Blizzard should give us a vote on the next playable race

I’ll take whatever Lady Moonberry is. That looks fun.

Absolutely, only they would be a bit more like Harpies. Lots of options.

Yes, and it is a fact

Sorry you found out this way

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I expect more of an allied race addition like the Harronir before we see an actual new race added to the game but that is just my opinion.

The problem is they would have to come up with the possible choices, as if they let us it was be chaos with thousands of different (and probably dumb) ideas.

Oh ok, so now playable Niffin is a “dumb idea” now. Think of the racials!

This would turn into a “special relaxation time” game in 0.5 seconds if that happened because we would get a million votes for something horny. That being said. Gnoll. People have been asking since vanilla and they have updated, cool models that look way easier to fit stuff over than male worgen.

Truth right there… spot-on :100:

We would have a Succubus race in 2 seconds.

Have you seen the foot focus in this game. Lore shouldn’t be determined by whoever in Blizzard is making those decisions either.

Yes, and then they released all the other mounts afterwards as various rewards.

Sure, they could do the same thing. Put the other three races in the shop.

Yeah, I sure the playing community would just love that! :rofl:

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Remember when they had us vote on tier sets and people could just swap characters and create new characters to vote as many times as they wanted and they let people vote on classes they didn’t even play? So we had things like the worst prot paladin set getting voted on because people wanted to troll paladins.

I don’t think voting’s a good idea.

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If your takeaway from that episode is “voting is bad” not “Blizzard executed on this poorly” then I don’t think we should be casting stones at glass houses.