Blizzard Silently Nerfed Dual-Wield Killing Machine Proc Rate in Shadowlands

The amount of posts means nothing in terms of civility. Not to mention that Biceps started out talking about how we value Dual-Weild vs. 2h.

I dont think its going to change anything with how people value DW or 2h. People on the PTR also dont think its going to change how we value DW vs 2h.

Dont know why its embarrassing for you to reply to someone. If you feel that strongly just leave the forums.

But posting on another character isnt going to actually do anything of benefit. You still know its you, and im not going to be posting on another character. Again I dont care who im talking to, youll still be embarassed if you reply to me, but I still think you are looking for brownie points with people that want to choke people out. That should be more embarrassing than anything else, especially after how you felt after all the Blizzard stuff came out and you didnt know if you should quit or not.

But lets put it this way, people on the PTR want the KM proc chance for DW to be reverted to how it was if it is the case that it works like that.

Also, if I remember correctly, I said I didnt think the sims were accurate in what 9.0-9.0.5 and what was peoples responses? Oh thats right, I dont know what im talking about. Turns out the sims werent accurate according to Biceps.

stalking is also against tos… just sayin’.


PSA: this has now been implemented in simulations following a 13% X number of crit autos model. Also has the 100% at 6. If you have BiS gear, you can expect your SIM DPS to drop by 500 or so (given u DW).


checking your recent post history isnt stalking

If I remember correctly, obviously gear dependent, this was roughly the gap that DW had on 2h obliterate right? Are 2h and DW neck and neck now?

Haven’t simmed it in awhile but I’m pretty sure my swapping from 252/252 DW to 252 2h was about ~450 dps.

who’s claiming to be perfect?


They sim very close for pure st now yes

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sure it is; you just may not see it that way. it’s a slippery slope…

the one throwing the stones.

No, it isnt. Stalking is a very specific thing.

Yeah, who is claiming to be perfect? Wasnt me.

you’re actively seeking out what someone else’s doing in the attempt to ridicule, bully, shame, etc. what do you consider stalking?

funny. every person you’ve responded to is “wrong”, which is why you’re throwing stones.

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This was unintended xD Buffs woooo


I consider stalking… stalking. Not pointing out someones actions. If you think its stalking go ahead and report it. Go tell Blizzard someone pointed out that you wanted to choke people through the monitor and see how quick they ignore it.

You do know what that other person was responding to, was me responding to someone else that was claiming that a post was removed by Blizzard which broke no rules… all the while calling me a bozo. It had nothing to do with saying someone was wrong. So you are just wrong. You are jumping into something without even knowing the context of what you are talking about and making up your own stuff.

So no, im not throwing stones. People making patently false claims and saying those are wrong is not me throwing stones. For instance the person talking about GCD being based off of weapon swing timer. Is that throwing stones when thats not at all how GCD is calculated? No, its not.

But even I were “throwing stones” as you call it, its infinitely better than wanting to harm other people, you are a loose cannon.

Looks like this thread was seen by the devs and they repaired how KM works for DW. GG.


i would call this the quote of the day… but, you know, i wouldn’t know which day since you seem to say this every day!

Quit being wrong then.

according to you, everyone needs to quit being wrong then. i wasn’t saying this just about your response to me.

Did you not claim I was stalking you? Stalking is stealthily pursuing or approaching someone or something. Not looking at someones post history. You should be ashamed at even suggesting that since people actually go through people stalking them and are fearful for their lives because they dont know what this person is going to do. Looking for those sympathy points.

a quick review of kelliste “not” telling people they’re wrong and such (just in this thread):

^ this one actually made me laugh when i saw it.

^ another kneeslapper- hypocracy at its best.

^ the only thing we agreed on in 199 responses…


And what about those statements? Do you have a point or what?

Do I have to go through all of these and add context to them or what?

Yes, what was being said made absolutely no sense, people tried to get that post removed but tada, its still there.

The sims werent accurate according to Biceps, let alone a lot of people seen that they werent adding up to what was being seen in game.

Yes, Biceps is wrong about what people are looking to do in game because he was basing his entire argument in simworld instead of gameworld.

If someone doesnt understand its not my fault. There come to a point where the its up to the reader to understand something because you can only make it stright forward up to a point.

Yes, go use the set. Its free on the PTR, so are all the legendaries, so you can go do basically whatever you want on the PTR up to a point, sitting in simworld and hyping people up when the sims arent reflecting what is in game. Sims are a tool for things like gaming. Blizzard doesnt balance on sims or anything else, they balance on in game performance.

Yes, the tier set is garbage outside of sims which the sims arent even being compared to other classes and are just looking at a ST patchwerk scenario, which rarely exist.

If people are lying im going to call it out.

Yes, just because you had the ability to DW, doesnt mean that you should when it came to Unholy or even Blood. They were garbage and outside of bugs, Unholy didnt DW, it had nothing in it to support dual wielding.

If things are false im going to call them falls.

The players complaining about another player made you laugh? Hit a little too close to home huh?

Yeah, people say one thing and then say something completely different to hype things up. So when someone is saying contradictory statements, are they calling themselves wrong?

If its not what someone said then its not what they said.

Yes they are hyping 2h saying its POGGERS, when everyone else is saying its awful that are actually using the set even on target dummies.

Yes, Biceps was saying that people who are using the set in game are wrong about still using RI because its a lot of damage lost, takes a long time to stack up if you dont have PoF, and its even worse if using a 2h.

Hypocrisy how? Do you know what hypocrisy is? I mean you probably dont since you got stalking completely wrong as well.

Most of these quotes have 0 context to them and quite frankly is just a bunch of quote mining.

If only you knew how to quote in context I wouldnt have had to make this post that pepople are going to complain about.