You, Clearly don’t understand pvp.
Teir 1 is glad set.
Teir 2 is the Elite set
I logged out in the teir 1 set which is the exact same color set as that set.
Which is the point. Why do you defend i can’t understand you.
You are so wrong about so many things but defend stuff to the grave even when you are wrong.
Cause people are prone to outrage and forget easily.
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with my goldfish memory I don’t remember anything before legion, but the pre-bfa event was indeed all old stuff. Including particularly ugly DK weapons
You just proved me right here bud. I’m referring to it as tier 1,2, and 3 for simplicity’s sake. Now that you have seen the 3 ranks of the set, and outright stated one of the variants is not even being used, you have proved that the new set is just an unused color variant.
You never changed for me. Sorry.
I’m not wrong though. You just proved me right.
What did people forget.
All he pointed out “acting” like I didn’t state it was the Re colored Judgment set.
That set Exist in the game the color variant exist it is 100% lazy to even try to say it’s Justice fiable.
When they re-Did the teir 2 Judgment set that color was never in the game so it was unique.
Now the pvp set which already exist with that color palette does not make those sets unique in any regard. It’s Lazy.
The only other one I can think of was pre-WotLK. Which just used recolored paladin tier 2. I don’t even remember if there was more than just a plate set.
Turns out the other types did get sets (which all used the Judgement recolor robes). I can only imagine the tears that would flow if something as boring looking as these was datamined today:
Engrish? No. That color of the set doesn’t exist in the game for us to use. Adding the sets in this way makes them obtainable.
So… it’s better because it wasn’t in the files prior? Even though regardless it wasn’t available to the players?
Those shoulders, belt, and helm don’t exist in the game in that color variant. So… they’re about as unique as judgement compared to its 2 recolors. Because, don’t forget, this exists:
Another color swap of Judgement doesn’t just automatically not make it lazy.
And this was Legion’s pre-patch set:
This isn’t anything out of the ordinary.
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Nope. There has never been pre-patch gear that isn’t just a straight up recolor. If people expected something different at this point that really on them.
I looked at the Horde sets and was seriously unable to tell the difference between what we have now and those. That sounds about right with how things have been going for us lately.
Blizavision being lazy and half arsing something? I cAnT BeLiEvE It!!
It makes it more unique, You can’t comprehend ok that is fine I don’t really care if you do or don’t.
A set that is unobtainable and has a unique 1 time chance to get. Vs a similar set that has the same color pallet to the point you could mask as if you do have it is bad.
Tabard of the Protector BC pre patch even had the same look as Tabard of the Argent Dawn. But Tabard of the Protector had a unique effect. So it is more unique.
Wotlk Pre patch gave us Recolor Judgment chest for all armor types and the shoulders for plate. What makes it unique. The color was never in the game. As well as it was given to all Armor types.
Cata Pre Patch gave us the gnomergan/Darkspear toy as well as the cloaks.
MoP Pre Patch Gave us Theramore’s Fall Scenario along with it a Unique Toy and Tabard.
Wod Gave us the Iron Vanguard title. Which is a unique title and unobtainable.
Legion gave us I may be incorrect on this one but the Pocket Fel Spreader which i believe is unobtainable.
BFA Pre patch gave us two Mounts that are wearing unique armor and the horde got a Bat. Which are unobtainable.
It’s always been something unique and going up.
Shadowlands is a set that is in the game with a recolor but its not even a unique color its the pvp color. Along with the weak minded exact same armor types.
It would be one thing if the plate set could be worn by a Clothy and so on but no its just sets we’ve seen that people for the most part dislike it’s about as much effort as adding something they forgot.
They have way better sets with recolors they could have added instead that aren’t obtainable.
Just because the lazy job is a tradition doesn’t mean it’s a good thing.
And even in this case… Why they didn’t use the “tier 3” version of the Arathi set in the dark color? This tint variation they used is almost identical to one we have aready.
Or like people are saying here… if the whole event is a revisit of the pre Wrath event, why not bring the Undead Slayer armor sets then? Not even asking for an updated HD version, although it would be nice.
They’re not going to make completely new armor sets for a 4 week event. Not sure what you’re smoking if you thought that was going to happen.
Guess those cutbacks hit their art department too huh?
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This might be my inability to tell the difference between close shades of the same color, but the Horde sets look like what we already have in game.
But… but… im a Demon Hunter i have no T3!
I don’t even care if they are reused assets. At least make them discernable from what came before them. Heck, make them hot pink for all I care. Not seeing any real difference in the Horde sets from the launch event and the ones we have already. If there’s a color scheme difference then it’s super subtle. Can’t speak for the Alliance ones though.
Duh. No one expects blizavision to ever go above and beyond. Underwhelming and undercooked is more their style.
They’d probably just recolor our Nighthold set or something