Blizzard, seriously, stop making race- and class-based transmog FOMO

I dont think the numbers buying everything. Or even 1/2 of everything will be anything close to most people.

I dont think most people care about their mogs that much.

Brutosaur at least had some functionality and a very very very unique model that was easily discernable.


I’m not doubting the brutosaur is way more useful than anything on this vendor but I think you underestimate how many people are effected by FOMO.

Ugh, and I want to clarify I’m not on the “FOMO” side. I’ve always been a supporter of limited time rewards. I just think this vendor stinks. It has the rotten aroma of a token scheme.


Bought all of the items. Can’t have FOMO when you buy them on launch and have no time to worry :stuck_out_tongue:

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I am sure its somewhere in the middle. Its probably more than what I expect. And less than what others expect.

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That mount is not worth 1.2 mill

I’ll wait for it to go on the BMAH and it will probably sell for 500k on my realm if that.

That’s the one thing from the vendor I’ll definitely be buying. I love the scarab mounts and I don’t want to fight people on MG for it.

Ah my main is on a low pop weirdo merged server thing so usually there’s very little competition.

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This would be really cool, actually. Random trader NPCs showing up around the world with no schedule, rare items (even single purchase). It could be a whole on endgame activity to just explore and look for vendors.
As long as they found a way to hide them from addons and weak auras. Hence the need for true randomness. It would be a shame if it devolved into having to run a set route to check for vendor spawns every day.

Hmm, can’t say I share your tastes here … I feel like I spent enough months and years running around the world earning the gold. Having to search for some distant, obfusticated or rare vendor to spend it just feels annoying.

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Mount collectors can keep this one. It isn’t worth that much.

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it’ll be back if it is in the Trading post though.

These items aren’t going to the TP. It says in the article they’re going to the BMAH in September '24.

Eight months to buy stuff from a vendor that then is available through BMAH isn’t limited time and it’s gold sinks, so yes, it’s good design.


Obviously. They do not think about the future players and how limited their options will be, as long as they will profit from it now. Don’t see, don’t hear, don’t listen.

You got your Forestlord headgear too and it’s not locked away or hidden behind a RNG and also competitively acquirable (it’s still a bidding system). Would you like to earn this head gear transmog of yours this way, even though it’s a class and race fantasy item?

Didn’t thought so.

This would be a much better system than what we have now.

I strongly disagree. Because the shown color in the link is also a regular Troll equipment color. If you want to build around this set, then you’ll miss out on the shield or back transmog, which is a no go. Troll-players have already not enough transmog items (and no, Zandalari Troll transmog is another whole theme, which was featured in two ! ! expansions).

No, it’s not for race and class-based items. End of story.


To top it off, apparently the fetish backpiece clips through Troll ears. Don’t know why they can’t design Troll things on a Troll model. They still haven’t fixed the Blood Troll set. Blizz give Trolls and Troll players respect, challenge impossible.

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90% of everything in this game is race/class based. This isn’t an argument and you’ve got eight months.

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I always find it odd when players say that new players should not care about the game, because players like you can tell them what they shouldn’t care about, because, hey, go collect those trashy items I would never bother with.


I’ve noticed a lot of cosmetics on my server don’t really go for much more than their original starting price (which in this case would be vendor).

I still agree with you though and the following statement is very accurate.

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Imagine limiting yourself in Tmogs due to RP. Wear what looks good on your character?

Spoken like a corporate bootlap.