Blizzard, What Are You Doing?

Why isn’t this being stopped???

Skill books, Darkmoon Faire cards, quests, GOLD, and items/enchants/etc are being traded from SoD to Anniversary through Alterac Valley bug that is ongoing.

Shut the servers down!
Do a rollback!
Do something, Blizzard!!!


They stopped the queues they said.

But yeah, have to wipe it all now.

this is not true, you werent able to trade items

boons were bought for cheaps but you have not seen a single SOD item on anni server i guarantee you

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sod boons on anni serverws, checkmate loser

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guys shhh, blizzard is thinking.


Only way to really fix it and you know that’s gonna make some people mad as hell.

Sorry, my mistake. Skill books from AQ and Darkmoon Faire Cards are dropping off mobs in AV.

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why would skill books drop off mobs in av

send a screenshot of one in trade anniversery

or i dont believe it

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LOL reasons :person_shrugging:

People are linking them in trade chat.

Your guess is as good as mine as how this got screwed up.

I am surprised the servers haven’t been shut down.

Anniversary would be totally ruined by this.

brother i can link from atlas loot lmfao this proves nothing are yall really that dumb

show me it in trade


As if the beneficiary is going to out himself… how stupid do you think players are? I mean they’re kinda dumb sometimes but they will do anything to cling to power…

Bro it’s happening. It’s not fake.

You need to relax.

It’s a massive F up which is why they took BGs down.

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They should roll back, not rolling back a similar issue killed sod.


ok so show me a screenshot of the item in trade shouldnt be that hard if people selling in ORG

people also said they saw enchant in org from SOD

surely one screenshot?

i tried trading with someone AV it didnt work, they are lying lol


Guy… when sod shipped they had Runes and trainable skills that you could purchase leaked into Era.

I had the damn Divine Steed on my Paladin in Era for a day until they took it all away.

ah yes because something different happened to you this happened

nice logic

im saying i was in AV and unable to trade so… and you can link books from atlasloot lmao


As if they minimizes the other issues in any way, shape, or form???

I am not saying I have seen any of the new Anniversary exploits first hand… but I am saying that Blizzard has messed it up this bad / worse in Early Sod.

Even in Seasons of Mastery they allowed us transfers to SoM… Full naxx loot characters into FRESH AV guy.

This company does not exactly have the best track record for quality anymore, so the tall tales of insane stuff are more believable than “OMG BLIZZARD DID NOTHING WRONG” nonsense white knight crap I see defending their screwups.

what? there being full blown sod items on anniversery is a way bigger problem than just some cheap boon holders going out…


nobody has provided any evidence of there being actual sod items on Anniversery yet everyone is claiming it happened, just asking if theres any proof