Remember when they let us vote on mounts and we picked the tree?
They should do that again but with playable races. It would be great if you let us vote on what we want to play. I cant take another poorly received race coming out.
Remember when they let us vote on mounts and we picked the tree?
They should do that again but with playable races. It would be great if you let us vote on what we want to play. I cant take another poorly received race coming out.
The player base would just for another blood Elf reskin
They can’t be trusted
Limit it. Say “of these 4, what do you want” as they did with the mounts.
That said, you’re not wrong.
Oh, another not so subtle high elf topics.
I’d advise against giving the players that much control.
Players are generally full of bad ideas, and the ideas get worse the more players want it.
yea no vote due to how it can be abused
Yep, the mount vote? The DF S4 Tier vote?
Sounds more like they can be trusted to do the right thing.
But we have too many races now. I propose that for each race they add, we have to vote on a race to remove. Clearing out the junk and least played. Goodbye gnomes, mecahgnomes, drac and vulpies and hello Elf, Elf, Elf.
EDIT: Tunnel Snakes.
Tunnel Snakes Rule!
Vrykul pls.
Boaty McBoatface confirmed as next playable race.
Itd be like that time that they let us vote for M+ dungeons…and we picked the worst ones by far somehow. I still cant get over Grimrail winning. I hated that season so much.
On one hand I would like to agree and assume the race would be like Vrykul, Jinyu, Naga, stuff like that.
On the other, if its going to be Gilblins I will just cry in a corner.
WTB Stoneborn, although Vrykul would be acceptable as well.
I vote high elf.
Topics like this are why the devs don’t take the forums seriously.
that’s not their MO.
you’ll take what they give you how they give it to you and you’ll like it because they know better than you… that’s the attitude they tend to go with
They can work around that. One account, one vote.
Poor earthen
O G R E S !
“The players dare want to have playable races that shoulda been added many years ago?!”
With a mindset like that, it’s no wonder they got dethroned as top MMO.