Blizzard Survey: New Classes

it looks like that because of Warcraft 2 fwiw

My opinions on this supposed surveyā€¦
Most wanted classes for meā€¦

  1. Battle mage
  2. Gunner/Gunslinger
  3. Celestial Lancer (Really hope they add a spec that feels like Kyrians, holy/arcane/cosmic magic mixed with a 2hanced lance/throwable weapon, mixed with mid/long ranged magic and magic imbued weapon strikes and sparkly wings to fly with and do jump techs like a dragoon.) Think Archangel Michael in a scifi gameplay setting or Kayle from League of legends. Angel based class would be nice.
  4. Astrologian - Love star magic/gravity magic in final fantasy games and kingdom hearts. I feel arcane mage dips into this and druids but would love to see a pure magic based class on this side tbh. I could see damage/support/ maybe healing/ weird tank class based on scifi magics something like the old runemasters from wotlk.
  5. Witch just sounds cool using old magics and love the drustvar. Definetly would make one, although they might mix with warlocks. Could be good for a class skin but I did love the drustvar class skin. I wouldnā€™t mind a whole class with drustvar magics honestly, loved the dark blue magics and wicker theme.
  6. Bard But I would prefer a dps spec with no support options. Bard needs 4 specs to be rooted in for me. The ranged damage dealer (Naga Siren inspired doom theme), support (normal bard theme, Healing and tank (based on ETC).
  7. Spellbreaker sounds fun for elves to have would love to see that someday but I am more excited for others.
  8. Apothecary/Artificer/Leyweaver would be nice specs to have tied to professions that anyone can use. Just to open up choices to help improve que times. Give everyone options to tank/heal would be nice based on professions. Character limit also sucks so more specs to use on one character might feel better without that limit.

Iā€™m not sure how you would make a mounted infantry that dismounts to fire guns into a class.

My opinion is they should make more of an effort to fix the classes they already have than create lots of new ones that are barely functional. Or they could go back and work on the ā€œall races/all classesā€ promise they made.

Celestials Lancer: Warrior, that use spears and titan magic, that are empowered by the gods for quick jumps and strikes.

Dragoons are one of my favorite final fantasy classes!

Main issue for dragoon: ret paladin was basically dragoon pre-legion, SV hunter is basically dragoon now, hard to see how it could work as a new spec let alone a whole class.

At the very least they could make it step on fewer toes if the gave us back DW survival since most of the relevant NPCs for the spec (Rexxar, 90% of elven rangers on all sides including all 3 windrunner sisters whenever they fight in melee) are dual wielders (compared to like one tauren and two elven rangers who wield polearms and greatswords).

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I know sv is basically dragoon now but Itā€™s tied to pet dependance. Imagine a whole class with a tanking, melee spec and who knows what third spec they can do. 2 dps specs? One with debuffs?

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Dragoons are mounted infantry with guns though. The actual name of the Final Fantasy class is Dragon Knight. I donā€™t know why they translate it to Dragoon, but itā€™s definitely a translation error.

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The older FF MMO, ironically, had dragoon as a pet class, but fair.

Itā€™s also been translated as a variety of spear-using cavalry like Lancer (base class for Dragoon in 14) and Uhlan in 12.

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TBH, Celestial Lancer is likely a Warrior talent or hero talent tree. The warrior class has multiple spear abilities, and it has abilities like Heroic leap.


The Bard

While there have been many Bards out in the world, only a few have heard Azerothā€™s song. These few have come together to form a college in order to better understand it. And out of this college, two types of Bards(specs) have been born; The Dancer and The Minstrel. (Both are support specs like the Augmentation Evoker, so no focus DPS/Heal/Tank spec).

The Dancer, duel-wields two
Chakrams allowing them to perform short range to melee attacks. They move around their allies, bolstering their allies attacks.

The Minstrel, wields a bow allowing them to perform long range attacks while using instruments or vocalizing their magic to enhance the defense of their allies.

All Bards will be able to magically create instruments for the use in their spells. One of their unique spells is Song of Rest, allowing the Bard to restore and enhance their allies before combat (similar to a food buff).


Chakrams, also while I think a dancer would be a cool midrange concept, that one is way too close to 14ā€™s dancer (which is already a different beast from previous dancer classes like Tactics Advance where itā€™s really just bard for girls)

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Thank you, I fixed it.

Well ff14 isnā€™t the first game where a chakram wielding dancer exist. I would have given them daggers or swords, but thatā€™s running too close to the rogueā€™s theme.

Although they have introduced fans to the monk theme. Could make that into a new weapon type.

Either way I feel like a mid range Dancer spec is needed.


Itā€™s amusing that people think weā€™re getting another magic-based class after Evokers.

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We had so many melee classes in a rowā€¦ lol.

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Yeah, but DKs, Monks, and DHs were very different from each other.

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They put tinker, gunner (different iterations), witch, necromancer, bard, etc. Midrange skinny dragon did throw me for a loop though.

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Itā€™s like twitter without the rightwing propaganda.


I KNOW I shouldnā€™t because Iā€™ve always been For the idea of expanding classesā€¦ But all of this just make meā€¦ cringe honestly :confused: They donā€™t feel unique. They feel largely copied, or just inspired out of popular requests. I think some of them are too lore-stretching or would feel alien to the mechanics of the game. Other suggestions there even eclipse or outright steal from other classesā€¦ But itā€™s not like that hasnā€™t been done beforeā€¦

I personally think, at this point, that we donā€™t necessarily need more races or classes (again, though IN PRINCIPLE I think an MMO should provide as much variety of choice, agency and customization as humanly possible).

Perhaps it would be better to focus in the near future on loosening race-class combo restrictions, revising designs and increasing fidelity, nuance, variety and optionality. I think it is time for an ability point system, and also for more agency on stat distribution and even choice of historical mechanics. (E.g. I far preferred Empowerments to Eclipse on the Balance Druid. I like certain abilities over others, I want to be able to mix and match them to my liking and test it out in an arena and a raidā€¦). Iā€™d look into adding some support-ish roles to classes that donā€™t have them (I can imagine Shaman and even Rogue tanks for example), even more customization within existing races, then again, opening up the combination options would allow for much more variety that wonā€™t feel too artificial, band-aid-like or alien to the game and existing classes.

Whatā€™s crucial, though, is that the mechanics, classes and principles already in the game are tested early and often, in communication with strong feedback loops, and revised as necessary to maintain both the identity of the game but also the accessibility and ā€œcrispnessā€ that its various updates have brought over the years.

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TBH at this point Iā€™m almost over the propaganda, itā€™s twitter without an owner in desperate need of approval.