Blizzard was listening

It’ll play out as if they removed both.


I did. I don’t care about Fort/Tyrannical because they exist, I care because they make difficulty inconsistent and inconsistency in difficulty is what creates “push weeks”.

You can’t blame fort / tyrannical for push weeks ever since they decided that both have score. Now, people play half as much. (Cause time to cap out is about halved.)

This. Since M+ is tuned around Fort/Tyrannical (and soon Guile) are flat and consistent damage buffs, Blizzard are going to take it into account for tuning.

The net effect won’t be “oh, dungeons will be harder because we have Fort AND Tyran” it’ll be easier because half the weeks (in under 10s at least), there’ll be no fort or there’ll be no Tyran and dungeons will be tuned around having both.

People will stop playing when they’re “done” with the season. That’ll take about the same time regardless of how score is calculated.

The thing that’ll cap out the season is Blizzard making keys scale faster which’ll mean that people enter the level of keys that are basically impossible to beat, let alone time much faster.

Which isn’t really a bad thing cause it’s pretty irrelevant whether keys cap out at since the best players in the world are all doing keys at the same levels anyway.

Before, you have fort and tyrannical for double the playtime. Now, you do not. And existence of push weeks lengthened playtime too.

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I don’t care about waiting 6 weeks for the perfect affixes to roll around so I can push. I care about the baseline experience being fun.

Reducing variation improves the baseline which makes it more fun. If I enjoy the content but “finish” it sooner, I’m just going to do it again on a different character.


They put a blue post saying there are changes and WoWhead went “OH THIS GUNNA BE HUGE Y’ALL” for click baiting lol.

It’s some changes with “a majority of them” coming out next beta build.

most people will stop playing instead of playing an alt.

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Tyrannical and Fortified still exist though so… also seems they’re still keeping this 10 is now 20 thing that kinda backfired.

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According to?

Yea, that’s huge. Not sure why Blizzard thought that this was a “good idea” to begin with. Players brick keys just by one or two wipes to trash before getting to the first boss and wonder why the community never liked time restrictions in the first place. But, it’s been like this since Legion however, this really stirs the pot. Not even interested in this idea tbh.

So, just looking at this alone, is just a skip for me. Granted, I can do +12 on my chars, but stack this with Fortified or Tyrannical…forget about it. You cant possibly tell me in a +12 with a wipe or two, most players will just keep going regardless of -15s per death. We can tolerate -5s per wipe and still comfortably time it, but slap on -15s per death, yea, people going to leave grps quick and brick keys.

Yeah, as a healer, I think +6 is going to be my cap next expansion.

you frequently let people die?

One of the Ion interviews he talked about having high level play be more consistent while lower level play still gets the variety week to week.

These changes go right along with that.

Tyr/fort both being active for high keys will make it more consistent.

Only one being active for low keys will still give variety week to week.

The extra penalty for deaths really isn’t a big deal. I mean we were seeing 10+ keys timed with 30 deaths. They could’ve lowered the timers or increased penalty on deaths. Glad they picked deaths.

Curious where the reward breakpoints will be.

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Yes. I totally know how you feel. I’ve been relying on that warding trinket.

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So now people will have to deal with Fortified trash AND Tyrannical bosses.

Not really sure they were listening.

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That’s the same as removing both cause they’re always active.


I would love variety. I would think everyone would agree that’s a good thing.

The problem is that Blizzard keeps putting in variety… that isn’t FUN.

What is fun?

Any variety causes a difference between how fast the key is completed.

Even if it were strictly positive buffs.

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Is this where we devolve into semantics?

Do I simply deflect and say: I may not know what “fun” is, but I flipping know that Sanguine IS NOT FUN.