It really hasn’t, It’s hovered for years around the 65-85 Cent mark, We dropped in march and were oh look back at the 65-85 cent mark current 73 cents to the dollar
That’s the last 5 years, Oh look it ocnfirms my statement.
And 10 years is still recent history and for years we traded at close to parity.
This isn’t due to conversion, If it was they would of changed prices a LONG time ago, This is greed.
Today. And if the exchange rate goes the other way by, say, 6%, we would pay 3% more.
Currencies are not static.
It’s greater than half of the entire span of the game. It’s not recent in WoW terms.
Less than two years, and then a lot lower, per the graph YOU posted.
Rekt. Get lost.
The graph i presented only shows the last 5 years and not the years during wrath aka 2010 where we traded close to parity for a long time, And the graphs i’ve shown all show we are nowhere near what you have been saying this whole time.
I believe the statement is
Git Gud
Mad because bad
I’ll be back in a few hours since i have to go out into my covid free country, But i’ll be sure to put you in your place again when i get back
Thanks fam.
You are literally contradicting the source you posted. The Australian Dollar hasn’t been within 20% of the US dollar since 2014. You’ve been paying less than Americans for years. Despite the increase, you’re still paying 3% less.
I believe the statement is something I’d get banned for. So I’ll just laugh at you and then ignore you from now on. You put yourself in your place. It’s quite embarrassing for you.
Change your reply at the bottom before submitting.
Change it to read something along the lines of; A High Number of Murlocs will not be slain if this continue button is clicked and all of Azeroth will be doomed due to a ever increasing Murloc population.
I haven’t been following this for a while. Aren’t OCE data servers in Australia now? If that’s the case, operating cost of those should be based on local currency, wouldn’t it?
I think the price hike is a bad move, from my point of view as a US player.
haha hopefully they just exit Australia all together, then you can’t complain about sub cost because you won’t be allowed to play.
have fun with your covid free country, you will have tons of time to spend outside now that you quit wow from not wanting to pay the standard subscription of 15$/month USD.
What it was 8 cents difference
And every person that is justifying the price hike to the aussie players… what you don’t realize is… who do you think is next?
Don’t accept this garbage. This is nothing short of a cash grab.
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Hell I am surprised they still charge 14.99 with inflation it should be around 19.98
People like you are the reason the price of aluminum foil goes up. You must be great at parties.
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Validation from strangers.
Okay lil furry fellow I know you are new here so I will teach you about azeroth rules , alliance can’t give stuff to horde , neither can horde give stuff to alliance , the titans made sure of it
The CAD was in the same boat once upon a time. Now my sub fee is $18.99CA because our dollar is worth less than the American dollar. It’s not a big deal.
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“You still pay less than us!”
Lmao I pay more in electricity than you Americans pay in rent. Our costs of living are entirely different. That should be taken into account with the sub fee, especially considering they’ve gone the microtransaction route now and aren’t dependent on sub fee’s at all.
See how that works on Lamborghini or Ferrari.
I don’t make $5.7m a year, and where I live costs more, I want a Huracan for $10k!
They should just make it $15USD/mo worldwide and let the exchange rates deal with the math.
Yes, our Oceanic server is located in Sydney, about an hour and a half’s drive from where I am sitting now.
I was gunna say… but this guy said it for me.
If you smoke or drink - a WOW sub is great value for a month of entertainment. Smoking @$A35 a pack and drinking @$60 a slab. It’s a long time since there was a price rise of WOW subs- and we have servers in Sydney. Things cost - simple