You’re absolutely right that I won’t take your word for it, because thus far, every single person who has claimed to have proof of it has been lying.
Absence of evidence doesn’t prove the converse, but it’s certainly suggestive. RCR has been a thing for a long time in retail. If it was as easily abused as you claim, then it would have been abused by now, and if it was being abused, there would be proof of it. There’s nothing.
That’s all that happens? They can’t talk in public for a while? And this is so terrible that people are upset this could happen? Good grief, go do some questing until you’re out of detention. At least you can still play.
^^ this.
Been posting / lurking on CSF forum for years and the absence of posts on this and the fact that all that have been posted over the years when the Blue poster checked the chat log were advised that the squelch/silence would be upheld and was definitely warranted shows that the system works.
As some of the posters here will certainly tell you, Classic is about communication, and a squelch/silence hampers that. If you deserve it or not, it matter not to them. Some people wanna run their mouths no matter what.
So what happens when either a competing guild or random mob mentality keeps an innocent guy from selling his blue crafted item in trade? I don’t understand why people tattletale to an adult when they can just walk away.
I don’t understand the question.
If they are spamming / breaking chat rules then I guess they will need to sell on the AH, if they are not spamming / breaking chat rules then they can appeal a squelch or silence.
They get squelch until a GM looks at it and 9 times out of 10, it’s lifted. As for the reporters, no one knows, as Blizzard is pretty mum on the subject. So far anyone who has complained on the CS forums about falsely reported have been shown by the blues they earned the silence.
Trolls are worried of having to once again pay consequences for their low tier personalities/attitudes… Years of trolling in non-moderated P-server chat channels is proving hard for them to let go of.
Not really. In the past few days I’ve used RCR for: Explicit ERP in trade chat, prostitution (advertising ERP for in game gold), clear TOS violations (well the kids are out of school and trade is a cesspool at the moment) and sorry but, if RCR hampers my communication with them, then I welcome it.
You don’t understand because you have obviously never had to sell your crafted item in chat because the AH takes out too much of the sale price. Trade chat was made in Vanilla for the purpose of… trading/selling items and services to the general public outside of AH Trade might as well be disabled in bfa but it was absolutely vital back in the day. Silence/squelch is a coward tactic.
If people are reporting someone for trying to sell an item in the appropriate channel, then they’re abusing the feature and they should be the ones getting punished.
So, you’re worried [insert amount of people required to trigger a squelch here] will risk having their own accounts penalized, to negatively impact trade advertisement for like…a crafted epic or something?
That’s your legitimate concern?
And as auto squelch has been around for ages, could you link some documented cases of folks doing this, just for fun/review.
We’ll never know when it happens because Blizzard doesn’t make those kinds of punishments public knowledge, but as someone here mentioned, it does happen if the customer service forums are any indication.
confused as to what the issue is though.
How does silence / squelch affect selling your item in trade as long as you are not spamming or using offensive language etc you won’t have a silence or squelch applied.
I used trade all the time to sell enchanting items back in the day (I did a test and put shards on AH for 1 copper and they still wouldn’t sell for me … my guild laughed when I showed them that literally enchanting was a waste of money for me) and never had an issue with being reported for SPAM as I didn’t spam and ergo did not risk a squelch.