Blizzard was listening

Well, they have placed a blue post saying that massive shaman changes are coming next Tuesday.

Some other tuning stuff as well

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Nah, Worgen was right.

Still alternates each week.

Starting at +4, either fort or tyran each week.

Starting at +10, tyran if the +4 was fort or fort if the +4 was tyran.

So week 1: +4-9 fort. +10 onwards fort and tyran at the same time.

Week 2: +4-9 tyran. +10 onwards tyran and fort at the same time.

Lower keys will get variety each week, high keys will be more consistent.


Wait… Wait. They removed literally 2 of the easier ones to deal with? Isn’t afflicted the one we hate?

You wouldn’t get it, Ankh is actually super powerful and we’ve all just been using it wrong, surely.


At keys below +10 it works like it does now. Tyrannical one week fortified the next week. At +10 you have both active. Not a bad change as you still only need to deal with one of them to get max level rewards. Portals might be more difficult to get.

They been tweaking m+ since s4 of DF, it’s not damage control, it’s called iteration.


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And they’ll have an easy way out when they revert it, after it turns out they’ve listened to the wrong people.

Play time metrics drop cause content gets stale.


Listening to the esports players?
Absolutely. It’s all they care about.


Is that why M+ continuously gets easier and easier and easier to get max ilvl gear with?

So, who wants variety on the lower end? cause my impression is that the bulk of those players just want loot.



I was just disagreeing with the notion that they only care about listening to esport players.

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It’s been stated multiple times by the devs and Ion in the past month.

No it hasnt.

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“An update package” is not “massive shaman changes” FWIW. If it is, awesome, lovely, but they haven’t alluded to any “size” for the update package. It could just be fixes to the Hero Talents that are blatantly broken or it could be an actual rework.

Timing leads me toward the former, tbh.

Which, honestly, I’m okay with. I don’t hate Dragonflight Shaman, so if if the new stuff on top of it is fixed to work well, then that’s good enough for me, even if I’d always prefer an actual rework just because I like change.

No, they’re doing damage control due to the overwhelmingly negative feedback on their previously announced changes.

An improvement for sure but not quite perfect, at least in my opinion.

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the timer should not be in the game at all until +12.


This raises a good point…with deaths being penalized more, I think that affix will only lead to people leaving keys after fewer and fewer deaths. I don’t see something that would encourage more key leaving as a positive change, at all.

Way too much early celebrating in this thread.


I don’t know what life experience would lead anyone to believe in the wisdom of the masses.

This is why i do not pre order games. I have been on the fence if I even want to continue the game at all. Who the hell asked for fort and tyrannical? Terrible decision.