"The character was moved to a safe location and you should now be able to log in…
Location: Safe Graveyard
I am using it legitimately. If I was abusing it, I would have probably had the addon that shows you where it takes you and not have used it.
To be fair, layering isn’t meant to kill you either. I don’t see how your analysis is “fair” at all. I disconnected with 5/5 party members alive, I wasn’t trying to escape a dangerous situation, I was simply trying to stay on the same layer as my party. I have seen many deaths, and experienced some myself, by party members or myself disconnecting and getting layered then dying on elite quests.
It’s apparent you didn’t read my original post. There’s no way I could have hearthed because I was near the Altar of Jintha’Alor surrounded by lv 49-52 elites on a fresh layer. Layers aren’t meant to separate you from your group after a d/c either, but it frequently does and can be deadly in the right areas. I previously died to the same quest by disconnecting, then I logged back in surrounded by elites. Other players mentioned that you need to “character stuck” in these situations. If you look at the map I posted here, you can see right when you go into the cave beyond the Altar of Jintha’Altar, you are moved into a different zone. This doesn’t make any sense. Remove layering and this would not be a problem.