Ewww they are terrible. I mean I get it as “conscript” gear. But why the heck if it has anything to do with the Argent Dawn (not our faction) are we getting faction represented gear?
It makes absolutely no sense if that was the theme they were going for. Oh a Horde recruit? Yeah instead of dressing you up like a charge of the Argent Dawn you will instead be kitted out in full red. Oh and spikes! Lots of spikes!
Should have just brought back the old recoloured set from the Wrath event. That stuff was cool at least.
They look good to me. But if you don’t like them, don’t use them, I surely wont.
This is my complaint. Don’t care that it’s a recolor/reuse of a set…just thought it would be something more…Argent inspired.
BlizZard the bar is low for you and you refuse to go under. Sweet justice…what can they do right?
I know art team. Rockstars.

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Yeah the art team really out this company on their back.
Sadly they are forced to pour resources into game time mounts and store mounts now. Imagine if the art team was freed up to make new mounts to be put in game or proper tier sets for each class. Wow. 
I’m not gonna lie, I really like the Alliance sets. Trade? 
Yeah, it just doesn’t sit right. It’s so ham fisted and uninspired. Clearly they just looked into their unused sets and went “ok well we have full sets of these, let’s just use them”
/sigh. Just take the easy lay up Blizz. With it being the undead invasion 2.0 it made complete sense to bring back those epic sets many were hoping for.
Instead we got sets from a feature universally panned as meh.
The Alliance sets at least look different, this is a slightly different tint of an old pvp set.
Complete garbage across the board for Horde.
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Weren’t the original WotLK invasion sets just lazy recolors, too? 
I don’t really see the controversy, here.
Imagine if they reused the Paladin Tier from Legion.
Same energy as the WotLK one at the time.
I hear you. For all the people that suffered through all of BFA, as well as the lack of tier sets, nice pre-patch sets would have been a solid gesture to the community they are at least trying. Instead we get barely noticeable recolors of sets everyone pretty much already has.
I agree that HD upgrades of tier 2, or the Raiment of Undead slaying would have been preferable. Or at least something somewhat shadowlands themed.
That’s just pathetic really. Like truly pathetic. I thought it was a placeholder thing til they put in a real one.
Hell they could have brought back the old recoloured sets, HD or not. They could have filled out the set like the Argent Highguards in the pally order hall and people would have loved it. This junk though? Why bother?
Would certainly work, just have a different colour scheme and you’re good to go aye.
What is this? Bfa season 1 again? XD. Please be placeholder blizzard…