Blizzard Survey: New Classes

the problem with necromancers though is: how do you spin that into something heroic? even if death knights are (mostly) unfeeling monsters that have a physiological urge to cause pain and misery, they managed to make at least anti-heroes out of them in the dk starting zone. even illidan/the illidari got glowups as good boy well intentioned extremists.

re: dracthyr/evoker

so like vulpera, pandaren, worgen and tauren they are designed to appeal to a certain subgroup of internet perverts (scalies). this inherently turns people away because they may enjoy the class but not enjoy playing as a skinny little gecko parading itself as a dragon. they’ve got tiny pea heads and you have to really be into them to enjoy them. in fact, there were many people crying and screaming about having more classes unlocked for them because this meant they no longer had to be forced to play as a dragon while in combat. (boohoohoo theyre just reskinned male blood elves/female humans! why are you playing the [so-called] dragon race if you dont wanna be a dragon? huh, chud?) to where i think there will be more non-evoker dracthyr than evokers by the time the expansion is done.

now for the class itself:
i dont play healer so i don’t have much to say about pres. i rarely see them in keys and raid thoughever so i suspect there is a reason for that. devastation is kinda alright but the big thing with it and aug is that they have a charging mechanic (ie hold button down to release more powerful version of spell). it also provides a modicum of utility, though, overall it is outclassed by mage and ele shaman in terms of both damage and also utility. next is augmentation. so when it was added, it was designed as a sort of support spec (if you’ve played XIV, think of how dancer works and how it serves to help amp one person’s damage) the only drawback is that it provides little to no damage by itself. maybe about as much as a healer.

while a new spec being released for a class mid-expac was welcomed, it soon turned into a big crapfest. augvoker basically became mandatory in high-end keys and raid, so much so that there was a “god comp” in df s2 (guardian druid, holy paladin, fire mage, augvoker and something else i dont remember) that was enabled by aug’s ability to buff the party. this obviously led to discontentment among players, primarily evoker ones though since many devo players felt forced into playing it just to get into keys.

next is another issue. its spells have a maximum range of 25y. who on earth would want that? why would anyone bother when there’s mage, bdruid, warlock, ele, and spriest? while they were good about it in df content, i recall there being complaints about it in the non-df m+ dungeons they had throughout the expac. this seems to be the case as well in tww where they aren’t as kind to evokers in the way they design encounters as they once were.

and lastly, at least for me anyway, i found evoker unappealing because it was a pure caster class. i love melee and it’s all i play. even if i disliked the way they looked, i would probably have given evoker a fair chance if either devastation or augmentation had been designed as melee specs.

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Necromancers are just really late healers.


Tinker/inventor :white_check_mark:
Witch like the Drust :white_check_mark:
Kind of meh on the rest


Look at what people are fantasizing over with tinker and then get back with me why I’m hung up on the pilot aspect.

You understand there is more than 1 language in the world yeah?

So now go run a body of text through google translation from english to german, then german, to italian, italian to korean, korean to japanese, japanese to german, german back to english.

Its gonna be an incomprehensible mess.

You need a really good understand of both languages to do accurate translations. Because you can just swap words 1 for 1 and get the same meaning.

Appreciate the writeup re: Dracthyr Evokers. It all makes sense, the Augvoker stuff is the only thing I’ve sort of absorbed complaints about via osmosis. Skipped all of DF so was unfamiliar with the rest, but I do kind of agree w/ it.

My view is have it be not too dissimilar from Warlocks. Magic users who are enticed by power & mastery over darker arts, but avoid the corruption inherent to them. I think that’s SUFFICIENT for letting players build their own fantasy around & don’t think much more is needed.

Though, while it’s doesn’t fit for something as broad as an archetype, & certain story beats are long passed, I do feel you could build a fairly compelling narrative for H/A aligned Necros.

Forsaken, for example, already have them in Helcular & (arguably) Gunther Arcanus. Orcs had Necrolytes during the First War. You could have spun a story in the aftermath of WotLK where certain segments of Warlocks started studying Scourge magic in an attempt to shield themselves from Warchief Garrosh’s crackdowns on Fel users.

Considering Stormwind seems to always be on the verge of economic collapse, you could contrive some story about Westfall’s Hedge Mages turning to Necromancy as a cheaper alternative to studying the Arcane, etc.

Lots of ways to tie it in, but overall I feel it’s simple and clean enough to just say “Practicioners of Dark Arts who rise above the inherent corruption & use even the darkest of magics against threats to Azeroth”

This leak is so confusing. It’s like if someone with 0 knowledge of Warcraft tried to make up classes for it.

Gilnean harvest witches were already used as the explanation for worgen druids. Artificers are the draenei’s engineers and have nothing to do with titans. Astrologian is just balance druid without the chicken. Tinkers using titan technology to do shadow damage is just nonsense. Leyweaver is just mage. Whatever the hell is going on with Prismatics.

Some of that could just be translation errors, but that’s a lot of nonsense to excuse on translation errors.

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I noticed this too, but I think (and this is ofc the maximally charitable reading) that these classes are just in the spitball stage (Think where Runemasters were in Vanilla before they were ultimately scrapped & had some of their kit given to DKs on WotLK).

Basically, they have a handful of concepts that are very rough right now & are working to paint with as broad of brush as possible so as not to create another DH/Evoker fiasco with race options.

Yes, Harvest Witches were Druids, but we’re talking about a company notorious for Retcons. One of the more recent examples are the Centaur in Dragon Isles. Centaur, according to Chronicle, came into existence ~4000 years after. I think they fixed this by saying Centaur predated Zaetar & Theradras, but that is a retcon.

It is, in my view, a smaller retcon to say “Well, Harvest Witches were this really broad thing, and part of that fantasy is encapsulated in Worgen Druids, but another part is in Witches” to avoid a scenario where Troll & Zandalari are the only races who could concievably be Witches.

Not too dissimilar from “Tauren Druids” covering both Druids & Paladins through Sunwalkers.

The Titan stuff is believable imo, because even if it is really scattershot, people like Metzen were REALLY insistent on having a Titan-themed class going back to Vanilla’s pitched Runemasters (who were supposed to be channeling Titan runes into combat power).

Could be a total fake, but I think you could just as easily chalk this up to “Blizzard being Blizzard” + early spitball stage.

The Titan parts seemed very suspect since it reads like the person who wrote it doesn’t understand what Titans are if a Titan based class is using Life, Death, and Shadow magic.

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I get the contention, but let me just say I wouldn’t be surprised (I would be disappointed), if we got a Titan class and it was stretched to the ends of the Earth to encompass things like “Eonar” & “Argus.”

It seems suspect to me that the Bard has no DPS Spec.
I like the idea of the Gunner as a third DH Spec though.

Opposite of Demon Hunters. The name sounds dumb but as demon hunters learn fel magics to use against demons, the theory behind a Titan Killer would be to use the magics of order against them. Think Green Lantern, but arcane magic instead of green mind bullets. Thematically relevant considering the, “TITANS ARE ACTUALLY THE BAD GUYS!” plot they’re force-feeding us.

A ranged DPS class that uses one-handed guns. Think the Rogue with double pistol builds in GW2. Not a melee rogue who happens to have two ranged abilities with bad energy efficiency and bad output when dry fired.

Necromancer, as a proper ‘horde’ class. Similar in gameplay to the demonology spec for warlocks.

Actually, Necromancer could work and it’d be interdasting because you could argue for healing and tanking specs for it. And I think Blizzard really wants it because they know Necromancers as an aesthetic in Diablo 2, 3 and 4 are stupid popular.

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Oh lord, the Devil May Cry memes. And metamorphosis is a devil trigger if you think about it.

Demon Hunter does need a third spec though. Havoc can’t be both a low barrier to entry spec and a spec with a 19-long ability rotation for standard single target DPS with mid output.

I’ve always felt there was enough in the DH fantasy that a third spec should be easy enough to accomplish, without stretching too much.

They could either go with a Caster variant, w/ the ability to use Polearms (Allari the Souleater over in Azsuna comes to mind), proc Fel Flame minions like the Illidan fight, Caster Meta form like the original WC3 DH, etc.

On the other hand, I’ve seen some neat pitches of the years to really flesh out the sigil aspect for a more control-focused melee DPS (A DH analogue to Sub Rogue if you will).

Not married to either concept, I like Havoc well enough, but I think there’s enough clay there to be molded into something cool, without dabbling in things like “What if we had DUAL WIELD CROSSBOWS like DIABLO!”

This, though, would be a mistake in my opinion. Necromancer definitely has enough meat to it to flesh out 3 DPS specs. Not a fan of the real subversive stuff like “HEALING through DEATH MAGIC!”

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Given some of the terms are very much nonstandard and ripped straight from FFXIV, I’m gonna wager that, yes, the original was probably an AI prompt and THAT’S been translated here.

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No, you’d summon an army of skeletons who are throwing health potions at people.

Thematically I assumed it’d be an ascetic spec. Demon Hunters who don’t use the demon stuff. So it’s more of a martial spec with demonic theming- monks with war glaives.

This is all fake right?

Like the OP post break down does not seem like someone is writing it familiar with WoW.

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According to a few streamers like Bellular on Youtube, its not fake.

Almost certainly fake and likely written by AI. It knows about Gilnean harvest witches, but thinks Titans use shadow and death magic. That’s not a real person writing this, that’s an AI pulling random stuff off the internet.


Can’t believe OP posted this on Bellular’s youtube as well