Blizzard the economy is already messed up

and a free mount, dont forget the free mount

I know youre like super cata brained and did GDKP for 5 years so you dont see the problem but i was in guilds in which millions of golds were filtered through our 3rd party bot accounts for GDKPs specifically to juice out of rosters.

Naxx and TBC were especially insane times for gold buying specifically for GDKP.

Just stop with the “GDKPs dont lead to gold buying” because it cant be further from the truth.


Why are you trying to buy an SM run anyway. Just join a group and get after it.


Because ppl cant handle leveling tbh.

SM boosts i dont totally understand, mara boosts are super worth it.

you pay 8-10 gold and make back 10 gold in pick up and vendoring.

You pay 0 gold and get free XP. total win win

I have sold a lot of boosts, but the real problem are gold buyers. Like you mentioned; the mara runs are really good. I even let them loot epics and blues because it makes for many return players on alts.

You can tell the buyers kinda easily because they never loot.

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I dont think thats an indication of gold buying…

A lotta ppl are playing other games / 2nd account while getting boosted. They dont really care to loot extra stuff for no reason.

Or better yet, they are working haha.

Could be workin, I had a warrior once tell me he was playing from his phone, and that was fine until I saw him a few weeks later in AB doing the same so I sent him to ban hammer and a few hours later got a nice blue popup from blizzard.

because your kind exist that’s why the economy is missed up lol

the process is like this…
-lazy players want to skip playing so they want to buy leveling boosts
-irl farmers realize that such players exist and run bots to farm tons of raw gold. “because they know that the lazy players will buy their ways up”
-inflation occur because the server have magnificent amount of gold
-everything become high price.
-players who sell those dungeon boosts, raise the prices of boosts
-a gold selling promotions happen in many 3rd party sites
-the lazy people will find it easier to buy gold so they can buy leveling boosts/items/what so ever.
-some of those boosters are gold sellers they sell you the boost for xx gold, then take your gold to sell it back to you on xx site in-order that you buy boosts again…it’s a loop as if you’re buying boosts for real cash in non direct way.

The reason that made gold sellers exist is because gold buyers exist ‘people who tend to buy boost / service / items’

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My god man, you didn’t blame gold dkp? The humanity! Seriously I do not see issue with gold dkp; only the FOMO worms that buy gold. Thankfully they have all gone to the new servers.

9 gold isn’t that much (not that I would pay for a sm run). Make a toon, level to 10, train fishing to 150, buy 5 +75 lures, go to STV, swim along the shore and where it is safe, fish the floating debris pools for mithril boxes. I had 15g at level 12 the second day of launch.

the gold dkp itself is not to blame, if there is no gold buyers then gold dkp would be totally fine, but since gold buying exists then gdkp might be part of it.

But tbh it’s all blizzard’s fault, instead of banning gdkp they should hire gm’s to ban all bots and gold sellers,

Yup, back in old vanilla if you got caught doing anything like that they banned your account forever. I had a priest friend who got busted and banned. His account old is still banned to this day. He bought a new account and never cheated again.

The old blizzard anti cheating iron fist came from diablo 1 because it was ripe with cheating, and they changed to make gaming better with D2 and forward.


i have a lvl 53 and a 31 , over 250g , just doing dungeon , quest and selling all green ! dont take your reality for what it really is !

If people are not buying their epic mount, they should have close to 1000g by now at 60 by running instances, selling junk, through professions, etc.

Someone insinuated I was a gold buyer for having crusader on an offhand as a rogue. Are you kidding me?

2 orbs I won in strat live and shards plus 15g tip is gold buying??? I could’ve bought the orbs at 35 a piece but decided to wait.

There is no gold buying going on.

You personally aren’t according to your own account, but the massive army of bots in world and Web pages that sell gold indicate differently

Yeah, with all the locks selling gold in the /4 channel (please make a services channel if you are going to allow this) they make 100’s a day and can flood the market to buyers easily.

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yup, prices were very cheap before but now they are going up, it’s all due to more gold flowing into the economy :expressionless:

protip: roll a mage and be one of the bots.

It’s crazy how people just don’t understand that. I remember I had a DAOC server and people were complaining about the fact some people were too “overpowered”. Off course bro, these guys spend the entire day PVP grinding, they will slap you 1 hour / day gaming toon all day lol.


Hardly played with my mages at 60 running zf for a day I had 2 1/2k gold, bought 2 skullflame shields and epic mount + a bunch of level 40 mounts for guildies. Just play the game and youll get gold, if i did this every day with carrys i could be at 50k gold in a month.

Imagine the people with 2 mages and a bunch of time.