Blizzard the economy is already messed up

Was playing the other day and some mages were asking for 9g for SM runs (this is ridiculous most players barely have a couple of gold, so only gold buyers will have this gold). Seems like Fresh is no longer fresh so I am once again asking for you to release a fresh server again for some of us people who didn’t get to rush the content this time around due to real life obligations. I literally joined classic and the economy is already ruined and I can’t afford anything. Please fix the bot problem and mages being able to farm endless gold, so us people who aren’t complete degens can play the game normally like normal people. Thanks


We should have 2.5 week seasonal servers to ensure the fresh never runs out.

There will always be people who can play more than you and who will outpace you.


Yes the gdkp ban is literally just a placebo for the antis.

The people who have no issue buying gold are still buying gold nothing has died down


Drinknblink are you posting in wow Classic while playnig POE2? That’s some meta.

POE2 is boring ain’t it? I knew it…


I mean I haven’t had a peak at PoE2 yet but people can play other games you know this right?

Nope, I’m at work.

I only post on forums when at work

I will be out soon tho, then it’s Poe 2 with the duo and I’m off 3 days.

Gotta grab tequila tomorrow

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i have like 125g and dual spec just from leveling to 49.


Ohh sure, sure, play what ya want. I’m just ribbing ya a bit.

I’m healing, poorly, a Wintergrasp at the moment. We’re gettnig rolled hard, like premade hard, so I check on the classic forum.

I’m at the salon getting my hair done giggling at the silly things on the forums.

Gonna look hawt af this Christmas.

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How the hell do you only have a couple of gold by now?

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Get it girl!

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I actually thought this would be against the rules along with the GDKP ban. I mean, both are effectively exchanging gold for gear… :slight_smile:

Anyway, while run selling is definitely lame, I would have to assume that there should be more than enough people to form your own groups at this point in a fresh launch.

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Only blind fools thought gold dkp was the problem.


Fabulous hair is worth it, if only I had more. /jealous

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Uhhh I have 600 gold and I haven’t purchased a cent of gold.

It’s called leveling early, picking up a profession, and making insane gold.

My crusader enchant pattern is literally printing me gold… but keep coping bud.

As is mining. Brown boys who want BS need 1000 thorium bars to hit 300 + specialty.

Mining is legit insane gold

Cope cope cope gdkp gold buying cope cope cope

Everyone who has gold EARNED IT!

Everyone in a gdkp BOUGHT IT!

I love the logic.


i bought alot of sm runs for my alt, and i didnt buy gold?

Use your proffs to make gold, there isnt really anything that you wont make gold on atm.


pro gdkp sock puppet attempting to drum up support for his RMT addiction

This is 20 years later, people have learned how to make gold pretty quickly now even without buying it. Even at level 28 if I really wanted a blue or something off the AH I could make enough to buy it insanely quickly. Once people start getting enough that they aren’t holding on for dear life just to train they start buying stuff and prices start going up.

Welcome to your typical economy.


A problem, not THE problem. Know the difference.

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