilla and BC or BC and Wrath.
But I have said this before, no point repeating. Only add that linear questing and Quest help built into the map also sat wrong with me. It would not have helped me only to have the old map accessible in Cata, for me it was - and I suppose still is - a whole another way of playing - I am one of those mix-specced Pallys never admitted to dungeons, and ditto Hunters, Shaman and Priests. But as levelling is my game, I do not greatly care.


The leveling is just way to easy after CATA. This expansion saps any fun from the game. Only blizzard could kill a great game twice.


Seriously? CATA felt like playing Candy Land as an MMORPG. It was more of a random event than overcoming a challenge.


I will admit though, the North and Southern Barrens quests with the Alliance basically sending in a full invasion there was so amazing to me.

That being said, bring WotLK classic back!


I want wrath classic servers as permanent options to.


I sort of understand why people still want TBC and Wrath classic servers (I say sort of because I only just dabbled in Classic on and off and pretty much missed those two because of that), but I’ve also accepted it’s not likely (unless SOD goes into them) because of Blizzard likely not wanting to spend the money and resources on setting up more dedicated servers.

I hate CATA


Not from my perspective. They killed the leveling experience and started to really homogenize classes. The talent ‘fix’ was terrible and they ‘streamlined’ the leveling choices you made for your character in favor of systems that only really apply to the end game.


I agree. I want permanent wrath classic servers to. But I dont hate cata.

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Yeah, I hate Cata too. From the moment I logged onto it, it sucked. I want TBC.

My sub is up in 4 days. I may get lured back to goof around one day in Era for a month, but as of now, I have no plans to re-sub. Throwing up a handful of servers that they already have coded seems like an easy thing to do. And as a long time customer, I kinda feel neglected. SOD and HC took effort on the part of Blizzard. TBC and WotLK are simple in comparison.

If the WoW Reboot Tour fizzles out with Cata and whatever comes after it, and if Blizzard bleeds customers, then they have no one to blame but themselves. Throw up TBC and WotLK servers and keep these people around.


I am lost, but I can be helped with a TBC server :wink:


You clearly don’t understand what this means, yet you typed it anyway.



Holy personal opinion Batman!