Blizzard Survey: New Classes

yeah but like. it references things that make no sense. like if someone vaguely heard of wow.

this makes sense.

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Let’s face facts. All they are trying to do is get an idea of how much cash they need to sell the next AH mount for to make up for the 200 people that quit when we don’t get Tinkers.

I’m estimating 25 cents each would do it.

Oh BELLULAR said it’s legit.

Well that changes EVERYTHING, doesn’t it?


He never said it wasn’t fake. He just said it was posted on the same site that has been mentioned here.

Necromancers are a Forum Only class.


Likely because it’s specs, talents, hero talents as well as classes.

For example, Spellbreaker could be a new spec for Demon Hunters, since DHs in BT had spellbreaker abilities, and Demon Hunters kind of need a 3rd spec. Also Illidan is rumored to be returning in TLT. Perfect time to add a new spec to his class.

Then there’s things like Titan Killer and Celestial Lancer which are definitely not class contenders. They’re more likely Warrior hero talents or straight up talents.

As for Warden, according to this it’s going to be pushed into the hunter class.

So yeah, nothing in that survey struck me as odd once you realize that every single item wasn’t going to be a class.

And multiple people have stated that they’ve also received this survey.

No they haven’t, multiple people said they received an unrelated survey.

Like shredders and such that have been around forever?

Yeah that’s kind of a short hand for it like mech-jockey in MOTHERLODE.

They allow you to fight in a shredder or use skills like the tinker teams in island expeditions?

Gallywix probably not, King Mekatorque for sure did, he is an insane inventor if you know his lore.

I dunno, sounds like you made a strawman then got mad at it.

There’s also 1 massive glaring omission from the potential class list: a shadow based class.

There’s a titan class that inexplicably does shadow magic, but there’s no proper shadow based class on the list.

For a trilogy of expansions heavily based around shadow magic that seems really odd for a “legitimate” class survey.

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the hells a blue sky? some kinda wow youtuber?

You want to be a pilot. Thank you for admitting that and not a tinker. Also no, King Mecha-lecha-hi didn’t make it himself, he has a team of other tinkers as well. Also thank you for admitting your loss on wanting to be said pilot but attempting to say it’s a strawman. But I guess if you want to be a harvester pilot that’s an option too maybe? Either way, not a tinker, not a class.

it’s the far left’s cry cloud version of twitter

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ah ok thats why ive never heard of it i dont use twitter either but im defintly not getting on a newer one lol


Yep, never been one for social media myself. However huge joke that the same ones that mocked ‘truth social’ as a ‘safe space’ are now in one of their own. Don’t get me wrong, truth social is also a joke, but being hypocritical about it is amusing.


I am not buying it, but I would cast my vote for Tinker (as long as the DPS is physical ranged with minimal casting), and Gunner.

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I appreciate how you are being a hypocrite in this statement. To keep things consistent.

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the only way i see this being legit is if there is race specific classes like Belf gets spell breaker, Nelf gets Warden, any other non elf class gets the battle mage.
but i think this entire survey is fake and people are just immediately posting so they can be like see i told you so first. ive seen 3 different YouTube videos mentioning it in their thumbnail today.

Nightborne have spellbreakers, it stands to reason that void elves also have spellbreakers.

As for warden being race specific, the origin obviously is to some extent, but it has a lot of commonalities with spellbreakers, and it would not be particularly difficult that the warglaive wielding magic warriors who happen to be trained to disable casters happen to come from the same cultural throughline and were preserved among the Quel’dorei in part through the same process as the wardens, as (and I keep having to remind it constantly I feel) the exile only happened 2 millenia post Sundering.

They’re absolutely not doing 3 classes, least of all a non-elf class out of an archetype that is almost strictly elvish (the only non-elves to ever display some sort of battlemage are draenei, who might as well be honorary elves)

These modern devs would never be able to do tinker correct so just give us the witch class that has a necromancer spec.

Isn’t it wild that shadowlands gave us all these cool death magic animation but our death class death knights won’t use it at all other than their slappyhand spell.

Even death coil or death grip which should have the necrotic blue spell vfx is using a random purple hand and death coil just looks like a nature poison spell.

Wait unholy death knights are exactly that, they’re just poison knights