Blizzard was listening

Where did I say that? I’m telling you that it’s better to reward a positive change with positive responses. It doesn’t matter how long it took, what matters is that the change occurred at all.

I think challenger’s peril is their response to everyone saying the timers are free. I’d rather they shorten the timers or increase mob HP, but anything that moves us away from timing keys with 20 deaths is a good thing.

Delete the timer

If Blizzard doesn’t possess integrity, then they won’t do the right thing no matter what the community says.

If it takes them 10 years to make a single change to what everyone is complaining about, that’s not exactly worthy of praise.

A good change is always worthy of praise. Holding onto bitterness isn’t going to help make the game better, it’s just going to make you look (and feel) bitter.

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You’ve got to give credit where credit is due.

Positive change is positive change, sure. No doubt that’s good.

However, you wouldn’t exactly give praise to someone who ignored you about a particular topic for 10 years, would you, if you were still upset about that?

But you see, they “listened” and in a season, we’ll learn how it’s the wrong people and they’ll revert course to right the ship.

I do not see unchanging keys lasting for an entire season without people quitting way sooner.

In this context? Of course I would. I’ve been giving all sorts of praise to the new talent system in Dragonflight recently. I’ve been complaining about the talent changes ever since MoP introduced the “pick one of three” talent changes.

It doesn’t matter what they did in the past. When I see a good change, I want to actively encourage further improvements as much as possible.

There has been a clear shift in design philosophy starting with Dragonflight, and that’s very worthy of praise. There are still issues worth complaining about (and I do that, too) but I’m never going to complain about how long it takes for a good change to happen, just so long as it does happen.

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That’s you.

I know who they are and how negligent they are to feedback.

I’m not going to naively believe that they’re changing their ways.

You believe what you want. I’ll give credit where credit is due.

It’s not negligent to feedback, it’s that they can pick and choose who to listen to.

TWW is a case of listening to the top 0.1% making it worse for the 2.5%.

(And trickle down effects.)

And once season 2 is here, I can claim that I was right.

But that’s not really what you’re doing here.

They’re responsible for the quality of the game.

It doesn’t matter who they listen to or don’t listen to.

Results are important. Not excuses.

Most magnificent changes the forums cook up either make the game worse for most or are pure nonsense.

Example: dungeon leaver penalties.

It’s about results, not excuses.

What results do you want from WOW?

+100K to MAU?

I’m giving credit where credit is due.

The opposite of praise is what, shame?

I have every right to point out the shameful behavior of them for ignoring feedback for over 10 years when they still aren’t proving to change.

We’re all human beings. You want to pretend that they can disgrace the game for 10 years, then make a few changes and that all goes away?

What about running back to your corpse after a wipe?

They told a streamer that they won’t be changing that.

That saves us time. They want to ignore that? There is no legitimate excuse for that.

Because getting back up instantly when you die is unrealistic and stupid?

That’s an excuse, not a result.

We are complaining about that; yet, it goes unchanged.

It’s an utter waste of our time as gamers. It’s undesireable.

I want people to run back to their corpse if they die in world content.

I want it to remain.

Looks like they’re keeping it? So I’m happy?

Do you speak for the millions who disagree with you?

Your opinion on something so petty is worth more than their time?