Blizzard support - Quest Help - WoW Classic

What was the topic? They’re hit or miss from my experience, though I’ve never been told to look something up.

i am lvling a mage trying to do quest for wand cant pick up the book in lib and they told me to look up wow head

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Yep I love how they tell me to go to the forums, even though I can tell they haven’t even read my concern/issue. Definitely angers me. And I do tell them in my return response. I hate their “canned” issues to a paying customer

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What was the question ? Bet the answer is WoWHead


Ah, if it’s like a bug, they definitely should’ve helped you. If you’re just doing something wrong/misinterpreting instructions, I’m not surprised they didn’t give the answer away.

If I asked them how to get an item, they wouldn’t help me (I know from experience). If I asked them how to get past a bug, they would (also from experience).

I’m gonna give them the benefit of the doubt, but that’s lame if they left you feeling helpless!!

no its a bug just frustrated atm cause they blew me off as if it wasnt

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The people answering tickets can’t fix bugs. They’re not developers. You should change your title to “Blizzard devs [censored] because they’re not fixing this bug.”

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Maybe you should figure out the quest on your own.

The people they pay to answer players are probably not even capable of doing anything besides red tape you.

Hmm I found the quest you’re probably talking about and there’s zero posts about this quests being bugged.


Any problems I’ve had in wow the support team has fixed very quickly, they’re doing a great job

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Hrm it may have been the way you put the ticket forward.

If your thread is anything to go by, I am not suprised they told you to go to WoWhead.

I had an issue with a quest and it turned out that I had actually completed part one and couldn’t find part 2. They had ported my character to the new quest location.

The other where I reported a technical fault wasn’t one that they could solve because it was an actual Intel/AMD issue (basically WoW was reporting the latest driver as out of date) so they asked me to put it on the forums.

(Intel-AMD collaboration GPUs detected as out of date) - both characters are mine.


The CMs can tell when you’ve edited a post and see what the previous content was. Brave attempt at saving yourself from a forum vacation though.

Bye OP.

Anecdotally, the only time I’ve had to talk to support, they solved my weird ancient problems in a jiffy. Kudos to them, I hope they got to keep their jobs.

I moved this thread over to the CS forum since it was more an issue for here than General Discussion so I could clear up any confusion. I’m reverting the edit in the original post to be a bit more in line with our Code of Conduct.

While I understand your frustration, please avoid such violations so we can make sure you retain your posting privileges.

Understand, we do want to help when we can, but what issues we can assist with tend to be limited and conditional. For instance, we aren’t generally able to provide specifics about game mechanics, loot, drop rates, quest steps, etc…

If we’re contacted about a quest, as you did, we usually will check to see if we’ve have a known issue about it, or if we’ve been receiving a bunch of reports of a potential issue. If there is no indication that there is an issue we generally will try to provide what guidance we can, but much of what someone contacting us may be seeking is considered a game hint, so we refer you to fan sites, which is often the repository of player knowledge on a given subject.

If you believe you have experienced a bug, we recommend reporting it in-game or via the bug report forum so our QA team can take a look. You may ask, why won’t we help if the issue is bugged? We are sometimes able to, if it is a verified issue with a policy behind it that our staff will follow to help. We won’t usually try to “fix” an issue without those guidelines as messing with a quest line or event can mess things up further down the line.

I’m sorry if you didn’t feel that we provided you what you were looking for Stringbean, but I do hope you can understand that it wasn’t because we didn’t want to help.

As it turns out, once you actually went to Wowhead and read some of the comments it seems you found that you needed to do the quest “Rituals of Power”. Once you completed that you immediately got the follow up “Mage’s Wand” and were able to get your reward.

And yes, that would have been thanks to the folks who commented on Wowhead.

Understand, the content of an MMORPG is traditionally something that you discover on your own by exploring the world around you. While the game provides some guidance, tooltips, etc… the majority of it is up to you to learn on your own, or through cooperation, learn from your fellow players.

Thank you, Scallion. I think the Game Master provided a fairly thorough response. I wanted to provide an edited version (taking out names) just for transparency.

Thank you, {Player}, for contacting us about this. My name is {Game Master} and I hope this message finds you in good spirits considering the circumstances in which you had to contact us.

To make sure everything was okay - I looked into your issue to make sure that first nothing was broken with this. From what I can see on my side, everything is functioning normally, so what we need to do here is get you on the right track!

Because we encourage players to explore the world and to work together to tackle obstacles that may arrive, we try to preserve this by not giving specific steps on where to go next or how to acquire something. We do encourage players to check out community guides and resources for help on what to do. If you haven’t already I do suggest checking out forestwolf’s wowhead comment on this page:

You can type this in chat, where x is the quest ID, to check if a quest is complete:
/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(x))

Regarding your inquiry regarding faction balance – when it comes to our game design, and our internal systems associated with the games themselves, we as Game Masters have no interaction with development aside from them communicating upcoming changes to us so we know what we’ll be supporting in the near future. If you feel that there is something that could really be benefited with change I highly urge you to let the development team know by submitting feedback under the in-game help menu or by posting on the forums here: - This will send your words directly to the people who can make changes to the game’s functionality… The development team :smiley: :smiley:

Make sure it’s constructive and doesn’t yield itself to derailment like “fix it blizzard, etc”. The developers are constantly hitting up the forums for new ideas and ways to make the game better. Game development for titles that have ongoing content releasing is an organic process that we want the community involved in.

We as a company love making these games for our pl ayers and fans, and we are always striving to make them better. Thank you for your passion, and I hope that in spite of this recent occurrence you have a wonderful rest of your Thursday!


GMs aren’t there to guide players through the game when we get confused/lost.

when it comes to quest issues, there are things players should check for before simply assuming the quest is bugged.
-being ineligible for the quest due to class/level/race/faction
-a quest may have incomplete pre-quests
-inability to interact with objects or gain quest completion due to being in a raid group
-quest items are in the bank
-completed the quest already and forgotten
-ui corruption

“check wowhead” is the first step of the troubleshooting checklist


As someone who holds Blizzard to a very high standard of Customer Service, I absolutely agree with Vrakthis here. This GM response was extremely thorough and really did provide a great deal of information. And it was done in a pleasant manner and with empathy. Not all GM interactions are great. This one, however, seems like a pretty good model for responding to this type of situation.


Short version:
You were asking for a game hint.
GM’s cannot give out game hints, so they refer you to other players who may be able to help.

Wowhead is “other players” who have discovered stuff and posted their findings there.

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