Excuse me? Did I miss a cutscene or something? We defeated the Legion and declared war? I certainly don’t remember that. And just because one side declares “war” doesn’t mean their killings aren’t murder. If it matters, every time an Alliance solder strikes down an unarmed Horde member all he has to do is shout “war” and everyone accepts that its justified. Azeroth must be located in Florida or something.
But whatever. This just goes back to the same circular argument these boards have been flooded with since forever. What you do is wrong and what I do is right no matter who’s talking. Its boring and dull and I really wish Blizzard would get their hands out of China’s wallet and do something different. I knew this direction of a faction war didn’t sound appealing and overall it hasn’t been. I’ve liked elements of it like Jaina, Saurfang, Talanji, Rokan, and a few others but so much of the rest was just stupid and pointless to me. Especially since this is supposed to be a game story not a character piece. They took Sylvanas and made her an anime cartoon with secret plots within plots that we are just barely getting the tip of long after I couldn’t care less as long as she’s gone from WoW forever (like Arthas would be a nice sendoff just as long as she’s off).
But this back and forth Alliance versus Horde on the forums… that’s really beyond annoying. And I think its weird that people identify with a made up faction so much that they see the real world only through that lens so the opposing team is always wrong to the point that unjustified killing is now dependent on technicalities. Plus the judging people of the character they post with… I mean I’ve been playing this game since before BC so do you really think I’m a blueberry elf?
Just to add some more salt, I thought Rastakan’s death was justified as he was aiding the enemy but overall a dumb move because the Alliance had actual Horde targets to go after instead of the one target that would do the actual thing going after that target was supposed to prevent. The writing is so dumb at times with one faction when that other faction also receives more actual game story to boot (though to be fair the Horde story was kinda dumb with a lot of allied race setup that served no other purpose than allied races but at least they got to see what this snake man deal was heading to which reminds me, great absence of why any faction is going into the opposite’s dungeons to the point you just do and I think only one character even noticed). They seriously only had one small story to tell and chopped it up and divided it as best they could (assuming they gave anything their best).
Ah, now I’m ready for Blizzcon. There’s hopefully something good coming out of this rather incomplete weirdo infatuation fantasy someone has for a dead elf. But I really expect to need my throat enlarged for more of her next expac. I know the writers are better than this but this. Whatever went wrong behind the scenes I hope they get it fixed soonish (assuming they don’t cause another internet uproar between now and then.
God, I really hate that b****. And sorry I went off on that little comment but its just so tiring that these forums are still full of this self justification because you like one thing someone else might not. That’s okay. I used to only play Horde then Garrosh thought enough time had passed since 9/11 so maybe we should start blowing up cities (or towns… whatever Theramore was). Back when I started playing Horde was for the “adults” and the Alliance for “children” (you know making such a statement always tells the world you are an “adult” so they listen to you closely from then on. Total fact.)