Blizzard wants to get rid of bots

So complicated that volunteers working in their free time got rid of bots way more easily than a multi billion dollar corporation


There are a plethora of easily-implementable anti-bot solutions. Blizzard doesn’t use them because banning those bots would mean less revenue and the shareholders would REEEE.

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I was just looking at a list of their GMs and stopped counting at about 400. There’s way more than that though.

This is how it was done, at least partially. I clearly remember getting messages from GMs back in the day when I was exploiting to places I shouldn’t, even in areas nobody saw me, so they were watching somehow. It’s completely automated now. You can’t even get a GM when you need legit help without waiting 36 hours.

They could do a middle ground. Have players flag bots, and a GM can monitor it for a period. It’s usually extremely easy to tell if something is a bot or not. However that might cost extra money, so it won’t happen.

They still do this.

Search “jump GM” on the Classic reddit and look at the 2nd post. That’s a 9 minute long conversation with a GM that was watching that poster in a WSG. Every once in awhile someone posts on the CS forum complaining about being suspended for AFKing in AV, even though they claim they weren’t AFK. I’ve seen Orlyia go through the GM notes and explain exactly where and how that player was AFKing.

For the solution to XYZ coordinate problem you just basically check spell cooldowns such as Blink, check for the state machine flags / hidden auras applied for knockdown/similar spells etc problem solved

The XYZ is for teleportation hacks, wont solve botters who go around grinding constantly. You have to go through a different route and would require a GM to be involved such as teleporting accused to a secluded environment like GM Island see how they react, do they respond to /whispers? Maybe they don’t speak english? Then you go different means of operation whichever book blizzard training standards applies.

Does each Zone/Subzone have a min/max Height map that is allowed by the player coordinates like NavMesh/Floor Collision etc…, If -/+ over these values check to see if they are on a Flight Path? If none of the requirements of legal gameplay is found then record coordinates of player for (?Duration of Time) to allow play back so GM can watch and from there they can determine the course of action

If anyone remembers when Classic Launched, during flight paths if you got DC at times logging back in you would no longer be on the Flight you would drop to possibly your death depending where you were. You would want to have Timestamps for when the flight took off, Timestamp for landing and logout. Incase the XYZ was to trip the system you can cross reference if they had occured a logout/falling from flight

The botting problem diffidently requires human interaction such as hiring GM’s that do 9-5 job to watch over Azeroth. Opening GM jobs can help families in turmoil during the pandemic, and if they ever open job position i am going to try my best to apply even if it meant i could no longer do raiding content to make sure that all players had a better experience in the world of Azeroth

I dont need to. They’ve already said they have GM’s who literally focus on Dire Maul and ban thousands a day. Sorry that doesn’t fit your narrative. :man_shrugging:

Or, when i right click report someone who is flying in the air and teleporting around the word, they could investigate. I did the cat and mouse chase for them. However my little ticket goes to no one, and the little gnome mage continues to fly for weeks picking black lotus.


doesnt seem like it to be honest, they used to message you in game and act like they cared, what changed. i doubt it is anywhere close to 400 with the response time, and you are a known forum revisionist, probably working for blizzard. good luck though.

Yeaaaah. That’s a million or so bans over forty NA servers since Classic launched. The math doesn’t really add up, does it? Especially when actual players have eyes on DM, ZG, and every other part of the game. Players see the same fly hacks and bots for months - all the while reporting.

I saw that blue post and it was pure puffery. And nowhere did it say they have in game GM’s.

No, you don’t have to open a ticket and ask if there are any in game GM’s. But then again, what do you have to lose besides 30 seconds of typing?

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i could go to dire maul right now, bann the EASY TO NOTICE BOTS.

then move to strat,

then move to ZG

then move to Mara

then move to ZF.

by the end of 1 day. id have probably banned 500+ bots


they just don’t want to pay money for people to do it

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You know you can check the Shadowlands credits and count the number of GMs yourself, right?

Here’s the thing…it’s open to interruption whether or not the word “greed” will be viewed as a “good” or “bad” thing. The word “greed” isn’t “good” nor “bad”, in and of itself. I’ll let you in on a little secret…EVERYONE (yes, I do mean EVERYONE) is greedy. Whether you want to take that as “good” or “bad”, that’s on you.

Now, that we’ve (more like I’ve) called everyone “greedy” (I make no judgement as to whether that’s “good” or “bad”), we can move on to the bigger picture here: how is a business (in this case Blizzard) supposed to remain in business (via getting paid by their consumers), if the consumer is utilizing their money, elsewhere (via Botting Services, different games, other things of interests, etc.)?

Wasting precious GM time to answer such a question, when that time should be utilized towards investigating and properly ban these bots. You wonder why it takes time? Stuff like this, where players place Tickets that shouldn’t be entertained, in the first place :roll_eyes:

What’s more important? Getting bots banned or knowing if there are GMs? Priorities.

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Because typing “no” takes all morning.

More like if there were GM’s with eyes in the game they wouldn’t be wasting their time opening hundreds of tickets reporting the same bots. For over a month.

It’s not an either or thing. In fact, it’s a neither thing. There are no in game GM’s and bots aren’t getting banned.

See this guy? The first time I saw him was in December:

There are six of these guys that I’ve seen for over two weeks, and others that pop up all the time. So go ahead and tell me that there are GM’s with eyes in the game banning THOUSANDS of bots every day. They can’t even get this ONE after tons of reports over a month.

  1. You’re not the only person submitting a Ticket. 2) The fact that they have to open your Ticket and answer it is asinine and a waste. You’re clogging up their Ticket System with nonsense, whether it’s a quick Ticket or not is irrelevant. That time could be utilized for more important matters.
  1. My comment was in reference to you submitting nonsensical Tickets unrelated to Botting.

  2. You assume GMs are responding to duplicate Tickets, let me tell you something, they’re not. There are people like you that flood their Ticket System with nonsense (not always about Botting). Whether it be to ask them about BC Servers or the next Blizzcon. Irrelevant nonsense that shouldn’t be entertained and slows down their progress in trying to eliminate the real threats of this game. But, they’re too busy trying to be nice to these people.

  3. You and others reporting Bots are not the ONLY people submitting Tickets. There are other people submitting Tickets, too for their own issues unrelated to Botting. Like somebody wanting a refund or trying to unban their Accounts. Stuff like this tends to take priority over those talking about Bots.

  4. Some (not all) people think they know what a Bot looks like, but they really don’t. I’ve been accused of Botting before even though I don’t nor ever have Botted, in my life. Somehow, somebody dying in a dungeon (this was in the Standard Game, back in MoP) while everybody else survives = Botting? LOL That could be filling up the Ticket System, as well, and Blizz tries their best to accommodate everyone (anyone who submits a Ticket regardless of what it’s about)

It is.

Well, if it’s a neither thing, we can stop submitting Tickets asking if there’s GMs, now can we?

You’re free to think that, but you’re just wrong.

They are. Just not in the way that you want them to.

In regards to your video, two things can be true at once: 1) Botters can utilize Flyhacking and 2) Players can utilize Flyhacking. My personal opinion is it’s a player utilizing Flyhacking. While they might not be Botting, they’re still breaking the Rules by utilizing Flyhacking. According to your own Video, it doesn’t look like a Bot, to me. But, a Player utilizing Flyhacking mechanics. IK some (not all) like to scream “Bot”, when they see something that they don’t like.

It’s, also, very possible for graphical glitches. I’ve seen legit players just riding their Mounts but on my screen they’re walking sideways, even though they’re not. I’ve seen this SO many times. Doesn’t mean every player is somehow hacking the game to make them walk like that.

Also, I like the lack of Details, you gave in your report. You gave no details of the situation despite the Ticket System asking for one. You didn’t give the Location nor Time that this occurred. You just said that they’re Flyhacking and using Eagle Eye to try to find Black Lotuses. I wouldn’t have said that.

I wouldn’t even mention the Black Lotus. Just that they’re up in the air (Flyhacking), in Winterspring (above the Dragon Cave) around X Time (according to the video 2:27, dunno if that’s AM or PM). Those are the only important things that matter. Otherwise, your Ticket just looks like an accusation trying to get somebody banned. If all the Tickets look like this, it’s no wonder you’re not being taken seriously.

Make your Reports better and maybe they will get banned. I give Coordinates, too, if I can. I didn’t see Coordinates on your Screen. Still, “above the Dragon Cave” (where you turn in your Ony Quest, to that Blood Elf NPC) would suffice. I can tell that’s where you’re at.

BTW, IDK about anyone else, but we’re all cheating, when it comes to that Blood Elf NPC, I’m just saying. Instead of going through the cave, like we’re supposed to do, we just clip the Mountain :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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There’s a guy on the CS forum asking for live GM assistance while he already has two tickets open because… He wants them to roll back his character because he swapped his covenant and wants to revert back without doing the grind.

Yeah, I’d say they definitely get overrun with nonsense tickets.


Okay? And fly hacking is not a bannable offense?


Right the point being blizzard is clearly not actively GMing in game.

Define “actively GMing” their Game. What would be an “appropriate level” of GMing? What does that look like?

Responding to in game complaints about obvious rule breaking in less than a month?