That might have something to do with oh I don’t know, the multitude of bigoted groups that has tried to oppress and still tries to oppress and harass trans people to this day. Then you topple on the mental problems as well and you get suicide.
The team had originally written him to use they/them pronouns
Wonder if they ever considered a character who was non-binary or androgynous?
I know that, I was just using the wording Blizz used
Honestly a little disappointed. Why did it take death for this character to transition? Oh well, at least it’s something.
Lets be civil about this. No need for name calling.
If you insist
Gets on Alliance priest and casts Mind Control
(X) Doubt
Imagine if I said something stupid like “While I respect heterosexual and cisgender people, I really dont see why they need to be in game? Why is Blizz trying to shove them down our throats?”
This is a common excuse for people who aren’t exactly tolerant of others. If this was true, why aren’t you flailing your arms at confirmed straight people and relationships?
It is progressing exactly as expected.
It’s still considered a mental disorder by the APA due to the United States’ archaic, for-profit healthcare system, much to the chagrin of doctors and patients alike.
If they write the story well it can be reflective of our current society where the character was afraid to be themselves and tried hard to be “normal” but in death, when given a choice of what his form should be was finally free to be the person they’ve always felt like they should be.
Edit: although… that might promote suicidal ideation within the trans community sooooo maybe not a good call?
meanwhile this can be interpreted as reincarnation, imo. i thought kyrians are all about tossing their past selves.
while it is inclusive, it isnt limited to representation of trans rights. it’s also just an afterlife thing. homophobes can stop freaking out now.
This is pretty good honestly. Representation is great in this day and age and really shouldn’t bother anyone. Why would it? There is no logical reason to bother anyone. But of course the forums trolls are gonna have a field day with this.
I agree op I am also looking forward to playing through this storyline.
You are born male or female and thinking you’re something that you’re not is delusion. Change my mind.
You are playing a fantasy game as a shape shifting, anthropomorphic cow. Yet this is where you draw the line?
Hope everyone has a front row seat with some good popcorn
You are just mad for no reason who is sensitive? I just want to enjoy the game without all this “eVeRyThiNg neEdS rePrEseNtAtIon” while I respect LGBT in real life I don’t see it having place ingame period.
This seems like a really strong negative reaction over one character in a game. I’m not sure how their existence negatively impacts you.
Usually, this sort of reaction is defined as being sensitive.
Decision made in 2019. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
It bothers me. So glad I got my SL refund processed.
I don’t even know about any straight relationsships in game really not that I do care though if it already happened then alright. I mean this questline will also happen no matter what I am saying. It’s blizzard’s decision and I think that ANY kind of need representing sexuality it being straight or LGBT is just weird
Yay for story!