Blizzard should add High Elven Paladins to Void Elves like they added Highborne Mages to Night Elves

Void Elf Paladin is exactly what it is because you are a Void Elf, your race is Void Elf, you aren’t an actual High Elf, you have RPing customization options to play dress up but that’s it.


No, nope absolutely not no, void and light do not mix you aren’t high elves

We got High Elf customizations on Void Elves, but at the end of the day, still Void Elves, no matter what they look like. They are still infused with the Void.

Asking for Paladins on Void Elves is asking for Void Elf Paladins, regardless!

Want a High Elf Paladin on Alliance, roll a Warrior or Death Knight, transmog as a Paladin and claim your a paladin. That is as far as you’re going to get.

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These threads are more becoming Jimmy Barns screaming for 10 hours…

not necessarily. see high elf wayfarers could be spying, returning info to veressa and turalyon and he could be training some of veressa’s crew who arent spying to be paladins since its a counter to the void. he’d likely do so in secret to keep alleria from freaking out. much intrigue ensues

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Except, that is not what is happening. That is pure headcanon right there.

Look at it this way, you haven’t even answered this:

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i just explained a way. some non pally wayfarers spy on the rift and bring info to veressa and turalyon, two people who love and care about alleria and neither of which would trust the void. turalyon trains other members of silver covenant to be pallies.

eh doesnt matter. really not interested in spending the next 10 hours being strawmanned and insulted over a video game. i said my piece and gave it my best shot

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Who is insulting you?

Why is this always the go to line when HE fans face opposition in threads, people oppose your arguments and think they don’t make sense for Paladin. Period.


you’re gang piling me, dude. i’m just an old person with arthritis. all this typing for a class i’ll never see, just so people can pretend they dont know what i’m saying…just isnt worth it.

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But that is not what is happening. When you pick the Void Elf in the Character Creation, you’re rolling a Void Elf. Not a High Elf Wayfarer, not a Silvermoon Scholar, a VOID ELF! And the High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars are there to study the void, to become the next generation of Void Elves. Not to spy. So, please Hyper, try again with this one.

Except nobody is insulting you. People are just pointing out the pure nonsense that is been made as an excuse to get something that doesn’t make any sense.

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i didnt think it was nonsense and thus, took it as an insult. further insulting that you still adamantly refuse to address the ideas but rather burn effigies that dont exist. of course i’m a void elf. see what i mean. its like saying, hey i’d like to have pink hair and someone yelling at me that i have brown hair so cant have pink hair. sheesh

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This is like comparing apples and oranges, pink hair would have fit on Void Elves far better than normal hair colors, even I support the more fun hair colors for Void Elves.


No, you’re purely trying to twist things around to fit your own narrative because you disagree with it. Sorry, but not sorry, but the lore is the lore. And you’re still a Void Elf.

et tu brutus. you worried velfs will pink hair? i wouldnt be surprised if blizzard completely forgot we existed as a race and then i’ll have to roll a tbc belf to get my thalassian fix

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Void elf voidadins or nothing

well if we dont have a premise, we gots nothin’

with pink sparkles

I don’t know the same person making the same topic in 2 days on the same subject about making void elf paladins and going this is not a a High Elf thread which every one knows is B.S. Is pretty high level cringe itself.


Am i a high elf?