You are really really low balling us here.
You want us to be excited for Shadowlands but the Pre patch unqiue sets you give us instead of being that recolor Judgment set. or just All teir 2 sets recolored so it really is unique. Like Idk a “white and gold BloodFang set”
You give us a BFA set with the pvp tints.
We are going back to max Level 60. Lets Get a recolor teir 2.
Or make the Teir sets when you re introduce them a remasted Teir 2 set. When the tiers Return either make them ReMastered or Reimagined Teir 1 or Teir 2 sets.
The way gear looks is one of the easiest ways to make people happy, and all it usually takes is something unique. I just don’t understand why they wouldn’t do something new for the SL prepatch. Prepatch is what gets us all hyped up for the expansion.
I like the colors of the cloth set but that robe is not something I like at all, its stuffy/stiff looking. It’s a let down, but I am hoping for some nice stuff in SL (obviously the new gear they’ve shown us is awesome but surely there is more.)
You can get that set for the most part right when the prepatch launches with Marks of Honor.
Yeah…this feels bad to be honest.
I don’t remember if I have the full set or not but I don’t think I care either LMAO.

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Anyone have a link to said armor sets?
I logged out in the set with the same color tint.
If I log out in the Aspir set it will be the exact same set but blue instead of gold and white.
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Thank you.
Big fat meh. Maybe they’re placeholders lol.
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Did everyone forget that Wrath and Legion Pre-Patch also just consisted of recolors of existing sets?
Why change that now?
Once can hope, but unless we point out how bad and lazy this is for something that only happens once per expansion release. They won’t.
Prepatch stuff should be A oh WOW look at this set or toy or item or mount it’s from the pre patch of Shadowlands. or this is the Pre Patch Tabard from Vanilla to BC.
No one forgot, But you being as you are can’t understand those sets already are in the game.
Did you not even read my post how I pointed out the Remake set for judgment which in all Honesty is 100% better then this.
To be fair, paladin t2 was highly popular and still is. So with it being a blue/teal recolor was awesome. Too lazy to look up what the legion gear was but using the ugliest war front gear model just seems super lazy. I’d love for them to use a different color of the tier 3 sets. But then again I only care about the HD haunted momento.
No. Not those colors. As the Wowhead article states, these sets are unused recolors.
It takes an equal amount of effort to recolor Judgement and Warfront plate.
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Those colors exist in the game via pvp sets. You seem to not understand. I am transmoged to said set.
No you’re not. Those shoulders are the tier 2 PvP and the helmet you have is from the rares in Arathi.
Your belt is also Tier 2.
Those shoulders ARE not the tier 2 shoulders. Sorry you can’t understand allow me to relog in the teir 2 set.
This is the teir 2 set.
Oh dear Blizzard. Those look like rubbish generic NPC gear.
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No they are. There’s 3 tiers of the set in 3 colors.
What you just linked is the tier 3 shoulders.
Here’s an example in the Arathi variant of the 3 tiers since you’re unaware.
Right? And here I thought Richard Watterson didn’t have a job.
Wow, first we get nothing new for Trial of Style for the third year running, and now this.
Blizzard, my dudes, does nobody on your team even care anymore?
I really hope these are just placeholders.
Has there ever been pre-patch gear that wasn’t just some variation of something already in the game? Or is this just more BFA BAD!!! nonsense?
Muhahaha. Arathi, and darkshore recolors