Blizzard should have released properly tuned raids

Every raid has been massively nerfed by the time 1.12 rolls around which is the version Blizzard is using.

I’m not saying it would make things immensely more difficult but the difference would be very noticeable and felt.

MC and BWL should have been released at their original difficulty. In their current form they’re tuned almost half (in many MC boss cases more then half) from what they are originally. Onyxia is down tuned as well but it’s harder to quantify into a percentage since it’s mostly her abilities that are nerfed.

Please release all future raids at their original difficulty they were in while they were the freshest raid in the game. Obviously some exceptions will have to be made like I doubt they will release the mathematically impossible AQ, but the way they’re doing it now is hurting the game.


You are in a massive streamer guild. I don’t think that the many 5/8 7/8 guilds out there want to see changes like this. Just because you min-max and faceroll the content doesn’t mean everyone else is


Content was tuned harder on pservers and we had Naxx pugs.


People forgot about that when Classic launched.

AQ will be easy too. You’ll just have to weed out people who can’t comprehend their positioning on c’thun because it’s easy to raid wipe when one person in the 40 man raid is clueless.

At least this version should have a teleporter so you won’t have a 15 min walk of shame back after a wipe.

People don’t have 7 hours to spend raiding anymore making raids harder will hurt the game just as much or MORE than having them toned down. Semi serious players will quit and so will casuals. Bye bye pugs. Bye bye guild recruitment. Bye bye ability to carry sub par players.

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Since when was classic raiding for casuals? not in vanilla. retail >>> that way


Casuals have always raided you scrub. Maybe you should go to retail since you know the way so well.


You think you don’t, but you do.

You were probably one of those “nobody would want to play vanilla” people as well before giving it a chance.

If you think challenging content pushes players away you’re wrong, it pushes them to reach higher, it pushes them to improve themself and take the game more seriously.

Adversity does not cause apathy, boredom does.

If people arnt challenged what happens? They get bored, there is no where left to go and no need continue playing, they quit.


Raid in level 50-55 greens. Now you have hardmode.


Any type of evidence for this? If 1.12 had nerfed bosses by “half” I feel like there’d have been quite a bit of drama that I don’t remember happening.


Why haven’t you quit? Have you felt challenged for the last 6 months?

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Because content doesn’t need to be challenging to be enjoyable. I go back and play old SNES/PS1 RPGs, none of them are challenging, I still enjoy them.

There’s currently more people raiding in Classic than in Retail. Endlessly wiping isn’t fun, speed farming/parsing meta is more enjoyable to me.

Yeah no, you don’t know that. Mythic content is currently harder than anything that has ever existed in WoW, if you want a challenge, go to Retail.

Not to mention, more people raided in Vanilla than people think. What percentage of players that hit level 60 do you think raided in Vanilla?


Retails sucks, outside of mythic there is ZERO challenge.

At the end of the day raiding is easy, dodge the swirly patterns and press your rotation, hard stuff, but lets make the bosses last longer than 30 seconds, if I wanted to speed clear everything in an hour and go back to the real world, I’d play retail.

Among other things, they do not have the databases for all those old patches, they have 1.12
We get 1.12 and that is what all future raids will arrive as.

The whole game is done already, the time gating is just to relive the vanilla progression and events a bit.

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a lot of people who ttout classic as the ultimate version of WoW probably couldn’t handle Retail raids, let alone buffed PServers
not everyone, but a decent number


They’re lying about not having earlier data you know.
For over 15 years they denied having ANY data from vanilla, they said the entire thing was lost and a recreation was impossible.

However 15 years later after private servers proved to upper management there was money to be made with classic, they forced the developers the make classic and lo and behold1, a version was found, after 15 years of apparently being “lost”.

Now they have a new lie “we only have 1.12”.

I highly doubt they are.
And you are only proving that you know nothing of the software industry.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

They found the vanilla data on a backup of a backup. They weren’t lying when they said they didn’t have it, they just got extremely lucky when someone did some more searching.

So no, they don’t have data from earlier than 1.12. Why on earth would they try to time gate the content to sort of emulate vanilla’s progression if they could use actual old data and do it for real? That makes absolutely no sense.