Blizzard self sabotaged by making fewer items and dishing them out via Plunderstore instead of with ranking

Effectively they’ve ended up severely destroying the game modes ability to succeed. I remember the last time Plunderstorm was around the forum was way more active now it’s pretty dead.

Which is great for people who hate Plunderstorm, God awful for actually making the gamemode succeed.

If items were only given based on ranking it’d be even more dead than it is now. Plorm is a joke lol.


Nope, the last one wasn’t at all. The forum was full of discussions.

Oh, are you talking about the awful, horrible, tedious, and unnecessary renown track?


Yeah, it’s a better system for player retention than the plunderstore.

Most of the discussion last time was based around how horrible that stupid renown trash was. All it accomplished was holding players in the mode much longer than they wanted to be in there. Do you get enjoyment from people not being happy?


You caught me. I don’t see how thats relevant though.

The simple reality is Blizz should cater the game mode to people who like it, rather than people who want to get it over as quickly as possible. I don’t play multiplayer games without long term rewards, if I’m playing fortnite or something with a battle pass system as soon as I’ve finished the battlepass I drop it. Lots of people share this sentiment otherwise the battlepass system (what the renown track is based on) wouldn’t exist.

Then you’d agree to take away actual wow cosmetics from the mode?

Trash systems. However they work because the corps know they can exploit the weak willed like this and rake in profit.

Therein lies the problem. Yes, it’s a better system for player retention. It’s not a better system for player enjoyment. Those are not the same thing.


How does this follow at all?

You just described the losers crying over how they were forced to play this or the last plunderstorm instead of just not getting the items.

It’s great for player enjoyment, I’d enjoy it less without the rewards. It’s not good for the whiney pathetic losers who can’t bare the idea of not having every mount, transmog and pet.

If you take away the wow cosmetics then all the people that don’t like the mode would have no reason to play it. Thus, catering the mode to people that enjoy it. Exactly like you want.

Except they’re already paying for wow and will continue to pay for wow. Plorm isn’t a battle pass. Everyone has a crap tolerance, some more than others, so a LOT of collectors will wade through the crap (Plorm) to get stuff they actually want.

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I don’t see how taking away rewards is catering to people who want to play it, if anything it’s taking things away from people who want to play it.

Adding more rewards for winning / consistently placing well would be catering to people who want to play it.

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If it’s so fun the rewards shouldn’t make a difference right?

If those were actual wow rewards I bet even more people wouldn’t touch this mode if that happened. I know I wouldn’t.

You know full well this is disingenuous, rewards gameplay and availability are all factors for why people do things and they evaluate them differently in their decisions. Someone can like two things but prioritise one over the other because it also offers some level of reward.

Removing rewards from WoW content kills it regardless of what it is because people always have something else they could be doing.

Unless you think the content in WoW you like doing could also stand on its own two feet with no reward structure?

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Not when the mode in question is basically an entirely separate game.

It’s not actual wow content. It’s a separate game.

I do have to wonder if you were this vehemently against pet battles being added in MoP. Also you didn’t answer my question.

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No, pet battles happen in actual wow. Not in a separate game.

Actual wow content should have actual wow rewards. Plorm isn’t in actual wow.

So if plunderstorm used your actual character and just had a loading screen like a battleground you’d have absolutely no issue with it?

Seems a weirdly pedantic stance to me. The gameplay would be identical.

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I think literally they believe this lmao

Slightly less of an issue. It’s still not wow.