Blizzard stop firing your employees please

They have dismissed 1200 worker in the last 2 years. It tells me this game is in a big decline and to make up the numbers to shareholders they’re sacking people… That’s alot off wages gone. Sad.

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Depends on the perspective and the reason. If it’s due to financial shortfalls then it’s usually a bandage on a larger still bleeding wound. If it is due to job consolidation due to obsolescence then it’s a smart strategic move. Additional facilities beyond what is mandatory for sustained operations is a liability more than an asset these days. Besides, with French labor laws that would be the first place I closed if were blizzard.

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It would be due to financial shortfalls.

1200 in 2 years and you think that will be the end of it? I doubt it very much.

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True but anyone with half a brain knows how many subs this company has lost and they still have to answer to shareholders.


Do you have something to back this claim? Because overall it appears Blizzard is doing fairly well.

You are correct on the financial shortfalls, absolutely.

As far as obsolescence, I can’t even count on both hands and feet how many times I’ve seen jobs eliminated for that reason only for it to bite the company in the butt. Strategic move? Maybe. A smart one? Not always.

With all the jobs eliminated at Blizzard and replaced with budget employees or made into entry-level, minimum wage jobs is absolutely showing that you reap what you sow.

Remember years ago when they had a lot of high-end developers with awesome resumes? The game was flourishing. Now we have budget developers from community colleges and the quality levels are apparent. Remember when GMs needed some continued education? We got very fast and helpful… help. We actually got to talk to these people. Now you have a crappy ticket system that (from what I’ve seen) has a less than 25% success rate. Tickets are closed and marked “resolved” without actually being resolved. Remember when moderators were people with continued education? Now you don’t even have to have a high school diploma to get a job as one. With the rules changed to be very vague, you can get mistakenly banned and whatever you said lumped into some generic category, thus making it “appropriate.” Many of them are so incompetent that they still believe disagreeing and trolling are the same thing, just as many people did… in 2005.


Doing well ummm lest see lost millions of subs over the years for one. Too sack 1200 workers speaks volumes. Common sense tells me that.

You must be in order to think that the CEO has the same responsibilities as a front line employee.

You act like they fired devs. Blizzard has been firing the smaller employees, usually in the support area.

Ceos have been proven to be useless and overpaid and even lose value based on many studies.

The only reason they still exist is because they have many people like you defending a broken system so they can get away with it

Be happy that Kottick got millions in bonuses while he fired a ton of blizzard employees cuz he wanted a bigger bonus : )

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The Dev’s are the ones that need firing end of story, they’re losing all their bread and butter atm. Which every company survives cause of its bread and butter well I can’t see this ending well sorry. And probably sacking their bread and butter to give themselves huge pay raises .

Also pay your employees more because even by videogame industry standards the salary of a blizzard employee is pathetic uwu

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Some people should see the overhead for a business with just a couple of hundred employees.

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Yes but it’s us paying the penalty with crap they’re feeding us now. When we pay for it.

You made the accusation about CEO’s , but failed to link anything to prove it. You could start with CBO, and SEC studies to start, and not some anti capitalist site to start. Also, you many postd constantly show that you have absolutely no idea on how to run a business, and how to meet a payroll, just saying.

You really need to loosen your tinfoil hat, it is clearly cutting off blood flow to your brain.

Lmao, yeah totally didnt link anything like an entire video proving it xD

But hey, if you are that lost to defend Ceos you will most likely think all videos proving you wrong are communist propaganda so there’s no reason to bother talking to you, to ignore you go.

Remember when Activision made record profits and then laid off 800 employees while giving Kotick a massive bonus just for being CEO uwu


So you have nothing of substance to provide. Gotcha. Eliminating and consolidating jobs when they are unnecessary is reasonable and should be expected. An example would be Owning a business with five computers and staffing a guy $20/hr in the event that computer breaks. You simply dont do that, you sub out to a help desk service or do it yourself. There are unnecessary jobs and everyday jobs become unnecessary be it through obsolescence or down sizing. But to employ someone for the sake of because is charity and businesses aren’t charities.

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