Blizzard stop firing your employees please

You do, but there are better ways to do it… much better ways. Using Extremely generic terminology has a huge flaw and I’ve witnessed it several times. Like when someone makes a harmless joke in a joke thread and gets infracted, the joke put into “non constructive” which again, constitutes 90% of all comments, it’s not fair to the person.

Having someone havk your account is a crime. Of course you had a live person talk to you. This is not your typical “im experiencing a bug” ticket.0

Actually, anyone with even a mediocre understanding of finance can ascertain what they are doing. Their “decision making” is also public record through through their filings. You can also read pretty much any article as to why they do what they do. In regards to France, they have really strong labor laws and Blizzard thought it more prudent to just vacate instead of deal with what they thought was a headache. Although, honestly, that labor trend is happening more and more throughout the world as the wealth gap increases.

The decisions they make aren’t exactly genius, and its pretty clear why they make them. The issue is that those decisions are short term, which is how most companies are run nowadays, at least in American markets. Its a selfish attitude based on what someone can squeeze out of a company during their tenure. Its a predominantly American tactic.

No, it’s not.

No, it’s not.

Ah, yes. The ol’ “my feelings matter more than facts” defense.

Would you stop necroing all my ancient threads???

Except for the recent one about the jailer…that one is very important and worth your consideration, as I’ve made some very good arguments and points that will make you smarter;


I mean… if you are going to raise the dead… might as well have some fun with it.

I think that person is just peeved off for reasons that are against the rules for me to openly say.

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Because my name is against tos? Lmfao

Attempts Jedi mind trick

You are going to go home, and rethink your life.

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I really hate those types of people honestly.

What in the seven hells are you blabbering about. Nobody is talking about those topics here.

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I promise you dont hate them more than they hate their own livez.

As a person who tends to hold grudges… this won’t work for you buddy

Dat necro tho

She’s just mad at me because I like flying, she doesn’t.

Is she? I can’t make out what the hell they typed.

Lol thats not it at all. If anyone is mad its you. Why else would someone report my name because of my opionion.

After reading your attacks i just find it comical and hipocritic you write a “be nice to each other post.”

Change th3 name to “be nice to people that share my opinons and views” and we hit the mark.

What is even happening here?

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You are fantasizing that Blizzzard is a rich person. It isn’t. It’s a company, and it is not “rich”. The money was all spent. Blizzard is “poor”.

Who gets that sports car? What a bizzarre fantasy! No human being has that money. No human being gets (or keeps, or can spend) the money if it isn’t spent on salaries.

This thread seems like a children’s idea of how a company works.

This thread is ancient and was only necro’d because some chick was mad at me as she thinks I reported her name because I disagreed with her over flying.

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