Blizzard should not give the burning throne quests to 110's

Yep. I’m one of the ones that actually likes Prot tanking so I have 2 120 Warriors

I’d suggest watching spec breakdowns to find out why youtubers are suggesting to play the spec in the way they are. Just because you think you know how a spec is supposed to function doesn’t mean you are correct.

And Demonic Circle is a utility spell that is situational, it’s useful in some fights but meh in others. For questing I doubt you will need it unless you are trying to solo an Elite and need the movement.

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I meant I like the demonic circle not hate it my god typing in a iPod makes me look retarded.
I hope you know what I meant for some I meant some people hate it.


Those things can connect to the internet? And to the Forums?

Yes, it’s a niche utility spell that is about as useful on some fights as Eye of Killrog. It’s got some world-questing utility to evade Rares and whatnot but for Raiding it’s pretty bad.

I don’t know the specific arguments for or against the spell but it shouldn’t be a part of your DPS priority list.


Gotta admit that warrior is one of my least favorite classes. I have two, both at level 60, one as Fury and one as Protection. I think I prefer the tank spec. :+1:

I’ve mained a warlock since the start of Pandaria and I can’t remember the last time I used demonic circle, which makes sense since I don’t do dungeons or raids. As Hruhan said, for most regular questing, it’s not practical and just wastes time that I could be spending to sling more spells or summon more demons. I don’t hate it as such, just don’t find it useful.

lol. I don’t have a smart phone. If I’m posting on a mobile device, it’s an iPod touch. Does everything an iPhone can do except the phone part, and I don’t need to pay a monthly data package fee. :slight_smile:

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I thought the iPod was a discontinued line after phones could store music.

I’m surprised.

I have 15 total with 2 being at 120, 3 at 110, and the rest at various level expansion caps.

I like smashing things.

Nope! Literally does everything an iPhone can do except the phone part. Mine’s an older generation but I love it to bits.

I respect that. I’m a caster at heart. I like slinging spells at things from a distance. My best melee class is paladin because it’s kinda half short range caster half melee. And I like the clang sound my shield makes when I throw it at things. :slight_smile: