Blizzard, What Are You Doing?

It has been confirmed across multiple discoords. We are trying to get the info/evidence to them so they can act accordingly.

Trading in AV doesn’t work because they block it.

If that code isn’t blocking it from SoD IDs then you can trade.

They screwed this up in the past like this.

It’s a known thing that can happen. You are a noob.

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i was in AV and couldnt trade… either to or from SoD

how am i a noob

were you in AV? Did you try?


You probably didn’t try trading with a SoD character.

why would i say i tried trading if i didnt try with a SOD person lmao

were u in AV? did you try?

or just armchair quarterbacking


Because you are a random noob with no clue what you are saying.

People have proven it was allowing trades.

ah so you werent in AV and you didnt try but you know that you could based on… what?

makes sense

show me a screenshot of it being proven thats i all i asked


What proof

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apparently from what ive heard it was a enchanting bug that allowed you to enchant something then cancel retrade into trading gold i imagine items worked as well

no skillbooks on the AH… no other items

just saying i checked all discords havent seen proof


this is wrong at this point, seeing SOD items now

where are u seeing em lolllll

im just asking for one screenshot and ill believe

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lol i got traded in AV. a warrior gave me 5 chronoboon displacers after i saved him from a hunter. so trading in AV is a thing. i literally had it happen.

it’s a trap, link and you will be banned

bunch of SoD item like mage scroll on sale right now in AH alliance side… now stfv if you dont know what u are talking about

i just checked AH theres one mage scroll that everyones talking about on discord

what other items


so yeah u were straight up lying lmao

literally all thats been seen on AH is a mage scroll, no skillbooks nothing like that

gold was not able to be transferred either…

all this has been debunked


If SOD players were randomly in PVP battle grounds with anniversary players, what makes you think some other stupid things weren’t happening like trades being able to happen?

Peoples brains really are cooked

If a mage scroll from SOD is on the AH, how can you possibly prove that there isnt more things out there? Oh yeah you cant

if they haven’t shutdown servers yet to stop this and investigate then they will just do nothing except removing the future items, not all items as boons.
i doubt they will shutdown server for hours to fix this, they will simply let people go with most of the items.
But there will never be a roll back.